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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Males 2x likely to die than females...but still, we are talking about a small percentage. Scary stuff but this is not the black plague.
Maybe not the Black Plague but this is the worse global pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1919 (actually that flu's origins came from a US military base in the United States, which we later learned) which killed between 40-50 million people and some researchers estimate could very well have been over 100 million since it was later discovered some countries failed to report their cases.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Here in Quebec they do the test if you have symptoms, you don't have to wait 12 days. The situation around testing is quite good and somewhat quick now.

Exactly. People should differentiate what's going on in the US and Canada. In the US this is heading towards a catastrophe since the Trump administration waited 2 months to do anything while claiming it was a hoax & 'fake news'. Back in January many Republican Senators ditched their stock right after a briefing about the impeding pandemic & during that time claimed everything was fine & there was no need to worry, knowing full well what was coming. Trump's criminal family likely did the same thing and it makes you wonder if this isn't why Trump kept on stalling & claiming it was a hoax in order to give them cover.

Canada was prepared for this pandemic and it's a smaller country with a smaller population. Right now there isn't a shortage of masks and medical supplies for health care personnel like there is in the United States. A lot of decisions involving communities are being made to get ahead of the curve and prevent the virus to spread & get out of control like it appears to be in the United States. All Canadians appear to be on the same page regarding this and obeying the rules. Meanwhile in the United States half the country is in denial and after having been brainwashed by Trump & Fox News still believe this is a hoax!

Personally i really believe that we'll end up being okay in Canada (especially now that we've closed the US/Canada border) since our governments were ready for this and have dealt with previous pandemics quite efficiently. But what's going on south of the border....YIKES!!!! The government really dropped the ball this time around & very sadly the government already has a lot of blood on its hands for basically staying put ever since learning about the first infection back in December.

Right now the big problem in the United States is the lack of testing. WHO offered the Trump administration their testing kits last January but Trump said he didn't need them & the CDC would create their own. Huge mistake!!! And since there isn't enough testing people who carry the virus (whether with or without symptoms) continue spreading the infection.

A few weeks ago i predicted North America may end up having over 1 million dead from this deadly virus. I really hope i'm wrong!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Maybe not the Black Plague but this is the worse global pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1919 (actually that flu's origins came from a US military base in the United States, which we later learned) which killed between 40-50 million people and some researchers estimate could very well have been over 100 million since it was later discovered some countries failed to report their cases.

Hey Doc hope you are enjoying your fishing and try not to ingest too much mercury .
The Spanish flu also called the 1918 influenza pandemic, lasted from 1818 to 1920.
It infected a quarter of the world`s population killing 2.5% of those infected , give or take 1%.
Most victims were young adults.
The origins of the first outbreak were never discovered for certainty. It was called the Spanish flu because Spain had the largest number of reported cases...but that was because unlike most countries they were giving out factual numbers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Cloudsurf assuming I could get her to agree to some kind of “masturbation with social distancing” act, t

Beaver, 6 ft apart with an infected person would not make you safe if you are in the same room for a prolong time. How do you think the person #31 in South Korea managed to infect a couple of hundred people in the same church? By kissing everyone? Small micron size droplets that sick person exhales can stay afloat for hours if not days. Outside, due to air turbulence they are fast mixing with large amount of clean air constantly reducing concentration but inside the concentration reduces very slowly.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
The number of confirmed COVID19 cases in Quebec, yesterday, by age / Le nombre de cas selon l'âge au Qc en date du 19 mars (hier):

- 2 ans: 3 cas
2 à 5 ans : 1 cas
5 à 10 ans: 7 cas
10 à 18 ans: 8 cas
18 à 30 ans: 13 cas
30 à 45 ans: 30 cas
45 à 60 ans: 38 cas
60 à 75 ans: 16 cas
75 ans et +: 7 cas

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
I hear Italians are dying at a higher rate than people in other countries. I wonder why.

Italians live longer than most of us. Something to do with the Mediterranean diet, I think.

Despite the figures I posted above, it is still mostly the elderly who are dying. But some younger people are themselves dying, becoming gravely ill, being hospitalized and contracting life-long respiratory problems.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
See the headlines of 2 major network:

"Senators' stock sales may look sleazy, but they’re not insider trading"

"How Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler became political villains in the coronavirus saga"

Fuck Fox!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not a journalistic headline! If you don't get it you are lost as what news should be.

By the way this story is quite interesting. Imagine if the Republicans delayed their response to the crisis in order to sell their stock. Wow. This is why I always said never ever to put a businessman as president of a country. You put a humanist!


Stan Smith

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
I hear Italians are dying at a higher rate than people in other countries. I wonder why.

Pourquoi y a-t-il plus de morts en Italie?
Agence France-Presse| Publié le 20 mars 2020 à 14:24

Selon le bulletin officiel de jeudi, l'Italie dénombre 47 000 cas et 4000 décès, le taux de létalité du coronavirus (nombre de patients décédés par rapport au total de personnes infectées) s'établissant à 8,6%.

«On constate une mortalité considérablement plus élevée dans les pays ayant des populations plus âgées par rapport aux pays plus jeunes», explique la démographe et professeur de Santé publique Jennifer Downd.

Dans ses travaux publiés mercredi sur le site du Forum économique mondial, la chercheuse de l'Université d'Oxford relève une «puissante interaction entre démographie et mortalité pour le COVID-19.»

Elle avance que les mesures de distanciation sociale visant à ralentir la transmission du virus devraient tenir compte «à la fois de la composition de la population par âge, des contextes locaux et nationaux ainsi que des liens sociaux entre les générations.»

Pour lutter contre la pandémie, elle suggère donc de s'assurer «que le virus n'entre pas en contact avec les personnes âgées, pour lesquelles il peut assez facilement s'avérer mortel.»

Variable sans réel fondement scientifique, le fait que l'Italie ait été frappée très tôt par la pandémie (juste après la Chine) est toutefois pris en compte par les experts.

«Quand on me demande pourquoi l'Italie, je réponds qu'il n'y a pas de raison particulière», a déclaré le professeur Yascha Mounk de l'université américaine Johns Hopkins sur la chaîne canadienne CBC.

«La seule différence est que la contagion y est arrivée une dizaine de jours plus tôt qu'en Allemagne, aux États-Unis, au Canada et si ces pays ne réagissent pas rapidement et de manière décisive, ils deviendront ce que l'Italie est aujourd'hui», assure-t-il.

Certains experts considèrent aussi que le pays a été pris «par surprise», sans avoir le temps de se préparer, contrairement à ses voisins. Les services hospitaliers se sont donc vite retrouvés saturés et les médecins ont dû se mettre à choisir qui soigner, comme en ont témoigné dans les médias plusieurs d'entre eux en Lombardie.


Les spécialistes ne cessent de le répéter: la hausse rapide de la létalité du COVID-19 constatée en Italie, particulièrement en Lombardie, foyer de la pandémie dans la péninsule, est la conséquence du nombre sans précédent de malades ayant simultanément besoin de prise en charge en soins intensifs, qui plus est pour une durée moyenne de plusieurs semaines.

Dans des conditions aussi critiques, la priorité est donnée aux patients qui ont une plus grande chance de survie, ce qui signifie que la qualité des soins décroît, alors même que le système sanitaire lombard es


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
See the headlines of 2 major network:

"Senators' stock sales may look sleazy, but they’re not insider trading"
fox: other news outlets play off as real news.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Why are Italians dying at a higher rate than people in other countries is a mystery. There may be several factors at play.
Why are men dying at twice the rate of women in all age groups is another mystery.
I hope its not because the virus has muted to a more deadly form.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Average age is older

surge capacity Willis!! Got a little to do with age as italy has a higher % of elderly, but quite a few younglings are also dying too. It’s the fact that people are getting sick quicker than they can treat. The health care system (in Lombardy has one of the best in Europe) is overwhelmed. This was the basis of the paper of imperial college which caused U.K. to scrap the herd immunity policy and shift to suppression.

Read the paper mate, almost as fascinating as yourself!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Politics aside, I really hope everything we’ve done the past few weeks pay off in a big way for both the US and Canada, countries that I am both very fond of. Today was my first day out to a Costco here in NY in about a weeks time and it was like a zombie apocalypse hit us. Empty shelves, line around the corner to get in, everyone wearing masks and latex gloves, etc. I pray for both countries as well as all the others who are suffering through this. The confirmed cases in NY just days ago were very much like Canada’s numbers today. Sure, there’s a different amount of people, preparedness, whatever, but in just a few days my world has completely changed, and I don’t wish that on anyone. Hope to see everyone on the other side of this. Stay safe.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Italy has per capita more hospital beds then in the US (probably canada too) so please hope it does not get as bad.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

whats ur opinion on Andrews handling of the crisis?
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