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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Another virus is inevitable - just like death and taxes. Human history has been littered with many examples of pandemics.

We got off lucky this time since the MRNA vaccines had already been in development for decades, plus 1 had been nearly finished for SARS, another coronavirus. Once the COVID19 genome had been sequenced in early 2020, they could get to work on designing a vaccine.

Unfortunately, human stupidity ("the virus is a hoax!") & vanity ("I'm healthy and not going to get it.") is also inevitable and without limit. So count on the next pandemic being just as awful.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
No wonder Biden said last week "There will be another one" and Fauci "Trump will be challenged"
Questionable but unsettling news from various sources.
Definitely Montreal gazette will not write about this.
One article from Zero Hedge (On a long enough timeline survival rate for everyone drops to zero):

Wuhan Scientists Planned To Release 'Chimeric Covid Spike Proteins' Into Bat Populations Using 'Skin-Penetrating Nanoparticles​

Zero hedge even posted the Darpa 25 page whistleblower document today. Mindboggling. After reading the document be sure they had the mRNA vax before the official Covid outbreak. I hope that document is fake.
Fake news Infowars even posted it. Crazy Alex J calling this World War incitement.

I am waiting for Tucker Carlson to hit this soon. I wonder what the political ramifications will be. That Freaking paper was describing basically a contract to develop bioweapons.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Good news.

Interesting that the above Yahoo news article is from The Telegraph UK. It is indicated in the upper left corner.
Now the same newspaper Telegraph UK earlier carried also an article titled :

"Wuhan scientist planned to release coronavirus particles into cave bats"

It is the same news about what Zero Hedge was writing about.

Wuhan Scientists Planned To Release 'Chimeric Covid Spike Proteins' Into Bat Populations Using 'Skin-Penetrating Nanoparticles​

Just different title, a little less specific. So now the telegraph is fake news? Not sure.

The yahoo article referencing the Telegraph ends like "“So if further evidence comes along that shows the virus as being engineered, I would be willing to consider that. But at the moment, in my view it has arisen from an animal.”
So I guess the journalist did not read the news properly that day.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Moderna: "enough doses should be available by the middle of next year so that everyone on this earth can be vaccinated."

Honestly sounds like Aliens have arrived

From the Zero Hedge fake news Moderna was mentioned as the company in 2018 "full scale research into pan-coronavirus vaccine platform" working in parallel to this bizarre gain of function research.
This is how gain of function is researched? I don't fully know but if so we are now the gain of function experiment and the unvaxxed will I guess be the placebo group.
Imagine an Alien newspaper article titled "Moderna scientist planned chimeric(frankenstein) Spike proteins into human population using skin penetrating nanoparticles"...this is almost the vax today. We are the freaking bats now?

That picture of the vaccine vial in the news article.
"Intra-muscular injection". What if it is accidentally injected into bloodstream by the nurse?
"Emergency use authorization" meaning experimental?
Satan works by temptation of salvation so under free will you voluntary submit.
That vaccine vial picture they just laughing.

Polio: "survival of virus in the environment is finite, humans are the only reservoir, and immunization with polio vaccine interrupts virus transmission."

Measles: "Measles is a human disease. There is no known animal reservoir"

Coronavirus: Massive mammal and bird reservoirs. They know this therefore boosters FOREVER.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I don't know where to put this post, in the coronavirus, masks or vaccines thread.

This plastic arts teacher would have worked with more than 75% of infected people.

According to our information, this teacher was promoting not to wear the mask in class. She is also one of those infected with the virus.

In total, at least 39 people have contracted COVID-19. She also reportedly received a positive result.

Several young students told TVA Nouvelles that they had to warn the teacher to wear a mask.

“The teachers say that when they're two meters away they can take the mask off, but there she was not two meters away. She was really close to me, so I told myself to step back a bit, ”says Lucas, a young student who rubbed shoulders with this art teacher.

At least eight of the 11 classes are said to have students who have infected with COVID-19.

“I wonder why teachers have the right to come and teach without being vaccinated. I think that’s the least of it, ”Lucas's mother said.

The school administration did not want to comment on the matter.

I have a comment "No vaccines, no masks = no teaching"

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
I`m not the least bit worried about being breathed on by a bird.
CDC says:

Reports of animals infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been documented around the world. Most of these animals became infected after contact with people with COVID-19, including owners, caretakers, or others who were in close contact. We don’t yet know all of the animals that can get infected. Animals reported infected include:

  • Companion animals, including pet cats and dogs and one ferret.
  • Animals in zoos and sanctuaries, including several types of big cats, otters, and non-human primates.
  • Mink on mink farms.
  • Wild white-tailed deer in several U.S. states.
So watch your cats n dogs chasing birds. Get em vaccinated!!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
You have a great way of mixing fact with fiction.
It`s true that some mammals have gotten covid from humans but its rare. While humans are not known to have gotten covid from any mammals except possibly bats.
Never heard of birds getting covid but anything is possible.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Interesting article From an excellent publishing company "Wiley" 24 September 2020 :

Coronaviruses in wild birds – A potential and suitable vector for global distribution​

"The recurrent appearance of novel coronaviruses (CoVs) and the mortality and morbidity caused by their outbreaks aroused a widespread response among the global science community. Wild birds' high biodiversity, perching and migratory activity, ability to travel long distances and possession of a special adaptive immune system may make them alarming sources of zoonotic CoV-spreading vectors."

"Coronaviruses (CoVs) are worldwide in distribution, infectious for a wide assortment of warm-blooded animals and birds, profoundly irresistible, and hard to control given their vast genetic variation, short generation time, and high mutation rates, which can inevitably prompt the rise of new viruses."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Your comments are more about politic than COVID. Maybe you should not continue to try to convince yourself in this thread.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
SINGAPORE, Sept 24 (Reuters) - Singapore said on Friday it will tighten COVID-19 curbs to limit social gatherings to two people and make working from home a default, in a bid to contain a spike in infections and reduce pressure on the healthcare system
Despite a rapid vaccination drive, the city-state has been seeing more than 1,000 daily cases this week, including 1,504 on Thursday, the HIGHEST number since the start of the pandemic.
In a statement on Friday, the health ministry said: "many COVID positive individuals with mild symptoms are seeking medical attention at our hospitals when it might not be necessary."
With 82% of the population fully vaccinated, about 98% of the coronavirus cases in the past four weeks had no or mild symptoms, it said in a report a day earlier.


Ministry of health Singapore Sept 24:

"Over the last 28 days, the percentage of local cases who were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms is 98.0%. 297 cases required oxygen supplementation and 32 had been in the ICU. Of these, 52.6% were fully vaccinated and 47.4% were unvaccinated/ partially vaccinated. 16 have died, of whom 31.2% were fully vaccinated and 68.8% were unvaccinated/ partially vaccinated."

Pretty bad numbers for whatever vax they taking

Edit..Well look at Quebec Sept 24:

COVID-19 live updates: Dubé 'worried' as Quebec hospitalizations hit three-month high​

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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
No wonder Biden said last week "There will be another one" and Fauci "Trump will be challenged"
Questionable but unsettling news from various sources.
Definitely Montreal gazette will not write about this.
One article from Zero Hedge (On a long enough timeline survival rate for everyone drops to zero):

Wuhan Scientists Planned To Release 'Chimeric Covid Spike Proteins' Into Bat Populations Using 'Skin-Penetrating Nanoparticles​

Zero hedge even posted the Darpa 25 page whistleblower document today. Mindboggling. After reading the document be sure they had the mRNA vax before the official Covid outbreak. I hope that document is fake.
Fake news Infowars even posted it. Crazy Alex J calling this World War incitement.

I am waiting for Tucker Carlson to hit this soon. I wonder what the political ramifications will be. That Freaking paper was describing basically a contract to develop bioweapons.

Oh yea Fake Fox is now on it good. Actually it is now in major Fake news around the world. Even google is on it by limiting search algorithm. Fox is reporting on what the above "Fake right wing" news Zero Hedge reported earlier.
Also Fake whistleblower doc is found here:

D.R.A.S.T.I.C. Research

Fox news:

New Wuhan COVID docs 'completely contradict Fauci' on gain-of-function claims, ex-State Dept official says​

Dr. David Asher said the 'lies' propagated by China and the U.S. NIH 'have now been defeated'.​

Fake Zero hedge:
FRIDAY, SEP 24, 2021 - 12:30 PM
The House passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act Thursday that will seeing all funding blocked to EcoHealth Alliance, the outfit that fuelled US money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for gain of function experiments that some scientists believe led to the COVID pandemic.

Good stuff congressmen are on the fake news.


This is good Fake news. Be sure Rand Paul will make a comeback. One step closer to a world free of Fake(manmade/altered) viruses. Maybe a bit too late.
For sure they have master viral DNA hidden for future surprise.
Fake Infowars crazy Alex has change this from "World war" to "War for the world"
Bad news is we stuck with QR crap because of this Fake crap.
Yea I'm pissed can't go clubbing tonight.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
"Fake crap" as in not of natural evolution. And in the links I posted it is confirmed high probability that Covid19 did not evolve from nature.

Interesting weekend read from CDC. Makes me wonder everytime I am sick.

"Work with the reconstructed 1918 virus was conducted at and supported by CDC. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) all provided support for many other aspects of this research."

"Was the public at risk from the experiments being done on this virus?​

The work described in this report was done using stringent biosafety and biosecurity precautions that are designed to protect workers and the public from possible exposure to this virus (for example, from accidental release of the virus into the environment). The 1918 virus used in these experiments has since been destroyed at CDC and does not pose any ongoing risk to the public."

Reconstruction of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Virus | CDC › flu › about


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Life expectancy for U.S. men shrank by more than two years because of COVID-19, researchers say.

COVID-19 caused the biggest jump in international mortality rates since World War II, with U.S. men seeing their life expectancy drop by 2.2 years, according to new study from Oxford University.
That was the biggest decline among males in 29 countries examined by researchers at the British university.

Life expectancy fell in 27 countries in 2020 as the coronavirus spread, with 11 nations seeing a drop of more than one year for men and eight countries experiencing the same for women, Oxford found.
American men had the biggest decline, followed by Lithuanian men, with a decline of 1.7 years.

Although the study didn't analyze life expectancy by race and income, the researchers noted that U.S. men may have experienced a steeper drop in their expected lifespan due to higher rates of certain medical conditions than men in Europe, as well as uneven access to health care and structural issues such as racism.
Experts have long linked such disadvantages to rising inequality in the U.S.

Au Canada, the life expectancy is 5 months.
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