Unfortunately I think you are right that lockdowns are going to be the only way to slow things down if you can't get enough people vaccinated. You would like to be able to trust citizens to do the right things as far as preventing the spread of Covid, but when they have proven again and again that they either haven't, can't or won't, there is no choice but to lock their asses down. I think if it were not for the vaccination race partially being won over Covid (especially where I live in CT), the USA would be in the same situation. It's unfortunate that this has to happen, but the writing is on the wall and you have to smell the coffee and inhale pretty deeply at this point. The alternative is overwhelmed hospitals, many deaths, and sick Canadian refugees illegally crossing the border, calling Uber, and getting taken to United States hospitals for ventilator treatment they cannot wait for in Canada, which is a situation many here would find unacceptable. I have already warned some friends who live near the border that this could happen....to go better in CANADA ONTARIO will have to do better---particulièrement in TORONTO and PEEL region--- IMHO a complete lockdown---sauf pour les services essentiels--and curfew for at least ONE MONTH aideraient à ralentir la vague qui les secoue durement en ce moment...et qui à court terme risque à coup sûr de toucher aussi le Québec.
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