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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

A recently designated COVID-19 variant of interest by the World Health Organization is coming under scrutiny as more cases are being detected in multiple countries, and amid concerns that it carries mutations that could potentially make it more resistant to neutralizing antibodies.

The newly labelled Lambda variant, or C.37, was first detected as early as last August 2020 in Peru and was being monitored as an alert for some time prior to its new designation. As of mid-June, the variant had been detected in 29 countries or territories with a particularly high prevalence in South America.

“Lambda has been associated with substantive rates of community transmission in multiple countries, with rising prevalence over time concurrent with increased COVID-19 incidence,” the global health agency wrote in its Weekly Epidemiological Update published on June 15.

“Lambda carries a number of mutations with suspected phenotypic implications, such as a potential increased transmissibility or possible increased resistance to neutralizing antibodies.”

The one and only way to stop these new variants is through vaccination.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Like Lambda Lambda Lambda and the Omega Moo's?



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
New studies from Israel are showing that the double dose of Pfizer vaccine is only 65% effective at stopping the Delta variant but 95% effective against hospitalization and death. Don`t throw away your masks yet.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
The vaccination progress in Quebec as of today, last numbers. Less than 12 years old, still not eligibled to vaccination.
Hope they could be within a few months.
QC Vaccine rate 2021-07-07.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Indonesia has seen a rapid increase in the number of new COVID infections.
Indonesia's Health Ministry on Tuesday reported 31,189 new COVID infections and 728 deaths on Tuesday, both record daily increases.

The delta variant has rapidly pushed up case numbers in Indonesia, leaving hospitals in a critical state and facing a shortage of oxygen to treat COVID patients.

That’s why Jakarta has imposed a strict lockdown on its major islands of Java and Bali.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Pour combattre le Delta variant et autres variants à se développer à travers le monde et comme ils sont très contagieux Pfizer nous annonce qu'il travaille sur un autre vaccin pour les combattre....if it's what we will need....pour moi et en fonction de mon âge je
n'hésiterais pas à y recourir....aucune risque à prendre.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Pour combattre le Delta variant et autres variants à se développer à travers le monde et comme ils sont très contagieux Pfizer nous annonce qu'il travaille sur un autre vaccin pour les combattre....if it's what we will need....pour moi et en fonction de mon âge je
n'hésiterais pas à y recourir....aucune risque à prendre.

The big question is if Pfizer manufacturing should be focused towards a third shot for us or a first/second shot for the rest of the world. My vote is the rest of the world and 100% for selfish purposes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC.....aujourd'hui la distanciation passe de 2 mètres à 1 mètre....bonne nouvelle enfin...anyway de mois en moins de personnes respectaient le 2 mè vie reprend tranquillement sa normalité :) :) :) .
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Just weeks after lifting nearly all its pandemic restrictions, the Netherlands is battling one of the biggest increases in coronavirus cases in the world, forcing it to reverse course and demonstrating the challenge of reopening amid an ever-changing pandemic.

Nearly 52,000 people in the Netherlands tested positive for Covid-19 over the past week, a more than 500% increase from the week prior, according to Dutch government data released Tuesday.

With the more infectious delta variant becoming increasingly prevalent, new infections have soared more than 1,130% in the last 14 days, according to a tracker run by The New York Times, the fourth-largest increase in the world over that period behind just Malta, the British Virgin Islands and Laos.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC joue à la LOTTO avec la COVID-19.....s'inspirant de ce qui se fait ailleurs QUÉBEC emboîte le pas.

Du 1er Août jusqu'au 27 Août 150,000 sera attribué chaque semaine aux adultes ayant recu 1 dose et s'étant inscrits sur le portail.

Le 3 Septembre 1 million pour les 2 doses.. :)

Les 12-17 ans ne sont pas en reste..16 jeunes pourront recevoir jusqu'à 20,000 en bourse d'études le 3 Septembre.

Évidemment l'on peut se questionner sur l'efficacité d'une telle stratégie...... MAIS POURQUOI PAS ;)....rien à perdre.....tout à l'argent et surtout l'immunité quand on connaît l'appétit insatiable des Québécois pour les loteries c'est une win win

situation.;) moi qui ne participe presque jamais à ces bien oui je vais tenter ma chance....:)....
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Covid-19 cases are surging in 46 states. In one hot spot, hospitalized patients are younger than ever, doctor says.

Just as health experts predicted, the combination of unvaccinated people and the more contagious Delta strain of coronavirus has led to new Covid-19 surges.

In 46 states, the rates of new cases this past week are at least 10% higher than the rates of new cases the previous week, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

In 31 states, new cases this past week are at least 50% higher than new cases the previous week.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
CDC is calling the Delta variant the "pandemic of the unvaccinated". Imagine just how bad this would be if there wasn't a vaccine. NY is seeing a slight uptick in the positivity rate, but not like many of the other states.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
OLYMPIC GAMES....IMHO ces Jeux n'auraient jamais dues avoir lieu cette année....aucun public, des cas de COVID qui se manifestent déjà à l'intérieur et des athlètes atteints en plus de ceux qui ont fait défection.....c'est juste le début et c'était prévisible à
voir comment la situation se dégrade à travers le monde.....don't get me a big fan and i know how important it is pour les athlètes qui s'y préparent intensément depuis des mois--années MAIS le bon sens, la logique et leur sécurité auraient du
pré crains hélas un horrible gâ 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
You have a great point. Japan's COVID cases are on the rise, they have a low vaccinated population, sadly it sounds like a recipe for disaster. The NHL was able to have their playoffs in a "bubble" without any real issues. I wonder if it's possible to create a "bubble" to contain the Olympics or is that just too big to pull off. They postponed the Olympics for a year already, but big dollar sponsor's and TV rights may have a bigger say than common sense. It's all about the Benjamin's.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The number of excess deaths in India during the Covid-19 pandemic could be 10 times higher than the official death toll, according to a study that estimates that between 3 million and 4.7 million more people died than would be expected between January 2020 and June 2021.

The study, carried out by the US-based Center for Global Development, examined three different sources of data to piece together one of the most comprehensive pictures yet of the pandemic in India.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Good news...WH will have '' regular contact'' with FOX on COVID and vaccination.....they need to reach FOX's not a political's a major health issue qui concerne tous les citoyens.....that's the way to go. :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
That's certainly a good idea. Getting the word out to as many people as possible will save lives. The White House should have been doing this all along. Much like their regular contact with the other news agencies. All of this reminds of that one guy at work who blames everyone else for his mistakes or shortcomings instead of himself. The president is that guy. He needs to focus on the big problem here and find a solution to it. Instead the president chooses to headline many things that may be important, but they are not as important as encouraging people to get vaccinated. Using federal resources to help local governments combat this deadly virus would make a huge difference in many communities. Sending the VP to a section of the Mexican border with nobody illegally crossing just to get a photo op can be done later. Senator Rand Paul having a shouting match with Dr. Fauci, a man who's committed the last 4 decades of his life to helping saves lives is ridiculous and can be done later. US COVID cases are up 200% in the past two weeks and nobody at the top is stepping up to do something about it. If it's about the Delta variant running rampant amongst the unvaccinated then that's were the problem is. The states are closing down their large COVID vaccination sites which are mostly in the less rural parts of their states. The Fed needs to use more federal resources to get vaccination sites to communities with high infection rates, or better yet try to get there and promote vaccinations before infection rates start going up. The White House talking to Fox News is not the solution. The White House needs to get their shit together and focus on saving lives.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
La France connaît une hausse vertigineuse des cas de covid....le Premier ministre---Jean Castex---a déclaré aujourd'hui que 96% des 18,000 nouveaux cas de contamination par la covid diagnostiqués sur 24 heures n'étaient pas vacciné....
Again est-ce assez clair !!!!!
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