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Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
Masks should be wear to protect ourselves and others.

I'm not going to argue with anyone that wants to wear the mask. They can also stay as far away as they want from me, but I am going wherever I need to go and it will be without a mask.

Anyway, at the end of the day, I don't care who gets the shot or not just as long as people stop lecturing me to get it. You do you and I'll do me. Same with the mask, if people want to wear it, go right ahead, but I am done with that nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
For once the so called experts got it right. Trudeau's ArriveCan app could be violating (should be changed to it is violating) peoples right to move freely. Trudeau is a wannabe dictator. The app does nothing to curb covid transmission, just another tactic to control.

Direct Quote From Article:

A recent glitch in the controversial ArriveCAN app that sent fully vaccinated travellers erroneous messages saying they needed to quarantine affected more than 10,000 people, according to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).
The extent of the glitch, which was revealed in a statement sent to Global News by the CBSA, represents 0.7 per cent of the typical number of cross-border travellers each week.
Global News has also learned it took the government 12 days to notify travellers of the error.
This is troubling to some data and privacy experts who say the app may be violating the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which protects the right to move freely.
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Dec 26, 2019


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Always putting the same bizarre comments with the same misspelling of your president's name.
What you wanted to write is that president Biden promised to do everything to end COVID spreading.
You are right he did big by implementing an efficient vaccination program.
You are right because it was quite successful and people who still get COVID are generally less severely sick.
You are right because previous administration heritage is over 1 million Americans deaths.
You are right, the situation is still serious and it is wrong to joke about it.
Doing so would be demonstrating childish behavior of 6 years old in a schoolyard.
Let's keep politic out of this thread and all wish the First Lady to recover soon!
Let's keep updated on our vaccination status and respectful toward others who are older or immuno-compromised.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
:eek:...5 days old and infected with Covid

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Always putting the same bizarre comments with the same misspelling of your president's name.
What you wanted to write is that president Biden promised to do everything to end COVID spreading.
You are right he did big by implementing an efficient vaccination program.
You are right because it was quite successful and people who still get COVID are generally less severely sick.
You are right because previous administration heritage is over 1 million Americans deaths.
You are right, the situation is still serious and it is wrong to joke about it.
Doing so would be demonstrating childish behavior of 6 years old in a schoolyard.
Let's keep politic out of this thread and all wish the First Lady to recover soon!
Let's keep updated on our vaccination status and respectful toward others who are older or immuno-compromised.
Let’s stop the BS to start with.
Bidet did fuck all to curb the spread, hospitalization or deaths he was handed 3 approved vaccines and failed miserably to get Americans vaccinated, yeah bla bla bla it is the Republicans fault.
The other myth is that vaccines stop the spread, I have 4 shots and still got Covid and so did most of my family members both here in the US and in Europe, I now know more people who have had Covid than who have not.
Does it prevent serious illness and death, I would like to think it does and that is the reason I got the 4 shots, but now I am even sceptical of that.
The other issue is all these Arrive Can app, vaccine Passports etc… do fuck all to prevent the spread of Covid and are just a burden on society.
Politics have been in this thread from the beginning and in the above post, if you want to keep politics out of it stop mentioning a senile old fool who has failed miserably in getting his citizens vaccinated and so far has done nothing to Warp Speed a new and improved vaccine but it is to be expected from sleepy Joe.
Yes I also wish the First Lady and any human being who has Covid a quick recovery it is not fun to have it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Dr.BOILEAU ce situation s'améliore de beaucoup :) ...baisse significative des cas et de l'absentéisme du personnel.....prévoit que tous les indicateurs vont dans le bon sens pour les semaines à venir....bonne nouvelle.

A aussi mentionné que le nouveau vaccin/MODERNA ''bivalent'' sera disponible dès demain.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Bonne nouvelle...l"OMS annonce que la fin de la pandémie est en le Dr.KARL WEISS ---toujours crédible-- confirme. Selon lui le coffre à outils est complet pour combattre le merci à la vaccination....qui jouera toujours un rôle important pour

les personnes à risque. Toujours selon WEISS....fini les fermetures d'usine, les couvre-feu et lockdowns.....le port du masque demeurera approprié dans certaines circonstances/ hôpitaux//résidences pour les aînés.......bref...bien bonne nouvelle. :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Dr, Boileau ce jour....oups...c'était prévisible....le nombre de cas/hospitalisations/soins intensifs augmente.....rien d'inquiétant....mais à suivre...seulement 22% de la population est à jour en ce qui regarde la vaccination......c'est bien peu.....perso. je serai à jour dans les
semaines qui viennent.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Now that the new Pfizer bivalent vaccine is out and the elections are over, the covid theatre is back. These sleazeballs just cannot let it go. Peterborough Public Health has said no indoor gatherings and masks ahead of Thanksgiving weekend.

Like a snowball rolling down hill, you will see this pick up speed and grow to be ginormous. Meaning you will see more and more regions, cities, and provinces doing the exact same thing... right on cue.

Quebec will be shut down again. 100% there will be a curfew on New Years Eve. To those who said the trucker protests had no effect, the reality is it bought us several months of freedom but now it is coming back. First legacy media starts posting doom and gloom messaging of how covid cases are rising and that everyone will get very sick unless they obey the government and take the vaccines. Then when people are scared enough they will accept government covid mandates (mostly misguided people who think the government is there to help them), then they will force vaccines. It all comes down to the vaccines. Last year around the same time when cases began to magically rise is when Pfizer got the green light for third and fourth booster shots. The first few people that lined up to get the first few batches of clown juice will line up to get whatever number they are on now to get inside places.

Funny how I said months ago that once the elections are over, covid mandates will come back. Liberal voters laughed at me or some called me a Conspiracy theorist. Funny what I said is all coming true. Btw if you think this inflation is bad, you have not seen the worst of it. After this round of covid mandates, you will see inflation the likes you have never seen and a recession is 100% guaranteed. But hey government is here to protect you? They are our parents and we are their kids. They know what is best for us. Obey the government.

Albert Einstein defined insanity best and this describes the current covid situation, doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Interesting how no one on this board talks about this. The Quebec government used McKinsey agency, an American company to get advice for their covid response. They paid out millions (of taxpayers money) for covid and what is concerning is they acted like it came from the Quebec government. Many others governments used McKinsey also. What is interesting is that Pfizer is a client of McKinsey. Surprise surprise? Not coincidence at all. I do not believe in coincidences. Draw whatever conclusions you want, I know what this is all about.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Getting back to serious things about things to watch.
The BA.5 variant that dominated the summer wave of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations has now fallen to 81.3% of new cases, according to estimates released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Three rival strains – the BF.7, BA.2.75, and BA.4.6 variants – have now climbed to make up around 1 in 5 new infections nationwide, according to federal estimates.

The growth of the new variants comes at a time when reported COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations have largely slowed nationwide.

Something to watch: BA.4.6 seems to go over protection gained from vaccination or COVID itself. It also doesn't seem to be efficiently neutralized by the antibody treatment now in use.



Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
On BA.4.6

The number of cases caused by another Omicron subvariant called BA.4.6–which is capable of evading immunity from vaccination and previous infection—is steadily rising. It currently accounts for 13 percent of the sequenced samples.

The growing number of BA.4.6 cases led the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to issue a warning indicating that Evusheld—the only monoclonal antibody authorized for COVID-19 prevention in immunocompromised individuals and people who can’t take the COVID-19 vaccine—may be completely ineffective against subvariants like BA.4.6.

The agency has directed healthcare providers to inform patients using Evusheld about the risks of COVID-19 infection as the BA.4.6 subvariant circulates. The advice is to get tested if symptoms develop and seek medical attention immediately if the COVID-19 test is positive.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Two different drugs used now against Covid. Evusheld is more a preventive one as Paxlovid blocks virus replication once infected.

Paxlovid is an oral antiviral that blocks the virus from replicating inside a person who’s already infected. It is intended to be taken within five days of symptoms developing.
The aim of the drug Evusheld is to protect against infection. The monoclonal antibody treatment is given via two injections.

Evusheld is a medication that is available for prevention of COVID-19 infection for people that are at risk for severe infection. These are people that, even though they've had the vaccine, they may not have responded because their immune system was too low to respond. It doesn't mean they won't get infection, but the hope is that they will have less severe infection, hospitalization and death.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
DUBÉ--BOILEAU ce jour.....c'était bien de voir le Ministre de retour en presse.....j"ai l'impression que nous allons le voir souvent dans les semaines/mois à venir.

C'était prévisible avec la rentrée/l'automne et l'hiver qui se pointe qu"il y aurait une résurgence des cas......rien d'inquiétant encore mais quand même 16 décès annoncés today.......39% des 60-79 ans sont à jour dans leur vaccination---52% pour les 80 et plus....

un effort à faire surtout pour les vulnérables......faut maintenant y penser.....c'est mon cas ;) c'est la seule solution.;)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Here is some proof as to how covid is a scam and nothing but a money making scheme. Trudeau's ArriveCan app (a useless app that does nothing to protect but only to make peoples lives more complicated just to put more rules just like most Liberals like to do) costed taxpayers $54 million. Such an app should never costed this much, a programmer was able to duplicate this app in two days and it would cost a fraction of what the government spent. See how corrupted the Liberals are. Nothing but a money laundering operation to make money for the Liberals cronies. Why did some company headquartered in someone's house got $9 million? Who really got rich? Private tech companies can build the same app for $250,000. When government does not earn their profits, they steal from the citizens they got no incentive to be efficient only to launder money to sleazeball politicians and their crony lobbyists.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
^^^^^ Duplicating an app is just copying it. Writing a book and publishing it takes around 2 years and a lot of research and work. Photocopying it, once it is released takes a few hours. A smart guy like you should know the difference. Publishing any garbage that could support an agenda does nothing to improve credibility.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
^^^^^ Duplicating an app is just copying it. Writing a book and publishing it takes around 2 years and a lot of research and work. Photocopying it, once it is released takes a few hours. A smart guy like you should know the difference. Publishing any garbage that could support an agenda does nothing to improve credibility.
You missed the point. It should not cost $54 million. The issue is more with the excessive cost and that it did absolutely nothing to reduce covid cases. It is easy to spend other peoples money especially when you got zero accountability for it.
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