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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
They just cannot let go. Too much money to be made out of it. I am certain Trudeau is upset that his plans did not work, so they are trying to keep the "fear" floating. "COVID is still here" is their new slogan to keep that fear alive.
I wonder what does living with COVID mean if COVID disappeared.
I mean if we are to live with it, it certainly must still be around, or it won't be living with it, will it?
As always, they take something real and logical, and twist it in a way to make it scary to be able to harvest it ($).
And humans who suffer and die?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
And humans who suffer and die?
What about the humans who suffer from lockdowns and inflation? You really like how things are done in China where everyone is forced to do the will of the state. My advice to you is to mind your own business! You want to wear a mask and get 10 doses go for it. Let the rest live their life the way they want. Coming from a guy that is against body autonomy but wants legal abortions. Weird thinking.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This is just so shocking and unexpected.

Apparently when we basically grounded commercial passenger aviation and encouraged shopping at home, some of those pilots moved from commercial airlines to package delivery aviation. And since Covid was described by the media as a decades-long life changing event, several years of young people didn’t train to become pilots and flight attendants to take the place of those who took early retirement, partially from the financial relief packages the government gave to the airlines.

Now shockingly there is a major pilot shortage to fly people around. Shocking. Who would have dreamed of this consequence?
Government caused problems. The restaurant and tourism industry are suffering from the same problems.

Moving on the government cannot let it go. Courtesy of the Liberals (Communist Party of Canada) are pushing for regular doses every 6 months even though the vaccines do not do what they said they were supposed to do yet they keep on pushing for it and destroying what is left of the economy. They cannot let go of the power and money. This fall be ready for the return of forced masks and vaccine passports. Inflation will reach to levels so high that many will go into poverty. Be ready for your 5th dose. Do keep on drinking the kool-aid.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..... :) will b ready for my 5th dose....look SOUTH of the border, EUROPE and all over the planet...economy is not going that well neither....stop looking only at the tree...look at the forest....;)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
This fall be ready for the return of forced masks and vaccine passports.
Absolutely no problem with that to avoid lockdown. Sanitary situation should be dictating things to do.
La situation sanitaire dirigera les actions nécessaires pour maintenir un équilibre entre l'économie et la disponibilité des soins dans les hôpitaux.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Absolutely no problem with that to avoid lockdown. Sanitary situation should be dictating things to do.
La situation sanitaire dirigera les actions nécessaires pour maintenir un équilibre entre l'économie et la disponibilité des soins dans les hôpitaux.
Yet there is no will by the government to increase funding for the healthcare system. Very contradictory.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yet there is no will by the government to increase funding for the healthcare system. Very contradictory.
No their way of reducing costs is letting seniors die needlessly in old age homes.
Beats having to hire extra help to give them the care they deserve.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
No their way of reducing costs is letting seniors die needlessly in old age homes.
Beats having to hire extra help to give them the care they deserve.
Exactly and to force everyone to get doses (vaccines that do not do what they were designed to do), vaccine passports (destroying whatever is left of the economy and cause more and more inflation), and wear masks (thrashing the environment with plastics).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It's certain that you would have done better in his place.
There you go again with this kind of nonsense reply.
I didn’t get elected premier did I and I didn’t make all kinds of BS promises.
I also didn’t let thousands of seniors die needlessly in old age homes like your hero Mr. Yo Yo did.
I don‘t apply for positions I am not qualified for, someone should have advised Mr. Yo Yo also not to.
Perhaps you can reply next time with something constructive like showing one province in Canada that has a worse record of Covid deaths than Quebec. The only thing he did more was lockdowns and curfews which apparently achieved fuck all except close a number of businesses permanently and create more misery.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Reading this feverish debate makes me wonder..., Covid-22 is really everywhere in our society. Temperature is rising, not only on the planet but in people's mind.
Gentlemen, please stay cool. ;)
It is only a debate on an escort board not exactly a life changing event or something of prime importance.
Not everybody takes it so seriously or to heart no need to worry lol.
Yes Covid is everywhere and luckily with the latest strain it is no where near as dangerous or deadly and we do have vaccines and medications to better cope.
It is time to learn to live with it and that is exactly what the world is attempting to do.
It is still far more dangerous than a regular flu but not something that is completely out of control anymore either.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I get the daily memories posts on Facebook and this is a post from exactly two years ago. Look at the red circled posts. Also notice the post of Trudeau sandwiched in the middle. This is how they made people fall for it. They literally pushed every single nonsensical word that they could think of at you. No matter how much they contradicted themselves, it did not matter. They were on a mission to just scramble your brains, and it worked. Look how many people fell for it. Now, we are where we are. Here is proof that they were inventing numbers to justify forced masks, vaccine passports, and lockdowns. And they are still doing it but the good thing is many people are waking up to this bs. You will see in fall cases will magically go up and they will make the hospital situation sound apocalyptic. However many devout Liberal voters see government as their God and will obey them no matter what.

Edit: I am adding the original links to the article. Really bad journalism. They did not even bother to check it because they know there are so many gullible people who think whatever the government says is the Lords Gospel Truth.



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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
They just cannot let go. Too much money to be made out of it. I am certain Trudeau is upset that his plans did not work, so they are trying to keep the "fear" floating. "COVID is still here" is their new slogan to keep that fear alive.
I wonder what does living with COVID mean if COVID disappeared.
I mean if we are to live with it, it certainly must still be around, or it won't be living with it, will it?
As always, they take something real and logical, and twist it in a way to make it scary to be able to harvest it ($).

I think you're giving Trudeau too much credit. I seriously doubt the capacity of any 1 person to dream up such grand plan or conspiracy. For one reason: how do you keep it quiet? Such a grand plan requires mass collaboration and obedience from the conspirators, which is damn near impossible. Politics is a bucket of pirahnas - everybody is constantly biting. Expose 1 little bit, make a tiny mistake and you're fish food.

The more likely explanation is that it's just a government trying to do the best it can, like you and me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
As I understand it, since covid doesn't exist, Omicron variants don't exist either o_O
Covid exists and Omicron exists, however it is no where near as dangerous or deadly as previous strains.
It is now just a more dangerous flu than all the others and the world is learning to live and cope with it.
Perhaps you should do the same and stop with the doom and gloom scenarios.
People now have the freedom and option to protect themselves with vaccines that still work to prevent serious illness and death and there is more than a fair amount of natural resistance also as most of us are getting to the point of knowing many people who have had and recovered from Covid not just a few like in the beginning.
Time to get back to trying to live a normal life and stop all this BS fear mongering, it has destroyed enough businesses, economies and lives already.
For government it is also time to live up to their promises of improving health care for all especially the elderly and stop the BS lip service they continually deliver to the people.
Mr. Yo Yo should shut the fuck up about language debates and concentrate on the health of Quebecers, it doesn’t matter what fucking language you speak when you are hurting and in the hospital, you need help.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
As I understand it, since covid doesn't exist, Omicron variants don't exist either o_O
You did not bother to read or even look at the picture. That was taken two years ago. Did you not see the contradiction? I never said covid does not exist, it does but the government politically hijacked it like they did with climate change to push their agenda. Same tactic, covid alarmism and climate alarmism always a doom and gloom situation. Fear is an effective control tactic. You cannot be that blind but you are driven by emotion and ideology.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
For government it is also time to live up to their promises of improving health care for all especially the elderly and stop the BS lip service they continually deliver to the people.
Mr. Yo Yo should shut the fuck up about language debates and concentrate on the health of Quebecers, it doesn’t matter what fucking language you speak when you are hurting and in the hospital, you need help.
They are partially closing several ERs. Legault's priority has been with identity politics vs what really matters like healthcare. Millions spent on the language police and Bill 96 but no will for healthcare. Legault is more interested in whether you speak French at home. This is the problem we have, politicians driven by ideology. But when the time comes he is ready to force vaccine passports and curfews.

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