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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Its hard to believe that a large portion of humanity is that dumb and self destructive, maybe its because we had a common ancestor with chimps..

Think about it.....more Americans die of covid in 2 days than died in 911.....

911 was caused by Saudi terrorists. Covid induced deaths are being caused by the unvaccinated.

They are killing themselves and thousands of others they come in contact with, including children

Most of these deaths are avoidable if the spreaders of death were a bit more educated, less gullible, smarter, less selfish and more patriotic..


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Its hard to believe that a large portion of humanity is that dumb and self destructive, maybe its because we had a common ancestor with chimps..

They did a survey and 40% of Americans believe they could compete in the Olympics.

You really think these people are capable of intelligent decisions to end a pandemic ?

You think these people are grounded in reality ?

BTW, I think you just insulted the chimps.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Most strippers are not vaccinated because sugardaddy doctors are privately telling them not to take the vaccine. Most strip bar employees are the vax. Most street gangs no vax. Go tell them to get vaxxed haha. Past year club Amazones has been mostly overrun by gangs hanging out drinking. Well no QR vax pass for them therefore no Amazones clients since vax pass and is now closed as of today. Most martial arts trainers no vax. Street smart people will be the majority unvaxxed. They have good instinct for seeing things that look like a setup or trap.

Finally a man with a solution.
All the unvaccinated can now hang out in stripper bars attend house parties with the Hells Angels and instead of going to the gym learn martial arts. They can even set up housing at no cost in the street with the rest of the smart people.
With all those things going in their favour I don’t understand why they are so pissed at not being allowed to frequent places that require a vaccine passport.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Dr. Sanjay Gupta correspondant à CNN---notoriété dans le monde médical---- et neurochirurgien au GRADY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL--ATLANTA a déclaré hier qu'à son hôpital les patients hospitalisés dus à la Covid sont à 95% non-vacciné expliquait à quel point cela perturbait l'institution avec délestage---remise de chirurgies importantes....cela n'a aucun bon on ne parle ici que d'un seul hôpital....alors on peut imaginer le terrible mess dans lequel se retrouvent le réseau hospitalier dans plusieurs états
récalcitrants à la vaccination......gros merci pour ce bordel aux non-vaccinés!!!!!!!!

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Finally a man with a solution.
All the unvaccinated can now hang out in stripper bars attend house parties with the Hells Angels and instead of going to the gym learn martial arts. They can even set up housing at no cost in the street with the rest of the smart people.
With all those things going in their favour I don’t understand why they are so pissed at not being allowed to frequent places that require a vaccine passport.
Forgot to mention the 20000 healthcare workers no vax yet. That is not a good sign. I wonder how many doctors, immunologists, pathologists, pharmacists, etc are included in this 20000 "healthcare" workers as reported in Montreal gazette.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Forgot to mention the 20000 healthcare workers no vax yet. That is not a good sign. I wonder how many doctors, immunologists, pathologists, pharmacists, etc are included in this 20000 "healthcare" workers as reported in Montreal gazette.
I am sure the Strip Joints , Hells Angels, and Martial Arts salons will welcome them also with open arms.
Hope they too stay away from the vaccinated and stay away from hospitals so they don’t take away much needed beds, doctors and nurses from the ones who have serious illnesses.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I am sure the Strip Joints , Hells Angels, and Martial Arts salons will welcome them also with open arms.
Hope they too stay away from the vaccinated and stay away from hospitals so they don’t take away much needed beds, doctors and nurses from the ones who have serious illnesses.
Well done Fradi, I like your comments.

What bothers me is that the very large number of people who occupy the beds of our hospitals are unvaccinated people.

As they rally against health measures, they will become contaminated among themselves, and even more encumber our emergencies, and that is catastrophic.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
At least something Positive! Interesting Scientific American Read. Maybe they should have mandatory Influenza testing for every covid test done :
Where is Sherlock Holmes?

Flu Has Disappeared for More Than a Year​



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Bonerland if you look at some past posts you`ll see that we discussed the fact that probably due to precautions taken against covid, like masks and social distancing...... it had beneficial effect of lowering colds and the common flu.

Now someone tell me why Canada has to rename the 3 accepted vaccines ? Doesn`t Trudeau have anything more important to do spend some time in jail for calling this dangerous , risky, and expensive vanity election.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Bonerland if you look at some past posts you`ll see that we discussed the fact that probably due to precautions taken against covid, like masks and social distancing...... it had beneficial effect of lowering colds and the common flu.
Visuals are always great. That CDC of course says "COVID-19 seems to spread more easily than flu" but to quantify it I have no idea.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Bonerland if you look at some past posts you`ll see that we discussed the fact that probably due to precautions taken against covid, like masks and social distancing...... it had beneficial effect of lowering colds and the common flu.

Now someone tell me why Canada has to rename the 3 accepted vaccines ? Doesn`t Trudeau have anything more important to do spend some time in jail for calling this dangerous , risky, and expensive vanity election.
Santé Canada---à la demande des compagnies--a accepté today de donner une appellation UNIQUE et médicale--scientifique à chacun des vaccins au lieu de continuer à les identifier aux 3 pharmaceutiques....ce qui est un processus normal...
Anyway je vais continuer de les appeler par leur nom de marque-pharmaceutique.....pas mal plus simple...lollll

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Trudeau has agreements for covid vaccines to shoot up Canadians multiple times a year through 2024. It ain't ending this year. I really hope that "Novavax" comes through so I can get that freedom pass to hit the clubs. No mRNA for me yet. Proven whole virus vaccine technology (Novavax) is most likely the least risky long term. First generation mRNA is very potent and scary as F and first generation anything always seems to fail. I always remember the story of first generation airliner "Comet". It was miraculous in those days to fly so fast so smooth with no piston engine vibration, until innocent people had to die in those "trial" years. Trudeau will announce boosters for QR update for sure only after election.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
mRNA technology is so much more powerfull than standard ones. The thing is that with a native virus, live, killed or weaken, you can't predict what the immune response will be because you inject hundreds of different protein (all the proteins within the virus). A mRNA is like the recipe book for a specific protein. For sarsCOV-2 it is a region of the spike protein that was chosen because that is the point of attachment of the virus to human lungs cells. They can do computer analysis of different possibility to chose the more immunogenic region and to avoid that some part could be similar to anything already present on cells of the human body. That is very important because when it happens it means you would develop antibodies to something important for you. Once they get several candidates they can test them in vitro, in labs, to check for the best immunologic response toward real cells and check which one is the best to neutralize the virus. Than you test in humans. When there are mutants, and if we see the vaccine is less effective, we just have to sequence the mutant and synthesize and test other mRNA looking for the best candidates and so on. It is much more quicker to get and efficient new vaccine when requested. It is not a surprise that the two mRNA vaccines outpace all the other ones from usual "old" technology.
Those mRNA technologies may look new to the population in general but they are 30 years old at least.
To learn about the story of this technology read this.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Interesting article. I did read up on Dr Robert Malone another RNA researcher from the 1980's. Apparently he was a leading scientist in the field but recently has been saying the technology being used as it is now on a mass scale is insanity. So he is banned and censored now and is being called crazy and not surprisingly absent in that article above. Even wikipedia removed the mention that he was world pioneer in lipidnanotec mRNA delivery.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
A quite complete, detailed article on this Malone. Take out your own conclusion. The author's one is: Malone has finally made his mark, by undermining confidence in the very vaccine he says wouldn’t be possible without his genius. It’s a victory, of sorts, but one that he and the rest of us may come to regret.
Mine is that he is a frustrated guy, unable to work with other scientist. He feels he deserve more recognition and found a sort of satisfaction from fringe media which are using him for their own agenda that has nothing to do with science, truth or real honest information.

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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Not fake news nor fake science but Biden at UN first general assembly speech he states (from transcript):

"Will we work together to save lives, to defeat Covid-19 everywhere. And take the necessary steps to prepare ourselves for the next pandemic, for there will be another one, or will we fail to harness the tools at our disposal as a more virulent and dangerous variants take hold."

From this read it seems like covid19 was just the "Training virus".

Biggie Smalls

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2019
Not fake news nor fake science but Biden at UN first general assembly speech he states (from transcript):

"Will we work together to save lives, to defeat Covid-19 everywhere. And take the necessary steps to prepare ourselves for the next pandemic, for there will be another one, or will we fail to harness the tools at our disposal as a more virulent and dangerous variants take hold."

From this read it seems like covid19 was just the "Training virus".
Im a Yank. I sure hope not. I cant live through the idiocy of my American compadres during another outbreak/pandemic.
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