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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
WTF daily cases have almost doubled in a week. At this rate of increase there won`t be any un-vaccinated left by year end .... they will have all died off.
Trudeau keep that border shut !!

No, it's not that bad. COVID doesn't have a fatality rate of 60%+, let's be real. That being said, it does lead to a high number of unvaxxed people getting seriously ill and that's enough to shut down our hospital system.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Fair notice : I sometimes us sarcasm and even eggggsageration to hi-lite a point.
BTW if the mortality rate was 60% we wouldn`t be having this or any discussion.
Interesting how nature has picked only humans , and not for the first time, to suffer a plague of biblical proportion.
God must be really pissed at how selfishly mankind has abused nature and this unique gem of a planet..
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
No, it's not that bad. COVID doesn't have a fatality rate of 60%+, let's be real. That being said, it does lead to a high number of unvaxxed people getting seriously ill and that's enough to shut down our hospital system.
But there were 11,242 deaths in Quebec alone.

And 4,37 million worldwide, according to official numbers, but in reality it's much more.

Imagine, you have to go to the emergency room, and you stay in the corridor for days because there are a large number of unvaccinated people occupying the places?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Prior to the vaccines COVID deaths were very high. We didn’t know how to treat people so of course the total number of deaths will be high. Since vaccines and therapeutics have become abundant the death rates have gone down considerably. So I don’t think it’s fair to use total COVID deaths as an example for above. It certainly makes a statement and gets your attention. But it’s not comparing apples to apples. I’m not saying COVID is no longer a threat, but we have come a long way from all of the initial deaths since the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Imagine, you have to go to the emergency room, and you stay in the corridor for days because there are a large number of unvaccinated people occupying the places?
Unfortunately you were staying in the corridor for days even before anyone new covid existed.
Quebecs health care and old age care homes were a shambles way before covid and all previous governments did fuck all to correct it whether it was Liberals, Parti Quebec or the CAQ.
Politicians are the lowest life forms on the planet.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Unfortunately you were staying in the corridor for days even before anyone new covid existed.
Quebecs health care and old age care homes were a shambles way before covid and all previous governments did fuck all to correct it whether it was Liberals, Parti Quebec or the CAQ.
Politicians are the lowest life forms on the planet.

This is true. However Covid broke it even more than it was previously broken. And this is THE reason restrictions had to be put it place.

I don't think anyone can deny Covid brought the health care system to the brink. Any disagreements ?

I think everyone can agree something had to be done to bring it somewhat back or preventing it from falling further. Any disagreements ?

I think where they are diverging opinion are what measures were most effective.
For example, I believe proper border control would have been more effective than the curfew. But that is an opinion.

If someone doesn't agree with the first two points on the need to take stress off the health system they are living in an alternate reality.

We shouldn't forget that countries with "relatively good" health care system got overrun by Covid. It wasn't just Quebec. I am the first to crap on Legault, but nobody escaped this.

BTW, there was a recent ranking of the health systems of 11 high income countries. Canada ended up 10th. But many of the top 10 where overwhelmed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I agree with your assessment, unfortunately I can almost guarantee that 5 years from now even if this whole covid crap will be behind us people will still be waiting in the emergency area in corridors for hours on end and in corridors for days waiting for a room.
Seniors will not be treated any better in old age care facilities, there will not be more nurses, doctors, caretakers, or even A/C in these places.
I had the misfortune of visiting some of these places everyday for 8 months and my only wish is that I will not live long enough to end up in one of these places.
Politicians will not do a thing once the pressure is of the pandemic will be off their shoulder they will go right back to all kinds of cuts on health care.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Florida records 1,071 COVID deaths in a week amid Delta variant surge in the state.

Florida has set a new record for weekly infections with 151,415 new COVID-19 cases over the past week, an average of 21,630 cases each day.

The state also recorded an additional 1,071 deaths, a daily average of 153, in the health department's weekly report.

These growing numbers come as the state set a record for COVID hospitalizations due to a massive surge as the Indian 'Delta' variant.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
De Santis, De Santis, where is the idiot in Chief and his invisible V.P. in all this who made all kinds of promises on the number of vaccinations prior election.
Strange that there is always a favourite scapegoat.
252K new cases in the US all the fault of De Santis yeah makes a whole lot of sense.
The idiot in chief has no role in this lol.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
The idiot in chief lost the election fair and square in november 2020. That's over with him. If you know a bit about the American political system, you should know that governors have huge power. Yes De Santis is powerfull and goes against the good wealth of Florida. As stated before: Florida records 1,071 COVID deaths in a week amid Delta variant surge in the state. That is the important thing to care about.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
de santis, the wanna be dictator of Fla., deserves to be hung up by his rhoids
Your all over the place, let me see if I can make some sense of it. When a democrat is president we are to blame the governors? Unlike in a previous administration you had nothing to say about governors yet blamed everything on the president? COVID kills all people, and the last time I checked that included both democrats and republicans. People that live in the great state of Florida love their governor. They couldn't give a shit about how others feel about their beloved governor.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
From a Doctor

I read the article and agree completely with the opinion of the phycisan.
Those unvaccinated patients may cause death of other patients by taking their place in intensive care.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
Your all over the place, let me see if I can make some sense of it. When a democrat is president we are to blame the governors? Unlike in a previous administration you had nothing to say about governors yet blamed everything on the president? COVID kills all people, and the last time I checked that included both democrats and republicans. People that live in the great state of Florida love their governor. They couldn't give a shit about how others feel about their beloved governor.
DE Santis not so loved anymore;


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
From a couple of weeks ago and in the middle of the summer when nobody is in Florida, so it's as relevant as a biased CNN poll regarding the Florida governor.

Instead of playing the blame game the worthless politicians need to unite to try to end the pandemic. The head of the Chair of National Governors Association, Andrew Cuomo of NY has resigned and is the middle of a sexual scandal so when the country needed him most to unite the governors he was to busy abusing women. But keep posting useless polls about things that won't help end the pandemic. Oh, and don't worry about all those Canadians traveling to Florida in the upcoming months, I'm sure they won't bring COVID back with them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
^^^^ Should also include a video about the countries (China and Russia) that have misrepresented their COVID numbers.
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