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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
3 scenarios...

A vaccine? Estimation are still looking at 12 month minimum. Probably a bit more.
Medication? Most probably some medication already exist to help improve those who become critically ill.
Or "as a common occurrence with influenza viruses there is a tendency for pathogenic viruses to become less lethal with time, as the hosts of more dangerous strains tend to die out." (copied from a medical journal).

In any case I do not see this thing slow down until at least for another 3-4 weeks.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Medication? Most probably some medication already exist to help improve those who become critically ill.

On my way to shopping at the Big Y this morning, on the radio, I heard a medical doctor asked this question on WFAN (Ed Randall's guest was the medical director of some hospital in Bergen County, NJ). He said the following:

- limited studies/evidence show that the malaria drugs chloraquin and primaquin may be effective treatments and he suggested that if you come down with MILD symptoms to discuss such treatment with your primary care doctor;

- the ages old, long honored immune system boosters, vitamin C and zinc, also appear in limited studies and samples to be effective in increasing resistance to infection.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I believe zinc is the only supplement that has been proven to help with colds. The brilliant scientist Linus Pauling was the one toting massive doses of vitamin C to combat colds but this has been disproven for colds but who knows for Corona. Having a deficiency is bad but massive doses? The malaria drugs are most interesting.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
It is much more commonly known as covid19 or coronavirus...

Way back in January everyone was calling this the Wuhan or Chinese virus. Then people started avoiding Chinese business establishments along with negative and racist comments or actions towards asian americans. To help calm this nonsense down most news outlets began to simply call it the coronavirus. Then like most terms, people wanted to have a shorter or a more hip way to say coronavirus and then we started using the term covid19, basically shortening the name and adding the year it came out. The president realized that by using the term "Chinese coronavirus" it would piss off the haters and unite his base. That's pretty much why he is using the term constantly.
Many diseases are named from the region that they originated from. So, it's very possible this will eventually be named something like whrs19. Politics aside, the best way IMHO to refer to this would be covid19 or coronavirus.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
Well Trump needs a group to turn people against. 1st it was the Mexicans, now it’s the Chinese. He’s running for re-election and getting free publicity because of this shit.

calling it the Chinese virus is not gonna hold anyone to any accountability.

You are right that Trump wants to turn against someone on this, but americans of chinese origins are paying the price for this, getting insulted on the streets etc.
I do admit the fact that Trump closing early in january US territory to planes coming from China probably reduced the spread of the virus, and number of casualties in the United States.
But not taking it seriously after the border closure, saying the virus will be gone in april like the seasonal flu, this inaction will cause more casualties then the ones he saved with his decision to close the border.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Walooo, you do know that there is a difference between the term coronavirus and covid19 . One is the name of the virus and the other is the disease it causes.
Since the coronavirus first infected mankind in a wet market in China....its not false to call it the Chinese virus. Its very wrong though to blame it on the Chinese people or the country itself.
The ones to blame are those operating wet markets in China, Viet Nam and Thailand. They and their customers and suppliers are the criminals.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Walooo, you do know that there is a difference between the term coronavirus and covid19 .

I stand corrected, you are right, thanks cloudsurf. Like myself, people are using both words as if they are the same.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Masturbation with online porn, or shows, is the way to go for now, unfortunately.

I totally agree with you.
This is exactly what I do.
We do not have the choice.
Good solo masturbation and we can return to normal life more quickly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

Is it wrong to assume that the Chinese government should have something akin to the Board of Health like we have in the USA? Do you think that the Chinese government should allow these wet markets to operate unfettered like they do? This is not the first time that this has happened. Do you think that in North America we would be able to operate a market like this? Like Chernobyl, the Chinese government tried to hide this disaster in the making. Do you think that is fair?

It has been 8 years since my last business trip to China. I like the people. I have many colleagues there. They are capable and industrious and wonderful people but in many ways they are still third world. However, I went to bathrooms in the restaurants and there was not soap or even a sink to wash your hands. I was in a new airport and I went the airport and there were no soap dispensers. I took the train from Guang Zho to Hong Kong and I flushed the toilet and I could see the train tracks!!!! Do you think that this would be allowed in North America or Europe? There are things that need to be addressed.

I blame the Chinese Communist Party.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Fair enough, but naming a virus “the Chinese virus” is gonna change none of what you listed, it’s just gonna create animosity in the west agains asians. The majority of westerners can’t even tell the difference between a Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Filipino. So all will be blanketed.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
We are having some warmer weather here in NYC and a few of my buddies asked me if I wanted to go golfing. Most of my buddies and golfers in general are convinced that since they can be socially distant they can get out and play a round of golf. I'm stuck indoors like many of us in NY, but I'm not 100% convinced that getting outside with a bunch of my buddies along with hundreds of others smacking the little white ball around is a good idea. It doesn't take much to catch this dreaded virus, I just wonder if I'm being to paranoid or if I'm doing the smart thing. I can always play golf when this is all over.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
NB - I love Asians. I even have a touch of yellow fever. I just don't want the Chinese Government off the hook. That is why I want to call it Chinese Communist Virus. You want to know who hates the Chinese Communist Government? The Chinese.

Yes, it is wrong to blame Chinese people. It is a good time to show them an extra measure of kindness. This is pretty tough to do when you can't get within 6 feet. However, as soon as I can, I will go to Chinese owned restaurants in town for takeout at least and as soon as it is safe, I plan to make my first escort an Asian...and hopefully a nice pasty-faced, milky white pale, porcelain, petite Asian with a nice set of perky B's. Ummmm! I love that look.

Walooo - Are golf courses open? I think they are here. Take your own carts or better yet walk. Social distancing is more effective than quarantine.

Cloudy - OK.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Hungry, as far as I`ve heard China and its Asian neighbors have shut down wet markets but illegal ones are popping up that are run by gangs. Unfortunately as long as there is demand at any price there will be there are illegal drugs available in the States and most of the world.
That episode of 60 Minutes Australia did an expose on a filthy illegal wet market. They found it in Thailand and not China.
Believe me I hate communism as much as you do.

BTW Hungry , if you read my post clearly , then you would have noticed that I wrote that you can`t blame the Chinese people and the country....never wrote anything about the government

Dick Hardwood

Jan 31, 2012
I do not believe in conspiracy theories, Do you think any government would inflict this on their own people? I have even heard from people that their theory is that it is the American or Russian governments that unleashed this virus on China because they have become so successful in such a short time and will dominate the world economy eventually. Pandemics happen in history periodically, this pandemic was expected and talked about for the last 40 years. I think it is an occurrence in nature that has happened many times in the past and will happen many more times in the future. It is fortunate that communications is so good around the world these days that we can control it.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Waterloo, how is a golf course open today in this environment?

hungry, the Chinese communist wont even be held accountable by calling it Chinese virus, Chinese communist virus. If you want to hold someone accountable then say “Chinese government I hold you and it’s leaders to blame for this mess and lack of transparency.” That’s all trump has to say. Callin it the Chinese virus is just stirring people up and causing fear mongering and rackin in votes when people are scared and want their lives back.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Walooo, you do know that there is a difference between the term coronavirus and covid19 . One is the name of the virus and the other is the disease it causes.
Since the coronavirus first infected mankind in a wet market in China....its not false to call it the Chinese virus. Its very wrong though to blame it on the Chinese people or the country itself.
The ones to blame are those operating wet markets in China, Viet Nam and Thailand. They and their customers and suppliers are the criminals.

You are indeed correct that there is a difference between the two & myself sometimes forget about this. This particular coronavirus causes COVID-19. Complications from the disease known as COVID-19 can lead to pneumonia, which could lead to death. I read recently that it can take up to 22 days for the initial infection to end up into the infected person dying from this. Of course there is still a lot to learn from this novel virus and numbers are more than likely to change.

You're correct that it's wrong to blame this on the chinese people and the country itself. Many strains of various diseases do originate from the region but there are many factors & theories why this is so, among them the very high number of its population which leads to other things such as the way they live. But that's another story.

Yes the Chinese government did hide this coronavirus from the world for at least a couple of weeks too long. There is no denying this. But the American government is as guilty of this by ignoring the intelligence reports for 'months' until it had no other option than to confirm that the virus was real just a couple of weeks ago. Until then Trump & the right wing media were in denial & referring to it as nothing but a 'democratic hoax' in order to attack Trump's re-election chances. Trump & many Fox News primetime pundits labeled it as being 'fake news'. It all changed a couple of weeks ago when the Murdochs suspended one of the female anchors for spreading fake propaganda and Tucker Carlson finally saying he had enough & began speaking the truth about this on his nightly show. It's also no big surprise that Trump did a turnaround only after Carlson paid him a visit at Mar-a-Lago to inform him that this coronavirus epidemic (at the time) was no hoax & he had to take it more seriously. Kudos to Tucker Carlson, someone i very rarely agree with in the first place!

But the problem is not only Trump & Fox News. Republican lawmakers knew as early as January about a possible catastrophe if this wasn't dealt with now. They chose silence instead & continued to support their Fuhrer. And immediately after being briefed by intelligence sources on the coronavirus a few scrambled to dump their million dollar stocks. Even though they were fully aware this was deadly serious & that it was coming.....they chose silence instead of informing their constituents about this while continue to remain silent as Trump & Fox News continued saying there was nothing to worry about, it was a democratic hoax & CNN was part of it and that it was fake news and only being used to hurt Trump's re-election chances.

It's a fucking shame!

p.s. Senator Rand Paul just confirmed he's also tested positive for COVID-19. He stated he was currently asymptomatic. Lucky him he's white, wealthy & powerful so he was able to get tested although he had no symptoms.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
#COVID19 – Au Québec, en date du 22 mars 13h, la situation est la suivante:

➡️219 cas confirmés
➡️4 décès *
➡️1 personne guérie
➡️2063 personnes sous investigation
➡️9786 analyses négatives

Pour connaître le nombre de cas confirmés par régions : #santéqc

* One of the deaths previously thought to be COVID-19 related was not, so number of deaths in Quebec goes down to 4.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Je ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi encore AUTANT de filles s'annoncent encore?????

Sont-elles inconscientes, vivent-elles sur une autre planète ou manquent-elles tout simplement de jugement ? Dans ma région il y déjà plusieurs personnes qui sont atteintes de ce virus KILLER.


En plus de l'argent je suis certain qu'il y a des filles que se disent "Si elle peut encore travailler et faire de l'argent pourquoi pas moi? Pourquoi devrais-je me sacrifier en ne pas travaillant quand d'autres filles continuent a faire de l'argent en nous volant nos clients en continuant de travailler?"

Comme j'ai mentionne auparavant: Il y a bien plus de filles dans ce metier qui vivent de jour-a-jour et dependent sur ce travail pour etre capable d'arriver d'une journee a l'autre. En arretant de travailler elles ne sont pas capable d'avoir du chomage. Mais oui il y a des emplois qu'elles pourraient faire comme travailler dans un supermarche.....mais elles sont maintenant habituees a faire beaucoup d'argent (sans taxe!) en si peut de temps....alors c'est pour ca que plusieurs ont fait le choix de continuer a travailler et croiser leurs doigts qu'elles n'attrapperont rien.

Et pour beaucoup d'autres: elles ont un 'pimp' ou un 'chum' qui depends sur elle comme source de revenu et souvent la pauvre fille se sent comme qu'elle a pas vraiment le choix que d'aller vendre ses fesses a des etrangers. C'est triste mais c'est la verite pour beaucoup d'elles.
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