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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I agree, but LE cannot make up their own directive, they have to be directed by municipal or provincial or federal authorities to enforce a shutdown duly enacted pursuant to law- an executive order or legislative order. They cannot decide to do this on their own.

Where I live, the Governor is calling the shots on these issues- business shutdowns. Restaurants and bowling alleys and some other businesses were ordered shutdown by the Governor, except for takeout operations.


Dec 30, 2012
Im sorry but the agency can decided to close ! If they are still open it’s because the owner still want to make money and stupid customer are still calling!

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
It's fucking freezing, but I've got a window open and am currently listening to a young woman outside on her balcony singing and playing guitar ... and, yeah, she's pretty good ...

... meanwhile, I would imagine SPs and their clients are not engaging in any kissing at all, and are at least taking this minimum precaution. Remember, this disease is primarily spread through respiratory droplets.


Dec 30, 2012
Not kissing is still not enough ! Any integration of all kind is way enough. Anyway of you guys still meeting sp you will keep this fucking virus alive and keep all of us in quarantine because some people are not able to see what’s really going on !

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Not kissing is still not enough ! Any integration of all kind is way enough. Anyway of you guys still meeting sp you will keep this fucking virus alive and keep all of us in quarantine because some people are not able to see what’s really going on !

Relax ...take a breath ... we get it. Hyperventilating about it isn't going to make them stop.


Dec 30, 2012
Bro maybe it didn’t affect you but I had to keep my compagny close for I don’t know how long because people are reacting lightly. So I’m sorry but I will speak my mind !


Jul 25, 2019

Your views on this virus and not taking it seriously is highly dangerous thinking. You think just because they don't kiss that clients and SPs will be safe. This is wrong. Everyone is susceptible to this virus and ESPECIALLY the escorting scene! Escorts touch and interact, that's part of their job. How do you practice social distancing when you are an escort seeing different clients of different origins and unknown whereabouts?? Clients could be asymptomatic and still spread it from their touch. At this point, agencies permitting to operate is dangerous for the public. Same goes for these clients who wish to see them.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Maggie's Toronto has just come out with what looks to be a superb guide for SWs & clients during this period of the Covid-19 crisis.

They strongly advise "social distancing" and only doing in-person sex work as, "a last resort," while recognizing that some SWs are still going to work.

Particularly valuable are the many practical protective measures that should be taken by both SWs & their clients ....


Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
^^Another late arrival. SWs didn't shut down your company, so please don't be a dick and target them as some kind of scapegoat.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Bottom line nobody is forcing you to go see any SW.

I am not fine with some who were making a great deal of money and spending on extravagant things, nor am I fine with the ones that are flaunting it with photographs of gourmet food and champagne and saying they had the restaurant all to themselves.
If I come out of this, I will certainly stick primarily to my ATF and maybe to a few of the ladies who took steps to protect themselves and everybody else.

I am not seeing anyone, staying home, looking after my elderly relative, having everything I possibly can delivered to my home, putting on gloves and washing it with disinfectant.
I will do whatever it takes to protect myself, my family, and not infect others.
I like to sleep at night.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Thanks Meta for all the valuable info that you have posted on this thread and the compassion to the community that you are showing.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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All of the tattoo parlors, cosmetology salons (nails, hair) and massage parlors have been shut down locally, due to State and Local regulations allowing shutdown of any business "if the operation constitutes an imminent hazard to public health. An imminent health hazard shall include, but is not limited to, an ongoing outbreak of an infectious, pathogenic or toxic agent capable of being transmitted to consumers."

It's tough times for these businesses. I do not see them reopening any time soon. You can't order takeout on tattoos, nail manicures, haircuts or massages.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I don’t get your comparison of this pandemic to STD.
Most STD today you are at very low risk of getting, the majority of which is easily treatable by antibiotics.
HIV is the most dangerous but even that is not a death sentence today and it is extremely difficult to get if you use a condom for penetration, which I would like to think most SP and Johns are insisting on.

I don’t. think it is the right thing to do for either SP or Johns to be active in this given the chances of both being spreaders of this virus, I really think people should take it extremely seriously and follow the instructions of Medical professionals as far as social distancing and self isolation, we all have family members and loved ones that we should be doing our utmost to protect and yes even strangers.

As far as calling the police and condemning these individuals, that is going way overboard, I don’t know their reasons for taking these risks, I wish they didn’t but it is their life, I just hope that they don’t die or end up with medical issues for life and that they don’t kill others.

btw a John getting his dick sucked or even doing anal is never going to somehow transfer his STD to my elderly relative or grandchildren, but he could very well end up transferring this virus.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015

Really? No hypocrisy there at all?

What should the police say when the abolitionists call a few years from now and say close down that escort agency or that independent - She might be spreading STDs.

Now I have complete respect for those who are taking a break from this, both Johns and providers. But I wouldn’t think of imposing my opinions on those who disagree.

There is no hypocrisy. It is, as you say, calculation of the risk. The probability of the older (around 70) man to die contracting coronavirus is probably close to 20%. This is way more than any STDs around. Plus, it facilitates transmission to people not participating in the sex activities. Plus, it is extremely contagious and the probability that you get it from the session with infected person is probability close to 100%. So, don’t compare it to STDs. It is a special case that requires special measures.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
For those that forget about the oldest profession in the world up North ,,, it’s the black market , it’s not regulated so why the sudden surprise or bashing and shaming of the agencies and SP’s that still choose to work :/
Another such thread just popped up , and I’m not denying that it’s safer for everyone if they take a sabbatical .
But I’m not going to come here and criticize them because what’s the point ? You can’t force them ,,, they either get it , or they don’t .... who’s to say that the other providers that stoped advertising here and took a break ain’t going to see plenty of “trusted” regulars on the side , you obviously can’t police this or force it on someone who’s not buying into the collective/common good


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I am truly sorry for the escorts and no it is not fair that it should affect their lives so much.
Having said that it is really one of the most dangerous things that you can do both for the escort and John as if either one has the virus their chances of transferring it is probably 100% as minuteman said.

There is not many things that you can compare to what is happening right now, we have never faced something like this in our lifetime.

Many people will be affected in many ways I just had more than 30 % of my life’s savings wiped out in a week with probably more to come.
Right now I am happy that I have not contracted this virus and so far no one in my family either. I would like to keep it that way and at least I will know that I have tried to do everything in my power to keep it like that.

One last thing that not many have mentioned.
I am totally surprised by our Premiere Legault.
He is acting like a true leader should, he is not pulling any punches telling it like it is but at the same time being able to reach out to people and giving them hope and confidence and being able to move them in a way that they will pitch in and help each other.
I didn’t vote for him before, but I will next time around.
Even Trudeau is saying and doing all the things that a leader should at a time of crisis like this.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
From chinese data we thought that those under 60 years old are rarely affected by the COVID-19 but we also knew that they could transmit it. This is old stuff. Now from the cases in US and european countries we now know that 50% of those needing hospitalization are between 20 and 60 (25% 20-40), and 15% of those needing reanimation are under 40. For their own protection, all sex workers including those providing only JH should, in my humble opinion, stop working for a while. I know that some of them are exploited or hardly need the money and will continue to "work" as usual.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
In a week or so we will be all in the lock down. So, this activity will end anyway for agencies, independent, etc. etc. The projection is that about 56% of population will get it. As Angela Merkel said today this is the race only to save time to increase chances for some people to survive with medical help. We can’t stop it without an effective vaccine. This will only end with the herd immunity I am afraid. It sucks.
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