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Active Member
Feb 23, 2007
I agree but what you mean how long it " took ". They still doing it.
Look at advertising section here.
And they continue to let them advertise


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Looks like another first for me, I'm glad the ACLU is getting involved with the Rhode Island situation:

I have to agree with you EB, Rhode Island chowda is the best I've ever had. I only recently discovered the Rhode Island clam chowder which has a clear broth. Couple of clam cakes and top it off with an awful awful and I'm good to go. Anthony's down in Newport Beach rules! It's absolutely amazing!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hey bruno, I too was amazed how long it took some of the top agencies as well as some independents to close down. I get that this hobby attracts risk seeking participants but given that virus skews to elderly men, I thought it was a bit selfish. Especially when you consider hosts can be asymptomatic for several days before showing symptoms. Unicuique suum...

In some cases some of the agencies can't simply 'close down' if their 'bosses' or the 'people pulling the strings' don't order them to close down. Get the drift? In many cases the 'booker' under whose 'name' the agency operates under is simply a front for some shady group behind the scenes.

Among other reasons for choosing to remain open for business & the more common one is the mighty dollar. Money, money, money! It's hard to turn your back willingly to all that $$ coming in especially when it's not you in particular taking all the risks. As for individuals continuing to escort it's also $$ and for many others it's having to pay $$ to someone. You don't believe me? If you're on good terms with an agency operator just ask him or her how many times a young lady has showed up with her 'boyfriend' for her initial interview. You may in for a surprise!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Déjà de voir sur ce site qu'il y a encore des indépendantes et des agences qui continuent à s'annoncer comme si rien n'était.
Je suis plus qu'extremement déçu de leur comportement.

C'est sur que l'argent est un facteur excissevement important.

Ces indépendantes et ces agences devraient au contraire prendre un break. Bien non, car ils savent qu'il y en encore des hommes qui pensent avec leur queue, et qui pensent qu'ils sont invincibles, malheureusement ces hommes vivent sur une autre planète, et ont ZÉRO respect pour la collectivité.

Je le répète jamais au grand jamais j'irai rencontrer toutes ces femmes, après la crise.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
No one is immune from the virus that causes Covid 19 yet.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for Covid 19, along with some prominent members of the UK government. "Health Secretary Matt Hancock said he tested positive while England's Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty has showed symptoms."

This virus does not care who it attacks.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
#COVID19 - Au Québec, en date du 27 mars 2020 à 13h, la situation est la suivante :

➡️2 021 cas confirmés
➡️18 décès
➡️29 personnes guéries
➡️7 236 personnes sous investigation
➡️32 335 analyses négatives (cas infirmés)

Pour connaître le détail par régions :

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
J'ai juste hate de voir les chiffres arreter de grimper. J'imagine ces a cause des voyageur qui rentrais au pays dans la derniere semaine en majorité mais serieux moi sa fait depuis le 16 je suis chez moi a pratiquement pas sortir, bref Lundi sa va faire 2 semaines, ils disent que c'est un virus qui prend 2 semaine a se manifesté, donc j'ai hate de voir le confinement porter fruit et que au moins y'est presque pus de NOUVEAU cas. Sa peux prendre du temps apres pour que le monde se guerisse mais au moins pus de nouveau... de transmission quoi...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
HM moi ca fait depuis le 10. 17 jours ou j'ai ete 2 fois a l'épicerie et prendre des marches. Probablement un autre 14 ou plus à venir ou plus.

HM if we just saw many positives cases jumping up at the moment here it's because our capacity of testing as increase a lot. More results = more positive cases. Per capita Quebec test as much as the German which are worldwide leader right now. Which is the key to have real and useful data that helps makes the best decision for the future. Unknown asymptomatic cases could have us ramble on with intermittent shutdowns up to the summer and maybe beyond.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I can't believe how Quebecers aren't taking this as seriously as they should. I've been home now for 15 days and plan to remain here until this is done, a week, a month whatever. There are still so many members her continuing to see SP's in spite of the risk and this is reflective of the general public. Social distancing of 2 meters means just that ! I take a walk around the block a couple of times a day and have encountered people but I will not approach anyone and maintain a distance exceeding the 2 meters.This being said I have seen groups of 5 or 6 people walking together, this makes no sense, we are talking about lives. 10 more deaths in Quebec overnight, how many will it take before people get the message ?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
HH and Jalimon, Dr. Anthony Fauci has recently been suggesting that 21 days is the new minimal threshold (based on new knowledge) from exposure to the new coronavirus until the person becomes non-contagious. People could have contracted the virus and still be asymptomatic. Today, NY Gov. Cuomo said he expects to see the apex in 21 days in NY state. The bottom line is that the world will be battling this virus until an effective vaccine is developed and deployed, which is unlikely to happen for another 12 to 18 months. For the next several weeks, we will all need to practice social/physical distancing. Hopefully, therapeutic treatments can be found in the next few months. The financial impact on millions of people in every country will certainly be severe. This is the time for the federal governments to provide immediate financial aid to their citizens. For example, give renters 90 days rent-forgiveness and to provide landlords grants for loss rental incomes.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
It's not really important in the big scheme of things--at least to those not dependent on the income--but if what Shyman says is true regarding the duration, we may wake-up to a very different world of hobbying, where local agencies are gone, transformed ... indies moved on ... perhaps standards & expectations changed ... etc.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Shyman one thing that is currently under look is testing capacity. A 45 minute very promising new test should come shortly in the US (it was FDA approved). Such a test also comes out in South-Korea and Germany I think. This could be a real game changer. If we can test absolutely everyone in highly affected niche area very rapidly we can severely cut down the propagation. Gain back control of our healthcare system and stay on our guard like that until medication or vaccines comes out.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Meta -- I sincerely hope we can all go back to the Covid-19 pre-pandemic normalcy sooner rather than later, and I hope our beloved Montreal Hobbyland can resume business "safely" soon. Agencies with in-calls continue to have to pay rent, utility and for other services for their in-call places. I know of one agency owner who has also been helping some of the SPs financially. The shutdowns are hurting lots of people who live paycheck to paycheck, tip to tip, etc.

Jalimon -- I too think the new test you mentioned can be a game changer, especially if the test is in fact effective and production of the test can be scaled up by the billions. It could be a DIY test kit if we can in fact use saliva for the test. I've seen that company's videos in the news. Promising.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Shyman no need to test by the billions. Rapid testing would allow case containment strategies. Basically turning niche infection area into brush fires instead of into wildfires.

True one day a DIY test kit will come out. Results will be analyzed from a phone app in a matter of minutes. I have heard about that also. Yes very promising for many more kind of detections (colon cancer for example... but then you would have to DIY stick a q-tip up your own ... You know what I mean ;) ).

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Hope those vents get to the peeps who need them on time.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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I don't know what people are thinking, coronavirus are existing before We are talk, and Will no disappear tomorrow. It Will be there like other diseases. We have to lived with it.
People don't give a fuck to catch Aids or STD but Panic about coronavirus. For you guys, coronavirus exist 100 years ago and Will stay as long as humankind exist. Better lived with it.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
Visit site
Déjà de voir sur ce site qu'il y a encore des indépendantes et des agences qui continuent à s'annoncer comme si rien n'était.
Je suis plus qu'extremement déçu de leur comportement.

C'est sur que l'argent est un facteur excissevement important.

Ces indépendantes et ces agences devraient au contraire prendre un break. Bien non, car ils savent qu'il y en encore des hommes qui pensent avec leur queue, et qui pensent qu'ils sont invincibles, malheureusement ces hommes vivent sur une autre planète, et ont ZÉRO respect pour la collectivité.

Je le répète jamais au grand jamais j'irai rencontrer toutes ces femmes, après la crise.

Tu penses vraiment que coronavirus est apparue en Chine y a quelques mois?
C'est un virus qui existe depuis longtemps, mais on en parlait pas. Celui on l'a appelé covid-19. Inquiète toi pas, il va avoir d'autres coronavirus. Et le covid-19 ne va jamais disparaître, même dans 10ans.
T'a plus de chance de pogner mts que coronavirus en jouant les vierges offensés.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I’ll be happy to answer your question. It’s a tough answer that that everyone on this thread has hinted @ Patron, but you and a few others just have a tough time accepting. Couple of variables that will help are us figure out when to come out of the bunker would probably be coming up with meds or therapies that will help treat people and keep them out of the hospital. When the vaccine finally comes and lastly when you see that there is minimal community spread, ie less cases where the person diagnosed with COVID-19 has no idea who they got it from. All that could be a long fuckin time from now. Everything evolves on a day to day basis. Medicine is not always filled with clear cut answers. [FONT=&amp]

[FONT=&amp]Comparing COVID-19 to STD’s and HIV is like comparing apples to dildo’s. Not even close and laughable. Neither of your examples are crippling 1st world healthcare systems boys. [/FONT]

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