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Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
It seems even being with a throng of people for a short time could lead to transmission:

"Mark, a lawyer, was coming off a crushing week of arbitration."

"Then Mark Frilot — 45 years old, “never, ever sick” — came home with a fever."

"Today, Ms. Frilot’s husband of 12 years remains quarantined in the ICU, hooked up to a ventilator, one of the 280-plus cases in Louisiana of the novel coronavirus rapidly spreading across the United States. On March 14, the day he received his diagnosis, Bourbon Street teemed with St. Patrick’s Day celebrants."

What she doesn’t understand is how, where, her husband contracted the virus in the first place. They hadn’t traveled at all in the last month, and Mr. Frilot usually works in a small satellite office."

The likeliest culprit was a Mardi Gras parade they had stopped by briefly in Kenner. But for the most part, Ms. Frilot said, she and her family are “homebodies.” They prefer mainly to hang out with each other — it’s been that way for years."

"Since Friday, March 13, Mark Frilot has managed just two breaths on his own."

On Wednesday, after learning that Mr. Frilot’s doctors expected him to be on the ventilator for as much as another week, she didn’t feel like talking."

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
After the cloud is lifted, we will all go on a very robust spending spree.

Many won't have this luxury since they won't have a job anymore. Many jobs have already started to disappear due to layoffs & businesses being forced to shut down. And then it'll be bankruptcies and jobs lost forever.

But i'm confident things will bounce back hopefully in just a couple of years. Unless there's another pandemic making its presence again, which is entirely possible.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Who is going to start a restaurant in the future, knowing the government can prohibit your customers from entering?


What is the alternative.
Go dance in the streets or on florida beaches let the virus run through and kill off all those who’s immune system is not strong enough to handle it.

This will save jobs save the economy and perhaps kill millions.
Which country is willing to do this, which leader is willing to take on the responsibility of knowingly signing the death warrant of millions of his own people.

Is it time to throw the christians to the lions?

I can live without restaurants, I have two hands and can prepare a meal, have lived on bread sugar and milk for a month when we came out of refugee camps.
Personally I will not sacrifice anybody dear to me and take the chance of dancing in the streets.
I can also live without pussy for as long as it takes to protect them.

In the end it may come to herd immunity anyway, but I am willing to do anything they ask of me to avoid that.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
#COVID19 – Au Québec, en date du 21 mars 13h, la situation est la suivante:

➡️181 cas confirmés
➡️5 décès
➡️1 personne guérie
➡️1512 personnes sous investigation
➡️9 242 analyses négatives

Pour connaître le nombre de cas confirmés par régions : #santéqc

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Just to put things into perspective if your young and healthy or an old fucker with co-morbidities, whichever, if you get hospitalized, and whether your on the general ward or requiring Intensive care, you can not have visitors. It’s just you and the nursing staff with Covid-19, that’s it. It’s very sad seeing a family not bringing an elder spouse to the hospital when their better half is in ICU. Everyone Kinda feel helpless. Their kids won’t let the healthy parent come cause they don’t want another parent getting sick by being in a hospital

not trying to be Debbie downer but this is what is happening

anywhoo stay @ home


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
New Orleans will most probably deeply regret not canceling that parade. Read:

Interesting really ... loved that article about the SPANISH flu .... and lets not forget about MERS ... we DO really that stands for MIDDLE EAST respiratory syndrome .... YET, how many have condemned the use of referring to this current situation as the Chinese Virus for being racist and xenophobic?? It is a FACT that it originated in China, so is it NOT therefore a Chinese virus just as MERS was named for where it came from and the Spanish Flu of the same?

Start doing the math ... fewer deaths thus far than the average flu season ... look it up ... and lets be thankful for Planned Parenthood locations closing, they surpas the GLOBAL number of death is just one DAY's work!!

Wash you hands, don't go out if you are sick, practice common sense ... and enjoy an SP's company tonight ... if you can find one working!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Interesting really ... loved that article about the SPANISH flu .... and lets not forget about MERS ... we DO really that stands for MIDDLE EAST respiratory syndrome .... YET, how many have condemned the use of referring to this current situation as the Chinese Virus for being racist and xenophobic?? It is a FACT that it originated in China, so is it NOT therefore a Chinese virus just as MERS was named for where it came from and the Spanish Flu of the same?

Start doing the math ... fewer deaths thus far than the average flu season ... look it up ... and lets be thankful for Planned Parenthood locations closing, they surpas the GLOBAL number of death is just one DAY's work!!

Wash you hands, don't go out if you are sick, practice common sense ... and enjoy an SP's company tonight ... if you can find one working!

Maybe don't post your Trump nonsense here. People are actually trying to discuss this in a serious way. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Wash you hands, don't go out if you are sick, practice common sense ... and enjoy an SP's company tonight ... if you can find one working!

I can’t believe the crap you just posted.
This is not an abortion thread even though I believe it is a woman’s right to choose what she wants to do with her body.
The other nonsense about the flu, look around you the whole world is in turmoil, look at Italy.

Wash your hands and go see an SP, are you fucking kidding.
Have you been to the Florida beaches recently or perhaps to the Mardi Gras celebration.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
Start doing the math ... fewer deaths thus far than the average flu season ... look it up ... and lets be thankful for Planned Parenthood locations closing, they surpas the GLOBAL number of death is just one DAY's work!!

Wash you hands, don't go out if you are sick, practice common sense ... and enjoy an SP's company tonight ... if you can find one working!

Only 3% of Planned Parenthood's activities pertained to abortions. Even if you regard abortion as the death of a human (I don't), Planned Parenthood saves far more lives than it takes. By the way, the hero of the poorly educated claims to have recognized that COVID-19 is a pandemic.


Nov 30, 2017
I can certainly see that the dumbing down of America has finally begun,I'm not sure if the poison is coming from our vaccines or possibly from polluted water but surely we have lost our minds.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^ We have an anti-vaxxer? I was really hoping that this crisis would put at least the fence sitters of the anti-vaccine community to rest. This is the Chinese Communist Virus. It came from a Wuhan, China from a wet market and the Chinese Communist government wasn't forthcoming. Listen to Michael Osterholm in, the Director Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Keeping all those live animals stacked on top of each other is not a good idea. Listen to Joe Rogan Interview #1439.

Why is everyone so offended by calling it the Chinese Virus anyway? This reminds me of the NBA trying not to offend the evil Communist Government. I think it is good to call it what it is to remind everyone of where it came from. There needs to be some accountability here. There needs to be some improvements made in hygiene. We also need to bring critical industries back home such as antibiotics and critical medical supplies. As Michael Osterholm said would we trust China to make all our munitions? And yet even the Department of Defense is beholden to China for pharma and medical equipment.

Interestingly, the anti-vaxxers are taking a lot of heat these days and rightfully so but listen to the Lieutenant Governor of Vermont. He agrees with the science of vaccines but he still feels that people should have a choice:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
... and enjoy an SP's company tonight ...

Is this wise? I would imagine that the only girl working are either destitute due to drug addiction or something like this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Je ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi encore AUTANT de filles s'annoncent encore?????

Sont-elles inconscientes, vivent-elles sur une autre planète ou manquent-elles tout simplement de jugement ? Dans ma région il y déjà plusieurs personnes qui sont atteintes de ce virus KILLER.

De grâce mes dames, au delà de l'argent, et ça va aussi pour les clients, prenez tout ça extrêmement au sérieux, le pire est à venir.

Pensez à vous, mais pensez surtout aux gens autour de vous, certaines personnes ne s'en sortiront pas, ça pourrait être un de votre famille, un collègue de travail, votre meilleur ami.
Ce virus se transmet excessivement facilement, il est MORTEL.

SVP. Respecter ce confinement et nous nous en sortiront plus rapidement si tout le monde suit les consignes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Why is everyone so offended by calling it the Chinese Virus anyway?

While there shouldn't be anything particularly offensive about calling it the Chinese Virus from an objective point of view, it's probably more the rhetoric surrounding it's use that's the problem. It is much more commonly known as covid19 or coronavirus... there's nothing wrong with those terms... while calling it the CHinese Virus has really mostly been a Trumpian propaganda strategy.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Well Trump needs a group to turn people against. 1st it was the Mexicans, now it’s the Chinese. He’s running for re-election and getting free publicity because of this shit. When’s the last time you heard anything about Biden or sanders?

calling it the Chinese virus is not gonna hold anyone to any accountability.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yes this came from the Chinese wet markets and whether we call it the Chinese virus or Covid-19 or Coronavirus, it doesn’t change a thing.
At this point being politically correct with this is the least of our problems.

As far as vaccines once they have a proven vaccine for this, I will be one of the first to roll up my sleeves, I am sure with millions of others around the world.

At this point we cannot do anything else but follow instructions and isolate ourselves as much as possible, the less contact we have with anybody the better.
Stay home, have everything you possibly can delivered, if you have gloves put them on when you bring your groceries in, wash all items that you can with disinfectant, wash your gloves with disinfectant before you take them off, if you have a supply throw the used ones in the garbage and wash your hands right after.
This is the perfect time to become a germaphobe, I used to laugh at them, it doesn’t seem so funny right now.

With SP working, I am much more inclined to be pissed at clients than the SP. Satisfying your dick is not a life necessity like eating.
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