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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

Yes, vaccines block most transmission of COVID-19 PUBLISHED APRIL 21, 2021​

I tried to read the article but it stops part way through and asks you to join, fuck I hate that. That I did read is that it " can ", I do not like words like can and may, will is good, can and may is not. I can and may win a lottery is not as good as I will win a lottery. I will do some checking on this info though. My checking will be to see how long you would need to be vaccinated for this effect to happen or how long the virus needs to be in your system to deteriorate, can you still spread it to full strength for the first 7 days?


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
...can you still spread it to full strength for the first 7 days?
In fact it will vary from one individual to another. Upon vaccination 2 things happen. First you produce antibodies that will attack the virus (the antigen) directly and secondly you will get T-cells that will keep in memory the caracteristics of the virus. Let say a while after vaccination you get infected again. The remaining antibodies will be your first defense and will bind to the virus and neutralise hopefully most of them but not all. The neutralised virus will be recognised by the T-Cell ant this cells will sort of eat it. This is the second line of defense. But what is interesting is that those T-cells will also recognize the infected cells (within the lung) that some virus succeeded to penetrate and will kill those cells preventing the replication of the virus to continue. As those processes go on either your body will completely destroy the virus quickly and you don't even have symptoms, or it may take longer, you will be sick and eventually heal. But it is also possible that your immunity is not so strong and by the time all the defense strategy is in place you will be badly infected and affected and it can be a severe disease or you may even die. So there is no way a vacine can be 100% effective, each person acquiring a different immunity. That is why a vaccinated person is still at risk. She may have 95% of probability to fight efficiently the virus but there is still this 5%... If a high percentage of the people around are vaccinated (usually over 75%) the virus will not find easily the hosts to replicate and the spreading will go down by a lot. In this case, even if you haven't been vaccinated the probability to be infected is much lower. But there are a lot of caveats... This goes on with the original virus against which the vaccine was developed. When variants appear and if they are more contagious than the 75% may not be enough. That is why it is so important to vaccinate the higher number of persons as soon as possible. We would then prevent the probability that a very dangerous variant occurs. What is specially bad in Alberta is that polls show that 28% of the population do not want a vaccine or maybe only later... Later might be too late... Time is very important.

Concerning your question, you now know, that it will vary from individual to individual. 7 day is quite short. Usually we consider it takes 3-4 weeks for your immunity (sort of, never 100% efficient) to get its maximum strength. For Moderna, Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca, a second shot will even boost your immunity. Sorry, COVID-19 is tricky and vicious. It may take a long time to eradicate this disease. But if we can control it a lot better than now it will be easier. People will still die, as some die from the flu or other. You like certainty, 100% fact proof... Here is one: we will all die one day. Hopefully, while we are sleeping, not in an ICU bed...

Make no mistake. Even in USA with 230 millions vaccine shots given, only for yesterday, they got 950 new deaths and 54,520 new cases. Up to now, they had 32 millions cases and a total of 574 thousands deaths. And it is not over yet... Annually, in USA, influenza kills 12,000 - 60,000 people (statistic 2010-2018). So we can say COVID killed at least 10 to 50 times more than influenza. We all know now it is much more serious than flu.

Science is good for our humility. Word is very complex. Of course immunity is much more complicated than what I described. When we will understand it better we may cure cancer. We were very lucky with the SARS-CoV-2 virus a corona virus which is quite simple. There are probably 10-20 effective vaccines now and others are in test. Cuba has developed 3. For AIDS, there is still no vaccine after 35 years... The main problem with this one is that the virus integrates himself in our own white cells within our genome (DNA) and is then hidden from our immune system.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The crisis engulfing India is deepening as the country records more than 370,000 - 400,000 new infections and over 3,500 deaths - 4,000 in the last 24 hours, but the true figure could be many times that.

As families search for life-saving oxygen for their sick relatives, the UK is among over 40 countries sending medical equipment.
The Indian army says it will open its healthcare facilities to civilians.

Only nine percent of India's population of around 1.4 billion people have been vaccinated so far, while funerals for the dead continue day and night.

Warning: Some of the images in this report are distressing.

Watch in Nepal, Brazil, now Argentina.

Only a flu according to the conspirators.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Sorry but you give false info, please show a link where they are refusing, the vaccines we have are booked. Alberta is on course with vaccines as the rest of Canada. Perhaps get your facts straight.

Here you go Sol...Alberta’s current COVID-19 status worse than every province and state: Former top doctor (

Read between the lines.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Read between the lines.
You mean add your own lines :). Again, show something about Albertans refusing the vaccines, nothing in your article says that, it even proves my point of doses administered. I see you do have a cheering section starting though. I know you can do better than that as you must have some sort of proof, no?


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010

CBC poll: Some heartening data about vaccines in Alberta, but intransigence remains​

"It's as if those most opposed to lockdowns are also those who are most likely to hate the most powerful tool at our disposal to end them. Imagine being locked in a cage for a year, then being handed a key, and insisting you'd rather stay imprisoned, as the cell offers a better perch from which to rail about the tyranny of your cage. "

"As many as half of all Albertans surveyed said they planned to get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it was available to them; a further 14 per cent said they had already received a first dose at the time of polling. About one-in-five wanted to wait to see how the vaccine campaign rolled out, and watch for interactions or side effects. Only 14 per cent of Albertans are not planning to take the shot.

That means a majority of Albertans — almost 65 per cent — are or will soon be vaccinated." Is this good news? When we know 75% and more may be needed for herd immunity?

"We can also hope the wavering 20 per cent will come around when they see their peer group return to life as normal. After all, the odds that anyone will actually know someone who suffers from a serious vaccine complication, such as the two non-fatal blood clots so far reported in Canada, are very small. For the vast majority, this will be a seamless and uneventful process — albeit an unpleasant one. "


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

You are right Cloudsurf.

I just listened to a report on LCN, and Alberta has become the worst place in North America for the number of covid cases.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Maxime Bernier is the least credible politician in Quebec. He needs votes so badly that he went to the demonstration.
Now he is considered a conspirator.

In Drummondville, a woman who changed her mind at the hospital.
used to be vaccinated died from COVID-19 on Saturday. On her deathbed, she wanted to warn all those who thought like her and who denounced the measures.
“It took five days and she suffered true martyrdom. She was in pain all over and had difficulty breathing, "says her younger sister, Monic Beaudoin.

However, Gisèle Beaudoin had moved away from her family in recent months, gradually falling into a conspiratorial spiral, according to her sister.

“She would get up at 4 am to watch all the videos of these people and send them to us on Facebook,” she says. At one point, I had to tell her husband to respect my opinion"
Monic Beaudoin can hardly believe that, on the day of her sister's death, tens of thousands of people stormed the streets of Montreal to demonstrate against sanitation measures.
But according to her, the deceased could also very well have been one of the number, she who had refused the vaccine which would undoubtedly have saved her life.

To respect her last wishes, her husband will finally be vaccinated soon.

"She said it was just the flu, that there were no more deaths this year. She changed her mind at the hospital.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
We got it bad on the first wave 1 year ago. Our CHSLD were not prepared to this and we have much more elderly than other provinces and and more of them are in those CHSLD where contagion happened.. But we learned from that and we are now getting out of this third wave in better shape. Our vaccination is going well, 37,7% as of 11am today. Daily cases dropped dramatically since 1 month on drastic actions. We learned as opposed to other, misinformed and reckless.
À bon entendeur, salut!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
The REAL situation today. This map gives total cases for the last 7 days. We can easily see that the situation is tragic in Alberta and Ontario.

cases last 7 days.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
If Quebec has the most dismal record in Canada, then what would you call Alberta `s record these days with 4 times the the per capita rate of Quebec in new cases. Maybe Alberta has already left the Canadian dominion so they don`t count.
Quebec has 10959 deaths with 8.5M people
Ontario has 8143 deaths with 14.6M people
Alberta has 2099 deaths with4.4M people

It was not all first wave. Until Mid March Quebec had the highest per capita death rate per day.
Toronto Escorts