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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Hey bruno2000 good for you! Say a prayer for the rest of us, nothing else seems to be working. God bless!


New Member
Dec 14, 2015
Hey bruno2000 good for you! Say a prayer for the rest of us, nothing else seems to be working. God bless!
I'm not sure whether you're sarcastic or not, but if not, God bless you brother
I will also want to add that whether you believe in God or not isn't that important. What truly matters is to lead a good life and be kind to others


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
In large pandemics its next to impossible to have accurate figures unless everyone is tested.


I too am highly skeptical about the numbers China reported to WHO; China may also does not know the extent and severity -- 1.4 billion people! Almost an impossible task to get the numbers correctly. I suspect China's actual numbers are 10 to 15 times higher than reported.

I'm thinking Japan has been hiding the ball because of the 2020 Summer Olympics games. Japan could become the next Italy in the immediate weeks to come.

I think the numbers reported by South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan are probably most reliable with 90% confidence level.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I too am highly skeptical about the numbers China reported to WHO; China may also does not know the extent and severity -- 1.4 billion people! Almost an impossible task to get the numbers correctly. I suspect China's actual numbers are 10 to 15 times higher than reported.

Absolutely right. The fucking Chinese party decides today to close their border and still claim they have no more cases (or very few) for 2 weeks now? Fuck them these Chinese would chose to die and lie before telling the truth and survive. They are just barely better then Iran or Russia. True numbers needs to be looked in Europe and America.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Chinese party decides today to close their border and still claim they have no more cases (or very few) for 2 weeks now?

I share your deep frustrations, distrust and anger at the CCP, my friend.

I'm afraid that China might be facing the "second wave" now, or soon.

Putin seems to have kicked out all "western" reporters from Russia. Nothing is really being reported from inside Russia, except that Putin has gearing himself to become King Putin for another 2 terms.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Second waves of a pandemic are often worse than the first.
China is now facing its second wave. Its hitting factories that never closed or had re-opened recently. Unlike the first wave that hit central China, the second wave is hitting mostly eastern China.
Trump pay attention and try to learn.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Wonder how much of COVID-19 is in the hermit kingdom. That fat bastard makes the Chinese look like Reuter’s


Active Member
Feb 23, 2007
Hi Bruno thank you for sharing your story. Im glad you were able to get through this. My understanding is that you now have immunity from the disease.

Did you require a respirator? how long did the breathing problems last?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Wonder how much of COVID-19 is in the hermit kingdom.

I think North Korea is probably worse than Italy.

It's also heart-breaking as to what's happening in Spain now, which is using an ice skating rink in Madrid as a temporary morgue.


[FONT=&amp]"Spain has a fantastic health system. Our fantastic health system was overloaded. And now is absolutely destroyed.

[/FONT]- Dr. Ana Giménez, Infata Leonor Hospital

She also said:

[FONT=&quot]"What I want to say is: Be aware. I know that Canadian health service has also a problem of overload like [the] Spanish [one] has. And they have to ask right now about buying everything they are going to need."[/FONT]

I just saw Bill Gates on CNN with Anderson Copper. Gates, who has been engaged deeply in R&D efforts on viruses, treatments and vaccines, thinks we in the States need to shutdown all states through May.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Wonder how much of COVID-19 is in the hermit kingdom. That fat bastard makes the Chinese look like Reuter’s

Hard to know what’s really going on in that part of the world , a lot of unreliable and fabricated numbers I gather just like in China ,,, or it could even be worse . One thing though that these totalitarian governments got going for them is that they can easily enforce Draconian measures when they feel they are needed to fight such a pandemic

But we don’t expect these countries to be truthful or transparent anyways
What surprises me though is what’s been going in the rest of the world,,,like in Japan for example . Was looking at their Coronavirus live cases a couple of days ago and they seemed too low for such a populous country ,I mean even Luxembourg had more total cases than them ,,,doesn’t make sense so I’m guessing they have been suppressing the real numbers as well . But now that the Olympics got canceled we shall find out if that was indeed the case ...


Active Member
Jul 31, 2016
I too am highly skeptical about the numbers China reported to WHO
The WHO is more political than I thought. This article details how Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (director at WHO) played along with the Chinese government's narratives: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/b...e-world-health-organization—-it-paying-136002 (they cite sources)
A few highlights of the article:
- China worked behind the scenes for Tedros to get the job in 2017
- Tedros down played this virus, urged nations not to close borders to China ( https://www.voanews.com/science-hea...-countries-not-close-borders-foreigners-china)
- He praised China for the "transparency they have demonstrated" (https://www.who.int/news-room/detai...-steps-in-battle-against-coronavirus-outbreak)
- He said the steps China has taken "appear to have bought the world time" (https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/munich-security-conference)
- Early on, the WHO tweeted China's false claim "Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus..." (https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1217043229427761152)

And now he's saying "Governments should stop wasting precious time needed to fight the coronavirus" (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti...ld-stop-wasting-time-and-fight-virus-who-says)

good job dude


Active Member
Jul 31, 2016
What surprises me though is what’s been going in the rest of the world,,,like in Japan for example .
yep, a friend of mine told me his friend's dad in Japan says people outside of Japan don't have a clue what's going on there, their gov isn't being truthful about the numbers in the hope to save the Olympics since so much was invested in it. Hopefully real numbers will come out now.

What's really surprising is Thailand, only 1045 cases so far. I heard on the local major radio station that the number 1 destination for people from Wuhan is ............... Thailand. One major reason they say is people don't want to get tested in Thailand for whatever reason.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
I'm afraid that China might be facing the "second wave" now, or soon.

Putin has gearing himself to become King Putin .

Don't think the Chinese government cares about second, third or forth waves....seems they succeeded to really screw the West
and hoping this will make trump loose his re-election as he was already acting tough and God knows how tougher (Should) he will get.

In Russia that would be the new TSAR


In 21st century term, DED (MERB Term) "Democratically" Elected Dictator*

* No one opposes him, since they end up dead, poisoned or jailed.
Having said that, I think, he is good for that region for stability,


Active Member
May 17, 2013
Anyone else finds it insane that escorts/prostitutes are still going on with their business ?
I did caught Coronavirus 3 weeks ago and almost died, this virus is not a joke and will fuck you up
I'm not saying not to support these girls but jerking off is the only safe option right now

Hey bruno, I too was amazed how long it took some of the top agencies as well as some independents to close down. I get that this hobby attracts risk seeking participants but given that virus skews to elderly men, I thought it was a bit selfish. Especially when you consider hosts can be asymptomatic for several days before showing symptoms. Unicuique suum...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Wonder how much of COVID-19 is in the hermit kingdom. That fat bastard makes the Chinese look like Reuter’s

I heard there is 0 cases, a vaccine was quickly developed by the surpreme leader himself, made out of his genetically superior blood. :p

(This is sarcasm and jokes by the way, just in case i have to say it)

And Bruno, im happy for you that you managed to pass trough it. It seem to hit peoples differently...

I am surprised as well it took this long for escort services to shut down... considering the nature of the service, how close and proximity play a pivotal role...


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (director at WHO)
must resign. He's a poodle for China's CCP. Hopefully the petition asking for his resignation succeeds.

Some Chinese citizens have broken through the CCP censors and noted that 1/4 millions (250,000) cell phone numbers have gone silent since January and February 2020. What happened to the people who had those cell phone numbers? Perished from Covid 19? Expats from Mainland China have been most critical about China's mishandling of the Covid 19 outbreak.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
yep, a friend of mine told me his friend's dad in Japan says people outside of Japan don't have a clue what's going on there, their gov isn't being truthful about the numbers in the hope to save the Olympics since so much was invested in it.

The delay in the Olympics is going to cost the Japanese taxpayers a fortune. When Japan bid on the Olympics in Tokyo they had no idea that Covid-19 delay is what they were signing up for:

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