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Active Member
Jul 31, 2016
First question: is it a good idea or not to receive our favorite at home, keeping two meters between us?
We could ask her to undress gradually, like streaptease, and after we talk naked.

If she's infected, it's pretty much guaranteed she'll spread the virus at your place, there's no way to stop it. You and her are confined in a closed space. You can't make sure her every movement is safe or control all the places she touches in your room. You don't know all the places she'll touch in your bathroom. With so many restrictions, is it even gonna be fun? Imagine if she coughs by accident, your place is done.
I don't wanna sound too harsh, but pleasuring oneself by looking at a girl 2 meters apart with her mask on, eh... kinda lame for me, not to mention dangerous too.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
-18 000 American deaths from COVID-19.
-Iceland has tested 10% of its population & discovered that half of the people who tested positive had no symptoms from the infection.
-Over 100 000 died from COVID-19 globally.
-Trump just claimed that the coronavirus is extremely intelligent.
-Florida Governor Ron DeSantis claims no one under 25 has died from coronavirus. Dr. Faucci just said he's totally wrong (of course!).
-Canadians will be able to spend time with Montreal's finest sp before Americans & other foreigners do since the border will remain closed for at least another year. I'm curious how this will reflect on their rates: will they remain the same? will the be higher? will they be lower? will side-deals be the new norm?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Who do you fuckers think will play Fauci on SNL?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There were 3 national polls , between April 2nd and April 7th , ( Quinnipiac , Morning Consult and Monmouth University ) and on average ,

Approval rating on handling the crisis :

Fauci ( 78% )

Governors ( 69% )

Trump ( 44% )

Source : 538

Fauci is da Man!!!!!!!! I actually think the Connecticut Governor Lamont is doing a good job- I loved his order deputizing Court Reporters to be remote notaries so we can do remote depositions. However there is something lacking in his delivery. He is not as good a communicator as Cuomo in NY. He is stilted in his shtick and kind of reminds me of a poor man's Mitt Romney (although Lamont is a Democrat). Not dynamic or charismatic at all. Just another dude who had a lot of money, was bored and figured politics would fill his days. But making some solid decisions.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Think he’s waaaaaay better than Andrew! Short sweet and to the fuckin point! No plugs to family members, Lamont is an unsung hero!

DeSantis is a lackie


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Think he’s waaaaaay better than Andrew! Short sweet and to the fuckin point! No plugs to family members, Lamont is an unsung hero!

DeSantis is a lackie

Fair points but I think Cuomo is skilled at noodling voters and creating the illusion of firm leadership. Plus he is a gifted speaker and when you are a gifted speaker and are given the platform to talk and talk and talk some more, you begin to resonate with voters on a personal level.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Lamont is what u see is what u get, reminds me of a scruffy John Kasich

Ben Stiller as Fauci?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
They said too that no event will take place before August 31 so officially goodbye Amaranthe Show :( but i knew it was just a matter of time.

That being said, im really hopping services like bus and obviously escorts start back before that date. Im thinking going to Montreal in June, or July at the latest unless its totally undoable.

In the meantime, noticed a few hundred $ in my bank account, looks like they combined all 4 of our TPS prestation and gave us that equivalent into a "bonus". Altough its kinda ironic in a way im getting "bonus money" but i can't spend it (at least not on what i would want) but oh well, again... more debt paying. Hell with this shit maybe ill end the year with 2000/2500$ less in debts rather than my predicted 1000$


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
-Canadians will be able to spend time with Montreal's finest sp before Americans & other foreigners do since the border will remain closed for at least another year. I'm curious how this will reflect on their rates: will they remain the same? will the be higher? will they be lower? will side-deals be the new norm?

Again, where are people reading that the border will be closed for at least another year? This would be HUGE news yet I can't find any mention of it in the news.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
IMHO, the responsible thing to do for federal, state, provincial, and local government leaders in the US, Canada, and elsewhere, is to start planning exit strategies to reopen society and businesses. While I believed predictions of unimaginable deaths (millions) and spread of the Sars-CoV-2 to tens of millions people worldwide, the time has come to start planning staggered reopening. The sky has not fallen. (I'm scared to death about contracting the potentially deadly Covid-19 but . . .) Yes, testings for the virus and the antibodies must be scaled up enormously. Germany's example and strategies could be very informative. But calculated risks must be made and accepted because life is all about making calculated risks. The global economic toll on billions of people has been tremendous. It's not humanly feasible to keep everyone at home for months. Let's hope China's experiment with reopening will not result in the "second wave". Stories&pgtype=Homepage

"[NY] Officials had estimated that 140,000 hospital beds might be needed to treat coronavirus patients. Only about 18,500 were in use by week’s end."

The daily death toll has still been staggering, approaching 800 for a third straight day on Friday [10/4/20], and some hospitals continue to teeter on the brink of chaos.

But the number of intensive care beds being used declined for the first time in the crisis, to 4,908, according to daily figures released on Friday. And the total number hospitalized with the virus, 18,569, was far lower than the darkest expectations."

"And from the start of the coronavirus emergency, Mr. [Andrew] Cuomo has repeatedly taken the position that he would rather be prepared for a dire scenario that never came to pass than to blithely put his faith in optimistic forecasts. Ironically, his doomsday attitude may complicate his efforts to keep the state on course as New Yorkers start to realize that the worst has not happened and eventually get itchy to go out."

"“How do you come up with an actual curve that is so much different than what those experts predicted?” he asked.

Part of the answer, he [Gov Cuomo] reasoned, was that it remained unclear whether the statewide shutdown he ordered last month would continue to be followed and effective."

On 11/4/20, many people in Hong Kong flocked to the beaches, defying the government's decree to stay at home and maintain social distancing.

My point is that the economic pains and the mental anguish from staying at home (going stir crazy; cabin fever; mental depressions; domestic abuses) may cause massive numbers of people "to run out to the streets." And people may realize that the sky will not fall on them when they do that. (Let's hope so.)


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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There is way too much optimism abt the infection curve flattening in Europe & the US. In reality, has the Covid-19 situation really improved?

Death & Infection rate s r still deliberately being under-reported: If a person dies at home or before testing then it’s not counted. Widespread testing is still not available.

New York daily death toll is under-reported by 200+ per day. Italy has taken a turn for the worse. Germany & UK r still reporting all time high deaths.

But politicians r still overly focused on restarting the economy and ignoring the obvious. If Covid-19 is properly contained via widespread testing & contact tracing w/ proper surveilance then the economy will restart on its own, no special action required.

But the politicians still want to take the easy popular way out and that’s exactly the same stupid attitude that got us into this shithole in the first place!

Covid-19 doesn’t care about economic stimulus nor can it be flattered or intimidated, all it wants to do is to find more hosts and it’s very good at that. Think about that and the fact that Covid-19 began w/ only a few people in a large city only 6 months ago ..... Until we truly understand the enemy, we r doomed to continue failing.


Jul 27, 2016
I think Cuomo F'd up big time, but he's got CNN on his side. I'm no Trump supporter, actually can't stand the orange guy, but, IMHO, the blame falls first on the governors, then on him. Look at what Gavin Newsom did in California especially at the timeline.
Oh, and without being disrespectful to the Chinese people, but China's Government must pay for the fuck up and the cover-up.
My 0.02, you don't have to agree with me...

Fair points but I think Cuomo is skilled at noodling voters and creating the illusion of firm leadership. Plus he is a gifted speaker and when you are a gifted speaker and are given the platform to talk and talk and talk some more, you begin to resonate with voters on a personal level.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
That being said, im really hopping services like bus and obviously escorts start back before that date. Im thinking going to Montreal in June, or July at the latest unless its totally undoable.

Don't count on it. I had a two-week long trip planned for Montreal from the end of June to the 2nd week of July and i cancelled it yesterday. Cancelled my hotel rooms & still have airfare to cancel but i'll wait to see what happens later in case they may waive the cancellation fee. It wouldn't surprise me if everything is still pretty much closed down by July. With no GP, Jazzfest & Just for Laughs this summer there's no longer a reason for me to spend time in Mtl this summer. The Rogers Cup (tennis) event will also probably get cancelled if it hasn't been already.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
Doc, with most airlines you can probably cancel your flight and get a voucher for a future flight. however, you should wait to the last minute to cancel since if THEY cancel the flight they will likely reimburse you in cash and a lot of flights are being canceled this happen to me- i waited to the last minute to cancel my flight and the airline canceled the flight two days before the scheduled departure- they then reimbursed me for the flight in cash.

this really sucks- in a couple weeks i would have gone up to montreal. i am beginning to think that we should inoculate ourselves against covid 19 like they did for smallpox back in the 17th century. you give yourself a little of the virus and you typically have a mild infection and then are immune. in fact, some think the that seriousness of covid is related to the amount of virus that you were exposed to.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
you give yourself a little of the virus and you typically have a mild infection and then are immune. in fact, some think the that seriousness of covid is related to the amount of virus that you were exposed to.

I suspect you're joking, but if you know of a way to only give yourself a "little of the virus", then go ahead!

Of course, that's also the premise of a vaccine... but in smaller amounts than you can give yourself.
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