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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Well I can say this about Canadians and even some Americans being complacent, I noticed in the past 10 years the resurgence of Socialism (Trudope, Sanders, AOC). Maybe this renewed interest in Socialism reflects the reason ppl are being so complacent. Many Europeans know what Communism/Fascism is at least the older generation as it touched them more.
I was thinking the exact same thing. Europeans have seen communism and socialism up close and they know the destruction they breed.

American college kids are too busy being indoctrinated.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Basically it's like disciplining children as opposed to expecting people to act like adults. You send a child to his room and tell him he is grounded due to his misbehavior or the belief that he will engage in misbehavior. This is exactly what Legault is doing to you. He is sending you to your bedrooms, and you are grounded. One reason no American Governor will do this or any type of martial law is because Americans historically rebel at such measures.
Unfortunately it seems like the US has the largest portion of children amongst its population and they are way more stubborn than here.
49% of the population are not vaccinated and even more do not believe in wearing masks.
I am definitely not proud of the way Yo Yo Legault is handling or how he handled things especially with his recent roll out of booster shots but compared to some of the US governors, mayors and that bumbling idiot President Bidet he could be considered a hero.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
A positive development. Clearly Omicron is not as bad as earlier versions.

And the even better news is that Omicron appears to provide antibodies against other more deadly Covid variants.

I've been very careful about all the "It isn't as bad!" news because I want that to be true and clearly so do many of the people reporting on it.
That creates a really strong incentive to read the data in a biased manner subconsciously and over project.
But as it has gone on for a while and multiple lines of evidence have converged, it does seem that it is "not as bad" - especially as fewer and fewer of the population is immune-naive.

The cross protection with other strains is surprising to me - usually if something evades the immune system developed by one the evasion will work both ways, so we may just have gotten very lucky here.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
The cross protection with other strains is surprising to me - usually if something evades the immune system developed by one the evasion will work both ways, so we may just have gotten very lucky her
This is one of the few positive developments and I am sure it could be a divine unplanned anomaly that this "Omicron" Covid variant may act as a "live attenuated vaccine" giving us broad spectrum natural immunity that ends this crap.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
This is one of the few positive developments and I am sure it could be a divine unplanned anomaly that this "Omicron" Covid variant may act as a "live attenuated vaccine" giving us broad spectrum natural immunity that ends this crap.

That is is both milder (for some variable of) and seems to block out others would be an amazing stroke of luck.
Milder but vastly more contagious will still fuck up hospital capacity, but if boosters do drop transmission again and vaccination keeps the hospitalizations down even more, we could get lucky. If they can make an omicron specific vax (even a booster) quickly it could really work out.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
This is because Legault/your Quebec government does not trust you and the other citizens of Quebec to do the right thing. So he is mandating curfews to enforce doing what he believes is the right thing. Here in the States, Governors ask citizens to do what the Governor thinks is right but we have not had mandatory curfews.

Basically it's like disciplining children as opposed to expecting people to act like adults. You send a child to his room and tell him he is grounded due to his misbehavior or the belief that he will engage in misbehavior. This is exactly what Legault is doing to you. He is sending you to your bedrooms, and you are grounded. One reason no American Governor will do this or any type of martial law is because Americans historically rebel at such measures.

The only time in Connecticut history anything Ike martial law happened was during the devastating floods of 1955, the worst in state history, which led to a massive re-design of the waterways in CT and the damming of rivers in the northern portion of the State. There was massive looting after those floods and then Governor Ribicoff issued controversial orders to the Connecticut National Guard to "shoot looters on sight." Although controversial at the time, the looting stopped almost immediately when that order was issued, and nobody was shot. But apart from that martial law is not part of who we are in the USA.

Cloud, if you are a hard working citizen who pays his taxes, Connecticut would welcome you. So would other States. You have a choice not to live under such austerity.

Just for hoots I looked today

Connecticut, 3.6 million people, today 86 deaths
Canada with 38 million people (more than10x), 26 deaths.

I guess the "live free and die" motto holds :)


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Just for hoots I looked today

Connecticut, 3.6 million people, today 86 deaths
Canada with 38 million people (more than10x), 26 deaths.

I guess the "live free and die" motto holds :)
This is like means nothing.. Connecticut: 510,188 cases, death: 9,160 ratio: 9160/510188= o.o17 or 1.7 percent.. Lower than that would be dying through choking (exaggeration of course, but shows how much number just stated like that shows nothing). You need age group, circumstances, etc..
Canada Cases: 2,102,470 Deaths: 30,253 Ratio 30253/2102470= 0.014 or 1.4 percent which is roughly equal. So guess the Vaccine improved it by o.o3 percent (not worth the risk)
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
What are you guys even talking about. What are you trying to prove . The only numbers that count are hospitalizations and deaths.
Cases counted by the government are only the tip of the iceberg. They may be 50% to 150% higher in the real world. Many if not most people don`t get tested when they get mildly ill, are asymptomatic or if they self test they don`t inform the government if they are positive.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
I know because the strippers I have on social media, last year most posted videos of parties during the last curfew.
Since a long time I was wondering where you got your annoying info from. I now see it is from first hand educated people. With a fine of $1,000 we will see what will happen. If you wish, you can copy/paste the same post you are always replicating dropping key words as: authoritarian, socialist, communist, leftist, etc...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Since a long time I was wondering where you got your annoying info from. I now see it is from first hand educated people. With a fine of $1,000 we will see what will happen. If you wish, you can copy/paste the same post you are always replicating dropping key words as: authoritarian, socialist, communist, leftist, etc...
Since you are a supporter of authoritarian governments, China would be a good place for you and suited to your type. People fleed those oppressive countries to live in a country that has freedom and respect the individual over the collective. Behold what they did in China. Maybe you can send a letter to Papa Lego and suggest to him to do this here. Oh yes when you talk about educated you mean indoctrinated to government propaganda right? Big difference!

Keeping people locked up as prisoners for a cold seems ludicrous, I guess only this will satisfy you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
This is like means nothing.. Connecticut: 510,188 cases, death: 9,160 ratio: 9160/510188= o.o17 or 1.7 percent.. Lower than that would be dying through choking (exaggeration of course, but shows how much number just stated like that shows nothing). You need age group, circumstances, etc..
Canada Cases: 2,102,470 Deaths: 30,253 Ratio 30253/2102470= 0.014 or 1.4 percent which is roughly equal. So guess the Vaccine improved it by o.o3 percent (not worth the risk)

I am glad to see you back. Fully recovered I hope

Good try.

Canada 30,280 deaths, CT 9160. You got that one right.

Let's call it 3x less on 10x less population ? Therefore about 3x more dead ? Would another 60,000 deaths been ok with you Franco ?

And don't try to turn this into vaccine efficacy because it has been well established that number would be 10x not 3x.

I am not saying CT is right or wrong. They give more freedom to the socially irresponsible. That's OK. Their choice.

I would be fine if Darwinism would kick in but the problem is the socially irresponsible take down the vulnerable as well.

EB is welcoming your with open arms (if you pay your taxes). You should go, it is a really nice place. No dictators there...well ....not yet.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
This is like means nothing.. Connecticut: 510,188 cases, death: 9,160 ratio: 9160/510188= o.o17 or 1.7 percent.. Lower than that would be dying through choking (exaggeration of course, but shows how much number just stated like that shows nothing). You need age group, circumstances, etc..
Canada Cases: 2,102,470 Deaths: 30,253 Ratio 30253/2102470= 0.014 or 1.4 percent which is roughly equal. So guess the Vaccine improved it by o.o3 percent (not worth the risk)

Did you even look at the percentage vaccinated of Connecticut vs Canada?
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Did you even look at the percentage vaccinated of Connecticut vs Canada?
Missed the point sir. I was not trying to inform, I was showing that numbers can be used in statistics to prove any point you desire. Your question is correct, and not only that, but it should go further as the age group, peaks periods, hospital conditions, subject lifestyles, and more. Using numbers and ratio without a proper context is very misleading.
I am glad to see you back. Fully recovered I hope
Thanks man, yes we are fully recovered, we were lucky we only had mild symptoms.
Would another 60,000 deaths been ok with you Franco
Why would you ask me that? Are you trying to establish an image that I am ok with people dying? The whole post was to show how data can be manipulated to help your argument, so how is that a related question?
And don't try to turn this into vaccine efficacy because it has been well established that number would be 10x not 3x.
Established???? By whom exactly? In case you did not know, Doctors that believe this Vaccine to be very dangerous and unnecessary do exist.
You believe the world to be all clear and white or black, and that the media is extremely honest and has clarity and no bias. I believe we live in a world where the media is a mercenary for hiring, there is no black and white, but mostly grey.
This world is ruled by groups of interest that are corrupting officials, doctors, and what have you to get what they want. Not one pharmacy I have visited lately is not displaying ads regarding the other Vaccines (not COVID). Everyone wants to capitalize on this Vaccine fever.
Business is the biggest player in any situation in this world. It is up to us to decide what is in our best interest, this is why, and not matter what are the circumstances, freedom of choice cannot be negotiable.

The best proof is experience, not statistics or talks. The Vaccine has proven its inefficacity overall. Did it help some cases, maybe (cause we have no other comparison to be certain). Overall, the situation remains the same with or without the Vaccine. The lower death claim cannot be granted to the Vaccine, since lots of people have contracted it before, and immunity in general is improving toward the COVID.
Was a Vaccine necessary to a Virus that has a low kill ratio? Is imposing such a contested Vaccine the right move? Did our lazy politicians work harder and explore all other options carefully, or did they just copy each others because it was easier?

We all know for a fact that cigarettes are bad for health. Even smokers, which I used to be, knows that. If the Angels in power only care about our well being, why not forbid it? Simply because it is bad for business, and these companies of course pay their political campaigns. That is how the world works in every field. Your best and only defense are you personal rights and freedoms, that is why we need to point the finger at any abuse of that even if a comet was heading to our planet to destroy it (exaggeration of course, but you get the point) .
The strongest enemy to our freedom is FEAR. I remember when the pandemic started, we were getting videos' on social media of people falling in the street as if it was a Zombie apocalypse. At that time I was wondering what would be the purpose of spreading such fears, it is much clearer now:)
Say NO to Fear guys, and a bigger No to touching your freedoms.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
I am glad to see you back. Fully recovered I hope

Good try.

Canada 30,280 deaths, CT 9160. You got that one right.

Let's call it 3x less on 10x less population ? Therefore about 3x more dead ? Would another 60,000 deaths been ok with you Franco ?

And don't try to turn this into vaccine efficacy because it has been well established that number would be 10x not 3x.

I am not saying CT is right or wrong. They give more freedom to the socially irresponsible. That's OK. Their choice.

I would be fine if Darwinism would kick in but the problem is the socially irresponsible take down the vulnerable as well.

EB is welcoming your with open arms (if you pay your taxes). You should go, it is a really nice place. No dictators there...well ....not yet.
Those who put freedom above everything should look at the Covid situation in the States that give the most freedom.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Sur les mesures annoncées hier..
1- couvre-feu.....perso. je peux vivre avec comme beaucoup de citoyens plus âgés MAIS m'interroge sérieusement sur son utilité/efficacité d'autant plus que beaucoup d' endroits....bars/restos/gyms/cinémas/casinos sont déjà fermés je comprends que cela
dérange davantage les jeunes qui ont le goût de vivre et de profiter de la vie....espérons une durée d'une quinzaine de jours....décision purement politique.

2-fermeture des salles à manger....celle-là me'est actuellement ma seule distraction que j'affectionne énormément......d'autant plus avec le passeport vaccinal exigé, six personnes vaccinées max /2 bulles....donc des gens/personnes que l'on connaît bien
soit famille ou amis en plus qui devaient fermer à 22h.....non celle-là je ne la comprends pas et l'accepte difficilement en ce 31 Dé oui prendre cette décision un 31 Décembre/ 1er Janvier.....alors que les restaurateurs---aux frigots bien remplis---
doivent encore payer la note....flagrant manque de jugement/respect et aussi envers les milliers/milliers de clients en attente d'une belle soirée---pour oublier 2021---et prêts à composer avec les mesures sanitaires en plus....non....vraiment désolant.
Au point ou nous en sommes aurait pu au moins attendre le 2 Janvier pour prendre de telles dé 2 cents en ce 31 Décembre......and HAPPY NEW YEAR quand même..... ;)

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
In reference to that VERY SCARY story I posted above.
New York state is already on it.
If they do this in the US they will do it in Canada.
Apparently they will vote on it in a week or so
Of course security before freedom.


NY State Assembly Bill A416 › legislation › bills › a416
If I were you I would be more worried about this one



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC ce 31 Décembre,

On termine l'année 2021 avec un record ce jour de 16,461 nouveaux cas :confused: .....13 décès supplémentaires o_O.....124 hospitalisations de plus pour un total de 1063 et une augmentation de 13 aux soins intensifs pour un total de 151....taux de positivité de 31,7...
sur ce Bonne Année 2022.;)
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