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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Just wondering if any of you guys got tested for Covid-19? I have heard that the test is a long swab that is inserted deeply into the nasal cavity in a corkscrew motion, much like the swab inserted and corkscrewed deeply into the penis for an STD test. Was this also your experience?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As far as I can tell, Connecticut has the longest extended shutdown order of any state or province in North America. The shutdown in CT extends through May 20. That is another 5 weeks.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
I repeat he didn't act in his country, and if he had acted, .

Do you live in an airport, bar or restaurant and only watch the Corrupt News Network aka CNN or Moran Specific News By Children aka MSNBC ... clearly wallowing in what the media spins as fake news ... "Trump" didn't act in his country ..... Earth to sene ... maybe china virus has you all bewildered ... Trump didn;t act??? OK ... whatever you say (eye roll)

The more you allow the fear to guide you, the more like sheep you will be .... so either will be fleeced or slaughtered thanks to this china virus folks ... which will it be?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Why does he have to have his name on relief checks brother?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Why does he have to have his name on relief checks brother?

He's a self-centred prick!

But the other reason is that it's a publicity stunt for his re-election campaign.

Look....i used to like the guy years ago when i used to watch his reality show. But i realized over the past few years that he only played the part of a successful billionaire & i wasn't aware that he went bankrupt numerous times & would usually get bailed out by his billionaire the sum of up to $450 million in bailouts! He's a fucking asshole. It's hard to say anything good about the guy although i'd like to!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
i Specifically remember when Clinton was acquitted back in the day there was a SNL skit where the guy playing Clinton literally walked up to a podium with the presidential seal for the cold open, and the audience cheered for about 2 mins in applause. The actor (forget his name) who played Clinton just stood, smiled and acknowledged the cheers and then when the cheering.....

The actor is Darrell Hammond. The link you posted doesn't work in Canada due to a blackout.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As far as I can tell, Connecticut has the longest extended shutdown order of any state or province in North America. The shutdown in CT extends through May 20. That is another 5 weeks.

That's a week longer than in the province i live in. I'm seriously considering investing into a high-end sex doll. Practice makes perfect, right?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Just wondering if any of you guys got tested for Covid-19?

In a week or so my area will start testing people for antibodies to COVID-19. I hope anyone who wants to get a test can get one, although i doubt they'll test people with no symptoms. It wouldn't surprise me if i do test positive for antibodies. I spent a week in Toronto at the end of February and returned home in March and a week to 10 days later i spent several in bed with flu/cold symptoms & ended up missing several days of work, which is a rarity for me. I spent time riding the subway & in populated areas (Eaton Centre, Rogers Centre, Metro Convention Centre, etc) so it wouldn't totally surprise me that the bug i caught was during my time in Toronto & i started experiencing symptoms 7-10 days later. But only undergoing a test as soon as i'm allowed to (although i'm currently asymptomatic) will let me know for sure if i was exposed or not.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
There are different tests..mine was the way EB described it. Deep nasal swab that makes you gag and feel like you’re drowning for a few seconds.

Thanks. I believe you. I was being sarcastic since i'd give away one month of my paycheque if Donald Trump actually did get tested. He's such a fucking pussy & phony who lies 95% everytime he opens his tiny round mouth that i doubt he'd ever tell the truth about getting tested.

Heck, he fucked pornstars & hookers for years without wearing a condom & believes 100% that he's invincible to any std or virus so do you honestly believe he'd get a coronavirus test? Especially one involving a nasal swal that makes you gag and feel like your drowning? No fucking way in hell!


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Just wondering if any of you guys got tested for Covid-19? I have heard that the test is a long swab that is inserted deeply into the nasal cavity in a corkscrew motion, much like the swab inserted and corkscrewed deeply into the penis for an STD test. Was this also your experience?

Think the swab is inserted several inches into the nose and supposed to end somewhat below & parallel to the brain. A common mistake often made is that the swab is shoved towards the brain :eek:

After the deep insertion comes the corkscrew motion :puke:

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
These 4 countries are viewed as the 4 best governmental responses to the pandemic:

I'll tell you how without even having to read the article: by not claiming the coronavirus was a hoax and that it would 'all go away' like magic by April. By taking the advice of your experts & inteligence agencies back in December & January. By not sitting on your fat ass & do nothing other than tweet, golf, attend many rallies & try to start a war with Iran from January to March. By not waiting until spring break is over to finally close down the beaches. And so on. That's how you properly respond to an incoming pandemic.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Although many posts in this thread speculated that Chinese wet markets were the origin of Covid-19, it is now being somewhat widely reported that there is an investigation into whether the release came from a Wuhan Lab studying coronaviruses in bats:

Although the lab theory is entirely valid the chinese wet markets are still a tremendous problem for the world's health and should be shut down by the chinese government. Way too many viruses & epidemics come out of those markets. SARS originated in one of those markets. Many other viruses. And likely this one. The chinese government has full power over every single individual in China. It would be extremely easy for it to shut down those wet markets.
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