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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
One more good reason not to get vaxxed.
Studies now show that severe covid can cause diabetes . Makes your cum sweet as honey and the girls just can`t help but line up for a taste.
Drug companies can`t lose .....if they can`t sell you their jabs then they`ll sell you insulin instead. Yup listen Franco and C500 and lose your legs and eyesight to diabetes.

Patron what`s your point in bringing up the bad cold comparison again ? Has a bad cold ever shut down an airport or a country ? Bad cold my ass.
Please can you be a bit more dramatic?!?!
It can also cause strokes and other kind of complications If Severe, and so can any other type of flu. Sadly, complications are sometimes created by your own immunity responses to the virus. I was not even discussing the vaccine, which I believe should be taken by those willing. It should not be considered as the miracle solution, and therefore it is necessary that people, especially the young ones, develop natural immunity to it. By forcing the Vaccines (they are many now, and many more to come apparently), they are eliminating that possibility. Some doctors are even of the opinion that if vaccination rates are higher than 40 percent, the variants are inevitable.
Back to what I wrote before, it is more about the exaggerated reactions regarding the Variant, and how Pfizer and Moderna are already capitalizing on it. Furthermore, given some government's reaction, was wondering if the vaccine will be enforced through the passports.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Furthermore, given some government's reaction, was wondering if the vaccine will be enforced through the passports.

This is not an opinion it is fact stated by the ministry doctors. Passports will be used to verify "proper" vaccination status. "Proper" will evolve over time as new variants emerge and as we know more about things such as vaccine durability.

If I had to guess, I would bet that after the 5-11yo get vaccinated, depending on the rate of success they will slowly do the third doses in descending age groups and spring will roll around, cases will come down and next summer will be fine. Delivery of new vaccines won't arrive before. They won't make status dependant on something we don't have in our hands.

A big part of the population was vaccinated less than 6 months ago, the young is in full swing and third doses to the elderly is progressing. We will be fine. We will see large growth in cases, moderate growth in severe case.

The unvaccinated will remain restricted, by their own decision and/or their inability to deal with facts.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
The unvaccinated will remain restricted, by their own decision and/or their inability to deal with facts.
I hope this in not going to be true for long, otherwise, if people' s freedom is taken for long, then expect lots of social unrest. Taking away freedom under whatever's excuses can be tolerated for a while, push it, and people will push back.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I hope this in not going to be true for long, otherwise, if people' s freedom is taken for long, then expect lots of social unrest. Taking away freedom under whatever's excuses can be tolerated for a while, push it, and people will push back.
This is totally true.
While I am all for vaccination and will get a booster as soon as it is available for me and accept passports as I would much rather have fully vaccinated people sitting next to me in an airplane or restaurant, there is the ever present threat of government controlling your life.
I do not believe in forced vaccination or forced anything, freedom of choice is one of the most precious things in life, if you don’t believe in that try living in China or one of the Middle East countries.
Most people remember how they and their parents lived behind the iron curtain also, there are things worse than a virus that has a 2-10% chance of killing you depending on your age and circumstances.
I don’t think it is a big deal to get vaccinated, it is free, painless, and the logical thing to do, the benefits are far more than the minute chance of side affects but that is a choice people should be free to make.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Personally I`ve made a choice to not take certain vaccines like the common flu or against Shingles.

Certain population protective measures should be government mandated when its backed by the majority.
That includes polio, small pox and covid 19 among others.

I don`t care for seat belt laws and they are more of a hassle than face masks but we all follow the rule. because like masks they save lives
Some don`t give a shit but they are afraid of the fine if the are caught..


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
I hope this in not going to be true for long, otherwise, if people' s freedom is taken for long, then expect lots of social unrest. Taking away freedom under whatever's excuses can be tolerated for a while, push it, and people will push back.

My bet is end of May, beginning of June.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
A traveler from Canada to Hong Kong who is fully vaccinated with Pfizer has contracted the Omicron variant. This whole thing stinks bad.

The WHO knew about Omicron since September. But not much was done. Seems the government always waits till it spreads everywhere before starting with restrictions.

Like I said this stinks and is very fishy. They need to keep the fear going so government maintains their emergency powers. Once you get a taste of power you will never want to let it go. Omicron in time for when the government is pushing 3rd booster shots and vaccinating kids. Like I said all of it is very fishy.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
DUBÉ...ce jour,

-1er cas du variant OMICRON au Québec...115 voyageurs testés et en isolement....les experts devraient nous revenir d'ici 15 jours à ce sujet.

-plus de 6,000 cas positifs dans la dernière semaine et MAJORITAIREMENT des non vaccinés dont des enfants de 5-11ans....dont heureusement le tiers :) est déjà en processus....

-hospitalisations en légère hausse MAIS rien d'inquiétant.....encore là MAJORITAIREMENT des non vaccinés

-appel pressant aux 70 ans et plus d'aller pour leur 3ème dose...surtout au moment ou les regroupements intérieurs s'accentuent ...plus les partys des fêtes à venir.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Hold on here : you are complaining the government didn't impose restrictions ?
I was being sarcastic. They allow it to spread (without acting: borders should have been shut down completely to all travelers) then they get a reason to impose lockdowns and continue their emergency powers. Why not shut down all borders before the cases spread and leave the country all open? The the media is sensationalizing this variant to create hype and fear just as they did with Delta.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Sûrement une bonne explication à l'arrivée/développement des variants.....l'Afrique du Sud est vacciné à moins de 25 % :confused: et dans sa globalité le continent africain est vacciné à un taux de moins de 10%o_O.

Pas une question de production de médicaments MAIS de logistique/distribution.....et aussi ont d'autres priorités telles les guerres dévastatrices et autres maladies telle la malaria...etc...whithout counting the clash with beliefs.

Bref....encore beaucoup de travail sur la planche et bien loin de gagner cette bataille.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..et sans compter HAITI--pays très présent chez nous---avec 1% de vaccinés....toutes ces données doivent nous faire sérieusement réfléchir.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Here's an introduction to wet markets, done by an American currently living in China. FYI, in China there're 2 types of markets. There's the "dry" part of the market - because it sells non-perishables and preserved goods. Canned goods, dried fruit/pickles, spices & sauces, sausages, etc. The wet market sells vegetables, meats and seafoods. The wet market has existed for 100s if not 1000s of years. And refrigeration did not exist until very recently. So vendors would buy live chickens/pigs/livestock and sell them in the market. Sometimes sold as live, sometimes slaughtered on the spot. This would provide the guarantee the meat was fresh.

Very, very few of them sell the exotic stuff like bats, turtles and wild game. It's like trying to find caribou at the IGA or Provigo. Just not a common craving among mainland Chinese.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
OMICRON.....1er cas détecté aux Etas-Unis--California......quelqu'un de surpris ;) .....un voyageur en provenance de l'Afrique du Sud.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
MONTRÉAL....ce jour...Mylène Drouin....Santé publique,

-depuis deux semaines environ 250 cas/jour......majorité en provenance de secteurs moins vaccinés de la Métropole et beaucoup en service de garde et milieux scolaires.

-hospitalisations...très stable et même réduction.

-OMICRON....1 cas/voyageur isolé....rien d'autre sur le radar mais prudence et rehaussement dans les prochaines semaines du ciblage.

-vaccination....le tiers des 5-11 ans en processus et devrait s'améliorer avec la tournée mobile des écoles. Bonne nouvelle:) presque toutes les clientèles âgées /cible en CHLSD et autres sont vaccinées.....appel aux 70 ans et plus de s'inscrire dès maintenant pour la
3ème dose.....will do it soon.:)
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Active Member
Dec 28, 2019
So let me get this straight, it is the vaccinated people that are spreading this new variant since the pure bloods are not allowed entry into Canada or the USA.
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