I don’t think he is kidding as there might be a link on how severe the disease will be based on the dose of the virus one is exposed to
Don't count on it. I had a two-week long trip planned for Montreal from the end of June to the 2nd week of July and i cancelled it yesterday. Cancelled my hotel rooms & still have airfare to cancel but i'll wait to see what happens later in case they may waive the cancellation fee. It wouldn't surprise me if everything is still pretty much closed down by July. With no GP, Jazzfest & Just for Laughs this summer there's no longer a reason for me to spend time in Mtl this summer. The Rogers Cup (tennis) event will also probably get cancelled if it hasn't been already.
Right now there are no cancellation fees for ANY schedule changes impacted by china virus ... have cancelled three separate round trips on AA with no issue ... will get a "credit" for full amount of fare paid to use on future flight - UNLESS the air cairrier cancels the flight, then you get a refund.
Don't count on it. It wouldn't surprise me if everything is still pretty much closed down by July.
The cruise ship industry may never make it back, but that's my own personal opinion.
the stats are above. The drug overdose while alarming and although it’s tough to say one is more of a threat than the other when comparing to covid-19, I cant say that by you providing rehabilitative therapy to individuals who smoke crack cocaine in a 12 step group could result in you coming home and find your family members smoking crack cocaine. So, there’s a bit of a difference
I can’t figure that out.
I`m an agnostic so I don't have a clue, but I certainly would not risk heading out for a take out hamburger that`s been touched by half a dozen hands.