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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Thankfully the majority of Americans always had much more faith in Fauci and science than in Trump and bleach.
I guess that explains why they have 25% of the worlds deaths even though they are 4% of the population.
Perhaps instead of faith they should stay the fuck home and observe the recommendations of the scientists.
Putting the blame on one single person is totally absurd, they all have a mind of their own but apparently don’t use it.
Americans have in general fucked up as a nation from the top down there is no other way to put it, and unfortunately we in Quebec are not all that far behind and have nothing to be proud of either.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
If you speak french i recommand watching this... Its humorous but wink at you on the nonsense going on.

Les Nouvelles de la VÉRITÉ BRUTALE #3 - YouTube
La vérité brutale is ruled by conspirators and complotists.

They say a lot of things without ever proving them.

And all of those who buy into these conspiracy theories are human beings who need to understand the situations around it. But as they get more and more complex, it's more difficult to come up with simple explanations and this has the effect of increasing the frustrations of people who will then seek out conspiracy theories.

What we see more today is mainly due to the Internet and the ease with which it can be disseminated through social networks.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
interesting video from our Québec. Pure satire, quite funny, with a lot of truth in it, but tainted with a Q-Anon aftertaste. Refering to pedophilic sexualisation of the society by globalisation forces...LOL...or not LOL o_O


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yesterday in USA

1 day = 4,205 deaths
Total = 425,208 deaths
A train is difficult to stop.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Headline to-day is that Canada is falling 6 months behind the US and Europe in getting its population vaccinated against covid19. Justine is a joke who is turning this country into a third world nation and killing both the economy and the health care system with his corrupt and costly activities. His sloppy deficit spending is making things a lot more difficult..

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
La vérité brutale is ruled by conspirators and complotists.
It is made with sattire and joke in mind, with a "fond de verité". Its not to be taken entirely by the book. I watched other more normal videos with Amelie, and she does not appear to me as a crazy person. Thats the problem these days, everybody who discuss the measures and not agree with 100% is immediately label a "complotist" wich i find ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The number of deaths increased by 10% in Quebec in 2020, an increase linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, said the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) on Thursday morning.
The total number of deaths recorded in Quebec in 2020 is 74,550 according to the ISQ's provisional estimate. This is 6,750 more deaths than in 2019.



Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Well done, Governor Cuomo. Enjoy your Emmy.

N.Y. officials had estimated nursing home deaths during the pandemic totaled roughly 8,700.

But the probe by James' office found those reports "undercounted by as much as 50%" the number of seniors who died.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Yes, NY's governor Cuomo has some explaining to do. More than 8,000 deaths have been reported in nursing homes and it is now believed to be closer to 13,000 deaths. For several months legislators and many others have been trying to get the actual numbers and have continually been stonewalled. NY has more deaths from Covid than any other state at 43,200 with 1,419,485 confirmed cases. By comparison, California has 3,260,175 confirmed cases (more than double NY) and 39,576 deaths.



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Canada comes in at number 20 in covid19 vax distribution. Way behind the US and GB as well as many Asian and South Pacific countries. Shame on Trudeau and Legault.
In Quebec , outside of long term care facilities, no one knows when, where and how to get a vax.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
. The reason the number of cases in Ontario is higher than Quebec is they are doing 5 times (yes, 5x) more tests.
I remember when the group was all excited when Trump said cases were up because we did more testing.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Trudeau bombed with the covid response, from the beginning flipping with masks to no masks, international flights. Then spending more per capita than any G-7 country, now the highest unemployment rate. Boasted about getting vaccines then being shutdown, now some provinces are giving second shot after 90 days making the first shot useless. The vaccination rate is ranked at 18th place in the world.
My mom is in a home in Alberta, she got both of her shots. In the home ( 150ish residents ) 21 got the virus and 3 died, ma says the 3 that died were all over 90 and barely walking with oxygen tanks with them, any infection would have killed them. Just to add, when making regulations, you should not blanket an entire province, some communities in Alberta are already saying fuck you and are opening restaurants and pubs as they have no cases and are 3 or more hours from a major city.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
NY Governor Cuomo hit a new low today with his comment about the nursing home deaths - “Who cares if they died in a home or a hospital? They died.” It matters if his policies led to unnecessary deaths. It matters to the people who lost loved ones. It matters if new policies can be put into place to stop this from happening again.

Then at the end of his speech he said "Why did God allow this to happen?" Let's see he tried to blame the nursing homes, then the nursing home staff, then Trump, then the CDC. Maybe this can be his new strategy. Blame God when something goes wrong. Climate Change. Racial inequity. Social Injustice. God is to blame!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Unfortunately this thread may be active for several more years. The head of Pfizer just said that they are working hard to find a new version of their vax. This guy knows covid better than most scientists, and he believes that the present vaccine will become ineffective against future variants of the virus .
Me I hope to get the J & J vax when available.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ This will drag on for decades just like the flu. They will have new and improved shots every year, the makers will become more wealthy as each year passes.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Canada Bans Flights To Caribbean, Mexico Until April 30:
If you booked a trip to the sunny Caribbean, forget about it.
Yes, the Caymans are far more dangerous than Europe, South America and Africa. I can just hear those in Belgium screaming " Dear god, don't let those diseased from St. Kitts come here ".
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