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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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it was like a zombie apocalypse hit us. Empty shelves, line around the corner to get in, everyone wearing masks and latex gloves, etc. I

I have had the same feeling this week when out shopping, a sort of zombie apocalypse feel. Empty shelves, in fact in Big Y, I bought the very last half and half still on the shelf. I stared at the dairy cooler and was stunned, seeing that one carton on the empty shelves, and then seizing it before anyone else could, although nobody was actually in my vicinity at the time. Also, the body language of people is different. Quiet, distant, the cashiers are assiduous in not making contact with my hands or person. The cashier at the liquor store sort of dropped a quarter into my hand rather than put it in my hand. These are the new norms. We are still one step ahead of the characters in The Walking Dead and the Zombieland movies............for now...............

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Andrew Cuomo, did I misread or r u not from Ny state?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
a sort of zombie apocalypse feel.

70+ million Americans will soon be on lockdown in their own homes (40 millions are already doing so in California). We will all become zombies inside our homes, going stir crazy!

Netflix and YouTube will be reducing streaming speed in Germany because more people are working from home and over-taxing the Internet there.

With over 70 million Americans on lockdown, I wonder if we might crash the Internet ;)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I wonder how things will be when this is all over ? I`m being optimistic by saying when instead of
After the Spanish Flu was over , most people were better off than before...It was the roaring twenties and the good times. Then several years later the Great Depression hit.
Keep safe all you fukkers.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Shyman we are the lucky one who can afford to be locked down without any other problem besides boredom. We are privileged.



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
ive tested my internet speed a few times and the network is definitely slower...I often down to 10Mbps when i'm normally at at least 40Mbps (bell Fibe)


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Shyman we are the lucky one who can afford to be locked down without any other problem besides boredom.

You are absolutely right my friend. We are at war and we are lucky that we are not having to seek shelters from falling bombs and flying bullets.

After the cloud is lifted, we will all go on a very robust spending spree. Staying safe and alive will allow us to enjoy the beautiful future that awaits us. I realize a lot of people are suffering economically now and for possibly weeks and months to come, and those of us who are more fortunate in life should shower them (F&B workers; SPs and agency owners) with kindness and greater generosity.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
May I make a humble request? Please stop with the political ranting and making up stories about how the U.S is handling this crisis. This is much too important a crisis to try to use it to demonize someone on the opposite side of the political spectrum. Some of these comments today are flat out wrong and spiteful.

"Back in January many Republican Senators ditched their stock right after a briefing about the impeding pandemic " Actually 3 Republican and 1 Democrat Senator dumped stock (out of 100 Senators) 1 was at the briefing.

" Trump's criminal family likely did the same thing and it makes you wonder if this isn't why Trump kept on stalling & claiming it was a hoax in order to give them cover. " Speculation based on what? Pure hate?

" All Canadians appear to be on the same page regarding this and obeying the rules. Meanwhile in the United States half the country is in denial and after having been brainwashed by Trump & Fox News still believe this is a hoax! " Really? I don't know of anyone in the U.S. who believes this is a hoax. This statement is really hurtful. I talked to one of my direct reports today who was in tears because of the stress. She's working from home with three kids who are doing schooling online. They are bored and she is trying to keep them interested in school while doing her job. She also looked at her oldest kid's college fund and its lost 1/3 of its value. Her child starts college in the Fall and she is worried about being able to pay for it. And then to go out grocery shopping and seeing empty shelves. Believe me, no one in the U.S. thinks this is a hoax.

" the government already has a lot of blood on its hands for basically staying put ever since learning about the first infection back in December." Actually January.

" WHO offered the Trump administration their testing kits last January but Trump said he didn't need them " Total lie. WHO never offered the testing kits to the U.S. because they were concentrating on the more needy countries. This is easily verified by a simple google search.

At the end of an exhausting day of work and commiserating with colleagues, I am really saddened by posts like this. I don't know why someone who is such a great poster, who I love reading would write this. I know the other day Fradi said that he thought "Canadians in general are a bit more polite and have a slightly deeper social conscience towards each other." I hope that's true and I hope people will continue in that vein while this crisis continues and affects all of us around the world.

From Chernobyl TV series:

What is the cost of lies? It’s not that we will mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that, if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all. What can we do then? What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth and content ourselves instead with stories? In these stories, it doesn’t matter who the heroes are. All we want to know is who is to blame.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Andrew Cuomo, did I misread or r u not from Ny state?

Gotcha, just making sure. If you asked me 6 months ago I would have said he’s average at best and I didn’t align all that well with his politics. But, as of a few weeks ago I can honestly say that Andrew Cuomo is an absolute rock star! He is a true leader, brings a sense of calm during these hectic times while still bringing a leadership quality I haven’t seen in a politician in quite some time. NY was running out of hand sanitizer so he created NY State Clean and had the inmates package it. Our governor never got along with our president and it was obvious they hated each other. Andrew Cuomo took the high road and put all the bullshit aside and is now getting along with the Fed (president) for the good of the state, which is why many good things and help are coming our way. When this is all said and done he’s got my vote.

Now The NYC Mayor on the other hand is a different story. Bill DeBlasio is a follower, not a leader. He brings a sense of panic and instead of making shit happen he simply bitches and moans about Trump and how the fed is doing nothing for NYC. Keep in mind that the president has little to do with any local cities within a state. So with his constant rants (justified or not) have become the problem and not the solution.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I think cuomos doin a good job. Just a bit verbose during the press conferences and obviously positioning himself for 2024. I think pence was a rockstar until DJT sidelined him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I totally agree with you, I have listened to Cuomo a few times and this guy is a true leader, and it is so obvious he is trying everything within his power to mobilize the people to give them the hard facts but at the same time he gives direction and hope.
The fact that he cares comes through.

The US could use many like him right now.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I kinda like people who come in and get straight to the point. He starts goin on about his family, his grand mother, Italian proverbs....they are lengthy briefings that could be cut short. Pence was straight to the point and honest with his answers. If he didn’t know, he wouldn’t bullshit. Both r doin the best they can considering the situation


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Cuomo comes from very good political stock, his father Mario. He and the Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania Governors have been in constant contact with each other so as to add uniformity and cohesiveness to their executive actions. Andrew Cuomo, like his father, has good communication skills.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I think pence was a rockstar until DJT sidelined him.

Sorry TNB but Pence has never been a Rockstar especially when he was Governor and the mess he made with an HIV outbreak. If he was sidelined then there was a good reason for it. Probably pushed aside by Fauchi and other healthcare experts.
Take a note that Pandemics and religion haven`t worked well together since Biblical times.
God, if there is a god has nothing to do with this situation....its nature made....and the only thing that Pence does well is drop to his knees when in crisis.
Stay safe Bro


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
I think pence was a rockstar until DJT sidelined him.

I find it surprising and very risky to see Trump and Pence in very close proximity in news conferences meetings, sharing the same podium, talking to the same people etc.
Here in Quebec, i heard on the news that the prime minister (Francois Legault) and the vice-prime minister (Genevieve Guilbault) are never in direct contact with each other so the 2 would not be potentially contaminated at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Unfortunately I have to agree with Cloudsurf.

To me Pence sounds like Johnny Carson’s side kick ( for those that remember) Every time he opens his mouth it starts of with because the President was smart enough to do this or that. Stop the praising and just answer the questions.
To me honestly I wish he would just let the medical professionals do the talking because he is not sounding convincing at all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
.....Andrew Cuomo, like his father, has good communication skills.

Andrew and his late father Mario are/were very good, intelligent and honest politicians (obviously Democrats).....However, I just wish his brother Chris as anchorman of "Cuomo Prime Time" would stop being such an ass licker to CNN and refrain from constantly blasting the Trump Administration and the Republican Party - like his pathetic CNN anchorman pal Don Lemon!


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
May I make a humble request? Please stop with the political ranting and making up stories about how the U.S is handling this crisis. This is much too important a crisis to try to use it to demonize someone on the opposite side of the political spectrum. Some of these comments today are flat out wrong and spiteful.

" All Canadians appear to be on the same page regarding this and obeying the rules. Meanwhile in the United States half the country is in denial and after having been brainwashed by Trump & Fox News still believe this is a hoax! " Really? I don't know of anyone in the U.S. who believes this is a hoax. This statement is really hurtful. I

This should have never been political, BUT, guess who made it political ???
:)violin:We didn't start the fire...:violin:)

(Just few examples, so many links out there showing politicizing and denials)...

I could easily say that maybe majority FOX news (Propaganda, hate channel ???) followers were in denial for few weeks until
FOX news made a decision based on reality and said that its not a hoax and its real.
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