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Rod Blagojevich

New Member
Jan 18, 2011
The US can not even stop citizens from owning machine guns and assault weapons, they would be up in arms if they were quarantined without proof that they carry the virus.

BTW- Not using a handle.
Jan 20, 2010
Only twits get their news from Twitter and EagerBeaver, your article is from CCN not CNN. Consider this :
Quote from The Scientific American.

So far, the new coronavirus, dubbed 2019-nCoV, has led to more than 20,000 illnesses and 427 deaths in China, as well as more than 200 illnesses and two deaths outside of mainland China.


In the U.S. alone, the flu has already caused an estimated 19 million illnesses, 180,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Article :

No wonder Trump can feed twits fake news and make them run in circles flailing their arms around and yelling the sky is falling. We live in the 21st century where news is flashed around the world in micro seconds and the news outlets are trying to out do each other and in the process exaggerate the news.

The vast majority of people that die from the coronavirus are people with respiratory problems, people with compromised immune systems and smokers. Children that get the coronavirus may have no symptoms or if they do they recover from it quickly. One theory is that the coronavirus is not worse than influenza. The numbers clearly point in that direction.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
So far, the new coronavirus, dubbed 2019-nCoV, has led to more than 20,000 illnesses and 427 deaths in China

I am curious, how does the Scientific American author (or anyone else, for that matter) know what is going on inside China, whose communist government is, well, not exactly transparent. She doesn't inform us how exactly she has arrived at these numbers, does she? At the same time, not-so-scientific Americans report that the number of casualties is currently over 1100. Go figure...

No wonder Trump can feed twits fake news and make them run in circles flailing their arms around and yelling the sky is falling.

Thank you so much for maintaining your laser-like focus on the matter at hand! I suppose only twits make ridiculous irrelevant remarks.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


Nov 1, 2019
“However, Nicholls also said that he doesn't consider SARS or MERS, a Middle Eastern novel virus that spread in 2012, to be an accurate comparison for this year's outbreak. Rather, the novel coronavirus most closely relates to a severe case of the common cold.

"Compared to SARS and MERS, we are talking about a coronavirus that has a mortality rate of eight to 10 times less deadly to SARS to MERS," Nicholls is quoted as having said on the conference call. "So, a correct comparison is not SARS or MERS but a severe cold. Basically, this is a severe form of the cold."

Hey, Patron,
Certainly, it is everyone's hope that the coronavirus acts just like the influenza virus and burns itself out in the spring, and thanks for that interesting article about its mechanism.
But I think Nicholls is being too cavalier by calling it just a severe cold.
The worldwide death toll for the novel coronavirus is 1,107. Total infected people is 44,138. That calculates to a 2.5% mortality rate.
The usual influenza (flu) viruses have a 0.01% mortality rate (1/1,000)
The SARS virus had a 9-10% mortality rate (9-10/100)
The novel coronavirus has a 2-3% mortality rate (2-3/100). It is 20-30 times more deadly than the common flu. And when was the last time you heard of someone dying of a severe cold?

The other thing is that Nicholls is merely voicing his educated guess that the coronavirus will burn itself out. The Chinese authorities that sanctioned that now deceased Chines opthalmalogist who first warned of this new virus elected to do nothing, and possibly have already indirectly caused hundreds of deaths by being cavalier. When one is in charge of public health, one has to account for worst case scenarios, not put one's head in the sand and hope for the best.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
The problem with numbers is is that. do you really think the chinese will give actual accurate numbers
they normally hide things well.
potentially the corona virus could be bad but by statistics the common flue kills more people each year

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
And when was the last time you heard of someone dying of a severe cold?

Lol, exactly. From what I heard about the ophthalmologist is that he was less than 40, and no co-morbidities? I’m not a virologist or epidemiologist, so I’m not gonna sit here and run my mouth off on shit i looked over the night before the exam. what I can say with a 100% confidence is that if you gave Dr. Nicholls a Petri dish grow in this shit on it and told him to do some DATY simulation on it to prove his point that he’ll just catch a cold he probably wouldn’t do it. Bottom line, it’s not the fucking cold, it’s not the flu, it’s not sars, we don’t know what the fuck it is completely, so until we do wash ur fuckin hands

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Lol, exactly. From what I heard about the ophthalmologist is that he was less than 40, and no co-morbidities? I’m not a virologist or epidemiologist, so I’m not gonna sit here and run my mouth off on shit i looked over the night before the exam. what I can say with a 100% confidence is that if you gave Dr. Nicholls a Petri dish grow in this shit on it and told him to do some DATY simulation on it to prove his point that he’ll just catch a cold he probably wouldn’t do it. Bottom line, it’s not the fucking cold, it’s not the flu, it’s not sars, we don’t know what the fuck it is completely, so until we do wash ur fuckin hands
you might not be a virologist or epidemiologis but you talk polite common sence .

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Lol, exactly. From what I heard about the ophthalmologist is that he was less than 40, and no co-morbidities? I’m not a virologist or epidemiologist, so I’m not gonna sit here and run my mouth off on shit i looked over the night before the exam. what I can say with a 100% confidence is that if you gave Dr. Nicholls a Petri dish grow in this shit on it and told him to do some DATY simulation on it to prove his point that he’ll just catch a cold he probably wouldn’t do it. Bottom line, it’s not the fucking cold, it’s not the flu, it’s not sars, we don’t know what the fuck it is completely, so until we do wash ur fuckin hands
The Nature Boy ,some of us here, appreciate your posts,thank you,
most of us come here to interact and share,and a few come here to pretend they know everything and just to antagonize and talk down to people.
Its better to have the shit scared out of us and be aware than to be in china and have information suppressed.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I have been actually trying to look into something (presumably) more scientific than the video linked above. I came across this Lancet article where the authors (Hong Kong scientists) are trying to "forecast the extent of the domestic and global public health risks of epidemics".

The equations they derive look curiously familiar (more or less), even though I haven't had to deal with anything remotely similar for at least 20 years, maybe more. My initial impression, however, is that their forecasts (that we are basically fucked) are not exactly trustworthy for the obvious reason -- almost complete lack of data. Even the incubation period is not known at this point (they are guessing ~6 days, whereas there are other estimates between 3 and 15 days), and the rest of their assumptions seem dubious, to say the least. Although, for fairness' sake, they do admit that their "study has several major limitations". Not to sound overly cynical, but the real purpose of the authors seems to be "to publish early, publish often", which of course does wonders for one's Hirsch index.

I am not really an expert, so if there is anyone better familiar with the subject matter, I would be really interested to get any comments. Other, possibly better, sources for education would be very welcome too.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
And now that the Chinese government decided to change their accounting practices (meaning probably they now decided to report 1 in a 1000 cases instead of 1 in a 100,000), of course, all the sophisticated models like the one above will have to be redone. Another publication in the pipeline, who will say no.

And of course the interesting chart therein:|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1227801042215006209


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I had to help put official firm signs in the office today

what to do when you come in contact with someone with the virus


New Member
Aug 5, 2008
Dr. Christopher Martenson does a great job covering Covid-19 on ouTube.

While you may not catch this thing, the economic fallout could very well be devastating to many if this thing keeps spreading. Prepare accordingly.



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Forget the coronavirus. It may cost world economies 10`s of billions, even trillions, over the next year , but like previous pandemics it will run out of steam eventually. The greatest threat to the world is Sanders winning the Democratic endorsement. The result of that win will release the Orange Plague for another 4 or more years.
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