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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I will wait a year and see if the numbers change before I get a vaccination since we will still need to mask up, social distance and lockdown .
It could be that you have developed antibodies and it could be that you have just gotten lucky, but I would not leave this to fate. Masking up and locking down is not a guarantee you will be fine for a year. Right now all of Canada and especially western Canada is under a Level 4 travel advisory warning from the CDC. Americans are being urged to stay away from Canada at the moment, so things are not safe there.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Wow western Canada!?!?! Is it that bad? WTH is Saul talking about then? Where are all the cases?

Is Québec still where most of the cases are @?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The other day BC had more cases than Quebec. That was a first.
Ontario has been the worst Province recently with over 4000 cases a few days ago. Full lock-down is in effect.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Wow western Canada!?!?! Is it that bad? WTH is Saul talking about then? Where are all the cases?

Is Québec still where most of the cases are @?
"In Alberta, experts believe that the B.1.1.7 U.K. variant has almost entirely replaced the original COVID-19 strain. The P1 variant that emerged in Brazil—which has reinfected people who have previously contracted and recovered from COVID-19 and may be vaccine-resistant—is also spreading in Canada, as is the B1351 variant that first came from South Africa."

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Here’s my question?

What is your reason to wait?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I’ll take that over waking up everyday and wondering if this is the day.
That is never in my thought, my main concern now is what will my kids have for an economic life and their kids ( not born yet ). Pretty sure I posted about a year ago that this is not going away, so far correct. What happens next when these vaccines are given out and the cases are still there, who do we say to, WTF just happened to our economy? No one will be accountable for that.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Here’s my question?

What is your reason to wait?
Because I do not feel like taking a rushed vaccine for something I have minimal chance of dying from ( I could get killed by a drunk driver next week but still go out ). I will wait since I have no concern.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Wow western Canada!?!?! Is it that bad? WTH is Saul talking about then? Where are all the cases?

Is Québec still where most of the cases are @?
You get excited too easily, cases, who cares. Hospitalizations are 349 for 4.4 million people, people in Alberta are not alarmed at all, rational thinkers I guess. Look at our amounts tested, how many do not even know they have the virus when tested positive. 2,000 deaths in over a year, most of those were very old people with preexisting conditions who would have died if any infection got them.
Is it that Bad? No.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Sol let`s be logical. I know you to be a bright person so the following should be easy for you to understand.
The sooner a country brings this pandemic to a manageable level....the sooner the economy can turn healthy again.
Right now the best way to develop herd immunity and thereby a robust economy is by vaccination and mask wearing. Period.
The other option is do nothing and go down the path to hell like Brazil.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Because I do not feel like taking a rushed vaccine for something I have minimal chance of dying from ( I could get killed by a drunk driver next week but still go out ). I will wait since I have no concern.
Is it really rushed though. And I’m not trying to get you to take the vaccine. But I keep hearing all this stuff about rushed vaccines, what if this is the new standard? Hasn’t technology and science advanced so much in last 20 years? What if the new mRNA vax will normally take 2 years and we just rushed it to one?

This whole thing about waiting to get the vaccine, that don’t make any sense to me, no offense.

If your gonna wait and especially if you say you decline the flu shot every year, I’d just as much skip both of them based on that logic? Don’t wait, just don’t get them. You obviously don’t give a shit about being a vector for anyone else, so fuck em both. Why wait to see?

But if your “eventually” gonna get it, might as well do it now. No sense in waiting. What do you think they will discover a year or two from now that will make you say, “wow! Man am I glad I didn’t take the jab?”

Folks, this is gonna be a yearly thing. COVID WILL NOT MUTATE ITSELF OUT OF EXISTENCE. There will be a variant that comes along and it will escape current generation vaccines and a new generation will have to be produced. What will you say each time a new version is made? Say I’ll wait another year or two?

As per #’s goin up in western Canada, no, I would care and be alarmed. I don’t work in a mountain with cougars, I work in a hospital. If #’s go up—>more people end up in hospital—> more stress on hospitals and health care workers. If people die not a good thing, but there’s only so much monitoring, daily rounding on and talking with families about prognosis you would have to do with a dead guy

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Because I do not feel like taking a rushed vaccine for something I have minimal chance of dying from ( I could get killed by a drunk driver next week but still go out ). I will wait since I have no concern.
I do not find this to be a logical statement. You can get killed by a drunk driver next week. You can also catch Covid next week, and die from it. Perhaps the chances of either happening are about the same. But you have the opportunity to eliminate one possible cause, and if so, reduce the risk of death by one of these 2 causes by 50%. I am a math and stat guy and I like the stats that say take the path that leads to a reduced chance of death. It is for this reason that I never tried climbing Mount Everest or zip lining over the Grand Canyon. I figure just too much shit can go wrong that is beyond my control. And I do not need to die by being frozen to death in ice for eternity, never to be found, or plunging 5,000 feet to the earth below with my body smashing onto a pile of rocks and then splattering all over so that my remains become food for lizards and vultures. But you are the guy choosing to take on a risk like that.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
But see there’s still little comprehension about stuff even after a year. It’s not about whether you will die from it, it’s about getting others sick, it’s about possibly getting long haul symptoms.

I’m confident Saul even if he doesn’t get the vaccine may be protected somewhat, because that’s what herd immunity is. There are people who simply can’t get vaccinated for health reasons. Herd immunity essentially creates a herd around these people and all the silly gooses who choose not to get the vaccine for dumb dumb reasons. If enough of a herd is produced, Virus can’t penetrate in and get to peeps like Saul. Trick is to get as big a herd as possible.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I agree with my colleagues.

Sol according to your reasoning you are a gangler.

The day one of your children will test positive for covid, we'll see.

My children are in their thirties and they will take the vaccine when it's their turn.

Both do telework but would like to go back to their former lives.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Hey, hey, keep the kiddos out of it. No one wants any family members testing +, please

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The waiting is to see if anything changes with the vaccine, just an assumption but I think this will be the same next year, new variants, stores still closed, more bankruptcies, child, spousal and drug abuse. As I posted earlier, about 90% on this job site refused the vaccine, I am not the only one on this.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I think it will get better. It will take time. Can’t just have USA vaccinated, gotta be the whole world. USA, Europe, Russia will have to step up. This is one of those things where USA can’t be like “why r we fronting most of the bill” if you want normalcy, closer world gets everyone vaccinated the better it is. One reason it was fuckin stupid to leave WHO even though they r China’s bitch


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This is one of those things where USA can’t be like “why r we fronting most of the bill” if you want normalcy, closer world gets everyone vaccinated the better it is.
Although I generally do not like the idea of other countries incessantly either looking to the USA for help as the world's policeman/fireman/ER doctor/financial benefactor or else criticizing it when extends or flexes such authority, this is one area where I think the USA needs to step to the plate, at least for the countries in North America (something it has already done by giving AstraZeneca vaccine surplus to Canada and Mexico). But we need to focus on getting the USA at least 70% vaccinated before that international aid is lent. Until then Canada should be on its own and looking to its owns leaders and resources.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Although I generally do not like the idea of other countries incessantly either looking to the USA for help as the world's policeman/fireman/ER doctor/financial benefactor or else criticizing it when extends or flexes such authority, this is one area where I think the USA needs to step to the plate, at least for the countries in North America (something it has already done by giving AstraZeneca vaccine surplus to Canada and Mexico). But we need to focus on getting the USA at least 70% vaccinated before that international aid is lent. Until then Canada should be on its own and looking to its owns leaders and resources.

The proper solution is for countries to contribute to Covax. I believe the US has made a sizeable contribution.
Canada did a big contribution financially but did what is referred to a "passe passe".

If 70% is the threshold I suspect Canada will get their own their own. The vaccine pipeline was slow to start but there are a lot of vaccines arriving now.


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Dec 27, 2005
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