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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Whoa, where did 50 percent come from.

The Germans would seem to disagree,

What I said was maybe up to 50% in several years if there is no vaccine.

I feel that it could be 10 to 20% by this time next year. By that time Africa, India and Brazil will be in full epidemic mode. The high numbers will come from the second and third waves. Parts of Asia are already re-infecting.

Hopefully the team of President Cuomo and VP Romney will do a better job than Trump and his short sighted cohorts have done.

BTW NB didn`t Thanos lose in the end?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
We were destroying the planet. This is as cloud tells us just a sign to slow down. It's a clean up. We truly need to respect the earth.

I guess we should be thanking the CCP for taking care of the planet (They got the West by their balls, they must be laughing like crazy).

Also lets not forget, they had one of the worst, crazy pollution problems, which cleared out during the lock down big time.
(Which of course same thing happening in the West).
(Also coincidentally shut down all the protests in Hong Kong too).

I guess flooding the West with opioid (Creating the opioid crisis causing lots of addiction, death etc) wasn't doing a good enough job, maybe the
death count was not high enough so they had to come up with something even better (Deadlier).

Also they got a fairly successful formula that spreads all over the world but does not spread within their boundaries???.

(Just quarantine talk, future subject for conspiracy theories maybe).


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
What u guys think about this video: ( It in French)

Une chose est certaine c'est que ce journaliste croit en ce qu'il dit, peut-être un peu intense, mais bon!!
Il a droit à son opinion et je la respecte, et la réciproque devrait s'appliquer aussi.

Aussi d'après moi, c'est clair que le nombre de morts ne sont pas tous dûs à la COVID-19. Il a pris plein d'extraits de discours pour prouver son propos, comme par exemple des vieux (comme il dit irrespectueusement) qui ont le cancer, qui sont testés positifs au coronavirus et qui meurts, et qui sont mis par les autorités médicales sur la liste comme morts de la COVID-19. Donc sa conclusion est que le nombre de morts est exagéré.

Je suis plus ou moins d'accord avec lui, j'ai des bémols. Premièrement, ces personnes agées seraient éventuellement mortes, mais pas toutes en ce court laps de temps, c'est sûr que la COVID-19 a accéléré leurs morts. Deuxièmement, le fait que le nombre de morts est exagéré, n'est pas nécessaire mauvais, car même avec ses exagérations, certaines personnes n'ont même pas suivi les consignes.

Imaginer si la santé publique avait dit que n'était qu'un virus comparable à celui de la grippe, personne aurait cru que se serait grave, donc aucune distanciation sociale, alors le nombre de morts aurait été beaucoup plus élévé. Ils ont agit de cette façon comme un incitatif pour les gens à respecter les consignes de distanciation.

Ce journaliste veut avoir absolument raison, pour prouver que ce qu'il a déjà dit était vrai, donc il se bat bec et ongles.


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Jun 27, 2003
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S'il nous ment sur le nombre de mort ou ne dis pas la vérité. Ils peuvent aussi exagérer sur d'autres choses. Comme les symptomes, contagions etc.
C'est pas juste au Québec, Legaut a dis que c'est comme ça partout pour les autres pays. Est-ce qu'il y a de la politique (L'Occident) derrière ça pour faire tomber la Chine?
C'est des questions que je me pose.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Cloudy Thanos kicked ass in infinity wars. He won. This set up the sequel where tony stark had to build a time machine. Infinity wars is prob one of my favorite comic book adaptations.

Maybe this is a way for Mother Nature to find balance, who knows? For now TNB’s theory is that this is mother nature’s way of keeping some fuckers caged so they don’t become vectors of STD’s and unintentionally reproduce and create stupider fucking offspring then themselves.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
S'il nous ment sur le nombre de mort ou ne dis pas la vérité. Ils peuvent aussi exagérer sur d'autres choses. Comme les symptomes, contagions etc.
C'est pas juste au Québec, Legaut a dis que c'est comme ça partout pour les autres pays. Est-ce qu'il y a de la politique (L'Occident) derrière ça pour faire tomber la Chine?
C'est des questions que je me pose.

Non ils ne peuvent pas exagérer sur les symptômes, ça c'est impossible. Il ne faut pas oublier que c'est mondial.
Et ne te pose plus des questions sur le fait de faire tomber la Chine.

Ce gars est un très bon parleur, et fanatique, cela me fait peur.
Moi personnellement ce n'est pas un gars que je vais suivre.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
If you look him up, you will quickly discover that he's the son of FLQ Activist Jacques Cossette-Trudel (convicted for the kidnapping and murder of minister Pierre Laporte).
He's clearly an educated person (multiple PhDs political sci & religious studies) and a good communicator for the "masses", and that's the part that worries me the most. That's the perfect educational background to learn how to manipulate masses if you ask me...
I'm not stating that all he says is false. He clearly does his research, but he also does it in a way to support his ideaologies especially if he can dig up something that can give credibility to anything he's ever said in the past.

Thank you Neverbored for these informations.

I didn't know that, but it explains, because I thought he was the fanatic type and that he could be a good manipulator.
Unfortunately, he is the kind of man who will always argue and who will never change his mind.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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For those looking to self-isolate in style, u can rent an entire superyacht for only $120,000 to $600,000 per week. Crew is extra so might as well include a couple of your favorite escorts while u’re at it.

More ‘down to earth’ options also include renting out entire inns or hotels in the countryside. The entire Blantyre Country Resort, a luxury country house hotel in the Berkshires is available for a mere $38,000/night.

For the rich but not quite super rich, not to worry - if u live in wealthy enclaves like Miami’s Fisher Island or the ski town of Telluride in Colorado, yr community will arrange free coronavirus & antibody tests for all residents & staff.

As for the rest of us, King ..... opps, President Trump says there are already Beautiful tests for anyone who wants one, right? Our Magnificent hospitals r in great shape and overflowing with so much PPE that people r actually pilfering.

Soon, President Trump alone will decide when to restart our Greatest ever economy. We should be doubly grateful for all that he & his Wonderful family especially Prince Jared has sacrificed for us. Make America Great Again!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I could be wrong, but I’m pretty confident the antibody tests will be out waaaay sooner than the vaccine

i don’t remember ever saying it was a done deal, but do remember saying antibody testing is coming, and hopefully soon and that it will help transitioning peeps back to work

Everything with this virus is a work in progress


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Even if you have IgG or IgM elevated titers, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have protective immunity. It just means you have been exposed and are mounting a response. Antibody presence does not guarantee protective immunity. The only way of knowing protective clinical immunity is examining what happens after reexposure. We don’t know the significance of having antibodies yet.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
it does not but it’s part of a feasible plan to test young healthy 1st responders who have high IgG levels and let them go back to work first and see what happens in the fall when and if the virus circulated again.

There are no absolutes in medicine. Will there be a level of immunity that is present with already being infected and clearing the virus, probably, is it absolute yes, no. How long will that immunity last? Who the fuck knows? And how strong will it be?

like I said they will probably test 1st responders who are young and healthy who have tested IgG + first and send them back

You had also mentioned in another post somewhere else that RNA vaccine, that is a vaccine they are working on getting ready for trial purposes to 1st responders in the fall.

There are many vaccine candidates in trials right now
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