Prior to COVID for Memorial Day weekend I would normally take a drive through upstate NY with my golf clubs in hand and play several courses on my way north to Montreal. Then I would spend the rest of the weekend and sometimes the following week watching playoff hockey, getting massages, and seeing girls on my to do list. This weekend marks the second Memorial Day weekend that the borders have been closed because of CCOVID. If a buddy of mine had not shown me just how hot Quebecois girls were 20 years ago, I wouldn't care about the border closure. Next holiday weekend I would typically travel to Montreal would be on Canada day and depending on the weather, I would usually ride up on my motorcycle. I'm hoping for a border opening sometime this summer. COVID positivity rates are down in the states, in NY we are hovering around .5% for the past seven days. 65% of NY'ers have received at least one vaccine dose and 57% are fully vaccinated. Across the US the numbers are different, 51% with at least one vaccine dose and 41% have been fully vaccinated. Having no real choices for vacations in other countries I've done a lot of traveling through the US. But IMHO, nothing beats drinking a Bloody Caesar outside Old Port watching the girls go by. Wishing everyone the best this weekend and to enjoy the unofficial start to the summer.