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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
In Denmark & Norway:

The transmissibility of the virus was showcased after a corporate Christmas party in Norway's capital of Oslo resulted in at least 140 infections.

Held by renewable power company Scatec on November 26, the most recent numbers suggest around 120 guests were in attendance, with an additional 400 to 500 patrons also attending the same restaurant that night.

As of December 9, the FHI reported that 70 per cent of Scatec's guests were infected with Covid (111 guests), with an additional 60 customers from the restaurant also testing positive. This is despite the fact all partygoers were fully vaccinated and had returned a negative Covid test within three days of the party.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
So who is gonna start the Omicrap thread?
Damn I wonder if strip clubs gonna fold to this "Virus".
News from "Axios" linked in the Drudge report.
Anyone see Alex Jones film "Endgame" 2007?
Unending waves of "Viruses" will be used to corporate capture society and governments??!!
Interesting they use "Data hints".... so impersonal like no organization is behind the "data" to be held accountable.

Data hint Omicron cases poised to explode in USA...

Wait until they say "2 weeks lockdown to flatten the curve"
We now know what that means.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC...DUBÉ...ce jour,

-OMICRON....encore sous contrôle....une quarantaine de cas à ce jour MAIS DUBÉ affirme avec raison que c'est sous estimé accroître le criblage.

-VACCINATION.....avec OMICRON qui va être très contagieux DUBÉ presse les non vaccinés à bouger et recommande aux personnes à risque et aux 60 ans et plus de procéder asap à leur 3ème bouge pas encore pour les autres catégories pce qu'il manque
500 vaccinateurs minimum. o_O

-TESTS RAPIDES....10 millions disponibles dès LUNDI à travers le RÉSEAU PHARMACEUTIQUE....5 tests gratuits par personne /30 jours.....jusqu'au 31 Mars 2022.

-NOEL...garde le cap POUR LE MOMENT pour des rassemblements de 20 personnes VACCINÉES APRÈS LE 23 DÉCEMBRE....MAIS fait appel au bon sens/jugement des citoyens....on le sentait de plus en plus hé avec raison. Pourrait changer d'idée
si la tendance actuelle se même s'attend dans les prochains jours/semaines à de fortes hausses....donc....à suivre.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Ontario is estimating the R-nought of Omicron to be 4.01 - which means 1 person can potentially infect 4, who each infect another 4 and so on.

For comparison, Delta's R-nought is 1.09 - so 100 people could infect another 109, etc etc.

There's still 1.9M people in QC who are not fully vaccinated. This could be very bad.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Give me liberty, or give me death!

And yes, I have been triple vaccinated and I'm in a vulnerable group (i.e. I'm human).

...We can’t go on like this. We can’t keep ratcheting up terror in response to every outbreak of Covid. We can’t keep putting social life and work life on hold every time there’s a wave of disease. We can’t keep putting a gun to the head of the hospitality industry, and threatening to plunge its businesses and its workers into turmoil, whenever a worrying variant emerges. We can’t keep drifting back into lockdown, which we might now do in January, in response to the notoriously pessimistic and often wrong modelling of epidemiologists who know the R number of everything and the value of nothing. We can’t carry on in this limbo between normality and shutdown. In some ways it isn’t the current restrictions themselves that are particularly onerous. They’re relatively mild, for now. No, it’s the knowledge that restrictions could return at any time that corrodes our citizenship and throttles our freedom. When liberty can be snatched away at a moment’s notice, it becomes meaningless...


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

LONDON -- The United Kingdom recorded its highest daily coronavirus cases since the start of the pandemic on Wednesday as a senior British health chief said there could be a "staggering" rise in cases over the next few days.

A further 78,610 COVID-19 infections were reported, about 10,000 more than the previous high reported in January.

More than 11 million people have now tested positive for the disease in the United Kingdom, which has a total population of around 67 million.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011

En date d'hier 844 nouveaux cas et 3 décès---augmentation de 90% de la semaine précédente :confused: ----encore variant DELTA dominant MAIS 95 cas OMICRON détecté.....on s'attend à une hausse encore plus importante. Taux de positivité est passé de 5% à 8%.

Moyenne d'âge est jeune soit 32 50% des cas sont en provenance des États-Unis !!!!.......suggère fortement de RÉDUIRE les contacts/ partys de bureau/rassemblements collégiaux et universitaires/partys privé s'en tenir au télétravail.

Faut se préparer à une hausse importante des hospitalisations.....actuellement 78 hospitalisations et 34 aux soins les urgences débordent de 127% à 150% o_O...très mauvais signe en cette période des Fêtes,

VACCINATION....81 % des Montréalais sont doublement vaccinés MAIS seulement 40% des 5-11 ans le sont.....du travail encore à faire.......140 travailleurs de la santé sont atteints de la COVID actuellement.

CANADA...ce jour....le MINISTRE de la Santé DUCLOS déconseille fortement aux Canadiens les voyages non essentiels pour 4 semaines.....craint qu'ils puissent se retrouver en danger/coincés dans des pays ou sévit de facon exponentielle le variant OMICRON.

Ce n'est pas le temps de voyager......statu quo pour les voyageurs étrangers MAIS la situation pourrait vite changer.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC , ce jour....2,736 nouveaux cas o_O ....IMPORTANT....LEGAULT va tenir spécialement un point de presse ce soir 18 hres pour annoncer d'importantes mesures :confused:..attachons nosà suivre.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Lego made his announcement but I am surprised by the measures as I expected them to shut the bars down. Anyhow restaurants and bars will have to cut capacity limits to 50%. Karaoke and dancing on the floor will be banned. Places of worship will have mandatory vaccine passports. Workers will be asked to work from home. Xmas gatherings max 10. But we both know not much people will respect the measures and will host Xmas parties. Cases will keep on going up all in time for when they are pushing 3rd booster shots. Also in some months a 3rd booster shot will be mandatory for the vaccine passport.



Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

COVID-19 cases have quadrupled at Bordeaux prison in the past five days.

The Montreal detention facility now has 160 prisoners and 11 infected staff within its walls, while 37 people were infected with the virus last weekend.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
This really makes one question who runs Canada.
It is like our country is being remote controlled by foreign entities.
G7 consists of the most highly vaccinated countries. Sketchy as F.

G7 brands Omicron 'biggest threat to global public health' and ... › news › article-10318967

The wealthiest liberal democracies with the highest vaccination rate. Sounds fishy to me.

I smell aliens with space lasers being directed by the UN. The same ones that were lighting forest fires.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
La mairesse Valérie Plante---doublement vaccinée---- en isolement depuis Vendredi car testée positive...dit bien se Jean-Charles Lajoie----animateur sportif bien connu ici---doublement vacciné-----en isolement aussi avec des symptômes sévères et perte du goût/odorat.

Cela porte beaucoup à réfléchir quand des personnalités de chez nous et près de nous sortent publiquement avec de telles déclarations....les 2 nous invitent à la prudence......message bien recu. :confused: On va leur souhaiter de bien s'en tirer et un retour rapide à
leurs activités .


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Holland going hard:

People are being urged to stay at home as much as possible. Strict limits will be placed on the number of people who can meet - a maximum of two guests aged 13 and over will be allowed in people's homes, and four on 24-26 December and on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.
Events are not permitted other than funerals, weekly markets selling groceries and professional sports matches with no spectators.
All schools will be closed until at least 9 January, while other lockdown measures will remain in place until at least 14 January.
Restaurants can continue to sell takeaway meals, and non-essential shops can offer click and collect services
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