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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
If the US had done as well as us, 600,000+ Americans would be alive today. No doubt we all had to make sacrifices, but I am thankful a lot of Canadians get to live another day. Could be someone's grandpa, or someone else who doesn't have to live with long covid.
Didnt know it was a competition, congratulations.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Indoor gyms, bars, offices, nursing and retirement homes, and crowded indoor events are all likely places where people can get reinfected with COVID, given that new Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 are circulating.

North Korea is likely experiencing a huge COVID-19 outbreak, according to experts, and it’s likely that much of the population is unvaccinated. “Controlling omicron in the absence of vaccination is a ghastly task,” said William Hanage, associate professor of epidemiology. “We can expect a very rapid surge.”

He estimated that North Korea could see around 50,000 deaths, and several times that many hospitalizations.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants are spiking globally because they can spread faster than other circulating variants — mostly BA.2, which caused a surge in cases at the beginning of the year.
But so far, the latest Omicron variants seem to be causing fewer deaths and hospitalizations than their older cousins — a sign that growing population immunity is tempering the immediate consequences of COVID-19 surges.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
^^^^^^ Excellent article, as always from "Nature". Thanks @sene5hos
I will only copy the conclusion for those not reading the full content.

One possible future for SARS-CoV-2 is that it will become like the other four seasonal coronaviruses, the levels of which ebb and flow with the seasons, usually peaking in winter and typically reinfecting people every three years or so, Althaus says. “The big question is whether symptoms will become milder and milder and whether issues with long COVID will slowly disappear,” he says. “If it stays like it is now, then it will be a serious public-health problem.”


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
COVID-19 29 juin 2022. Tous les indicateurs sont à la hausse. Restons prudents. Perso, je continuerai à porter le masque en présence de foule comme au Festival de Jazz de Montréal ou à l'intérieur lorsque la densité de clients empêchera une saine distanciation. Nous sommes tous dans le même bateau, quoique certains ne l'ont pas encore réalisé et vivent encore dans le déni.

Le déni est une notion utilisée en psychanalyse pour désigner le fait de refuser, de façon inconsciente, une partie ou l'ensemble d'une réalité. Le déni peut porter sur un sentiment ou une émotion, mais aussi sur des faits qui se sont produits.

On dit qu'une image vaut mille mots...



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
DR.BOILEAU ce jour....le Québec a ''tous les éléments'' d'une 7ème vague... :( augmentation notable des hospitalisations ces derniers les nouveaux variants sont responsables des 3/4 des nouveaux cas.....recommande aux personnes à risque
de porter le masque....mieux vaut être prévenu....on parle moins de la COVID ----élections obligent---MAIS le virus rôde toujours et continue de faire des dégâ des décès continuent d'être recensés....soyons sur nos gardes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
OTTAWA ce jour....JEAN-YVES nous avons repris une vie normale c'est largement dû à la VACCINATION....a rappelé l'importance d'aller chercher sa 3ème et 4ème dose.....prépare une vaste campagne de publicité en faveur de la VACCINATION pour
cet automne....a répété que le virus est toujours présent et que la VACCINATION est la solution pour éviter les maladies graves et décès......well done M.Duclos.

Et BTW encore hausse des cas today au QUÉBEC 13 décès supplémentaires :( :( :( ......est-ce assez clair?????


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

1 month ago, the airports called for a cancellation of mandates:, all Canadian provinces have removed vaccine restrictions, so there is now a different standard for aviation employees and transportation than for other Canadians. Aviation is global. In order to support this industry’s economic recovery and compete globally, Canada must align with the international community and join the list of over 50 countries that have already removed vaccine mandates and COVID protocols for travel.

===> Effect (lmao):

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
For those falsely claiming that COVID targets only 60 years old and older.
Published in JAMA: From January to October 2021, COVID was the leading cause of death among 45 to 54 years-olds in US.
And the third if you consider 2020-2021
It is obvious it is catching up on youngers. Youngers are less vaccinated and have a more defiant behaviour toward COVID.

2022-07-05 COVID main cause of death among 45-54 in USA.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
As I understand it, since covid doesn't exist, Omicron variants don't exist either o_O
And what happened with vaccination police on this board when the COVID cases are rising again? Though I know at least 2 people who had 2 booster shots and ended up in a hospital. Buy the way, the statistic of hospital admissions shows that vaccinated and non vaccinated now simply reflects these numbers in the population. Even my family doctor quietly suggests forgetting about booster shots.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
For those falsely claiming that COVID targets only 60 years old and older.
Published in JAMA: From January to October 2021, COVID was the leading cause of death among 45 to 54 years-olds in US.
And the third if you consider 2020-2021
It is obvious it is catching up on youngers. Youngers are less vaccinated and have a more defiant behaviour toward COVID.

MSM has you brainwashed. Covid/Omicron/ba4-5 variants are all BS. The only thing killing people now is the vaccine and the boosters. Everyone I know, including myself and my family who are unvaxxed, had no issue whatsoever and we all caught the virus once and only once. Everyone I know who has multiple shots keep getting sick over and over again.

All the numbers we were told since the beginning have been lies. QC gov told us so many thousands dies yet experts now were unable to figure out why the excess deaths are less than a 3rd of the reported covid deaths from the gov.

Gov said the Sacre Coeur hospital emergency was overwhelmed. It was even in the news. I had to go to see my dad who was in the emergency ICU. Empty. The place was completely empty.

Keep believing the lies from the gov if you want to, but those that are unvaxxed made a choice same as everyone else and they have every right to be free as before.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
MSM has you brainwashed.
MSM???? My sources are scientific datas and papers, not false propaganda. I never uses MSM.

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)​

MSM is a chemical in animals, humans, and many plants. People use it most often to try to treat arthritis. MSM can be produced in a lab, where it is sometimes combined with other supplements such as glucosamine or chondroitin.

I will not comment on the rest of your post! It speaks by itself. Good luck!


Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
MSM???? My sources are scientific datas and papers, not false propaganda. I never uses MSM.

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)​

MSM is a chemical in animals, humans, and many plants. People use it most often to try to treat arthritis. MSM can be produced in a lab, where it is sometimes combined with other supplements such as glucosamine or chondroitin.

I will not comment on the rest of your post! It speaks by itself. Good luck!

MSM - Mainstream media


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
CDC and JAMA are not medias.

CDC are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the main health agency in USA. All US governments, democrat and republicans, supported this agency and its credibility was never a question.

JAMA is The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is a peer-reviewed medical journal published 48 times a year by the American Medical Association. This has nothing to do with the government and is well recognized around the world . In fact, it was created in 1883.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
First sensible article written by mainstream media. I think this time around many people will not be ready to bend down for the government with covid mandates. Time to just live with the virus. Two years of forced masks, vaccine passports, and lockdowns have been ineffective. Time to try something different. See all the collateral damage? Rampant inflation, deteriorating mental health, anxiety, businesses closing down, etc.. Such measures are ridiculous to implement especially at this time. Not to mention all the plastic garbage that is created with these masks. Let people decide what is best for them.

Dr. Paul Saba on lockdowns and curfews.

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