My process for the two basic scenarios for which I hire an escort....kinda like rules I guess:
KNOW THYSELF AND DO YOUR LEGWORK. It will result in better outcomes overall. This is the only rule that matters really.
- Defined as a pleasant evening with a (potentially) interesting woman. This usually lasts 4 to 8 hours. An ephemeral connection with a human being for an evening is what I want; the sex is secondary. I usually look for this in places where I don't know anyone but want to experience some of what the city has to offer. Eating alone is sad.
- These are tricky because I'm not on my home turf and I don't have time for tryout dates. Most of the time this process leads to positive outcome. If not, I get dinner company and we end it with that.
1) I review ads and bookmark the ones that appeal to me based on the write up and photos. (is the content unique or the same boudoir gibberish women think men want to hear. Do the photos looks like they are of a real person...or are they all photoshopped sudo sexy fantasies designed for man with little imagination)
2) Inevitably a few women stick in my mind and I go back to their pages a few times. This becomes my short list.
3) Review twitter feed, facebook feed, posts on the local board, if any and see if she still interests me. Not really interested in the menu; vanilla is fine with me. I am more interested in her ability to hold a conversation as a normal human being than what is happens later in the evening.
4) Reach out and see if she is friendly and reasonable. If not, move on. If she is, I do a little back and forth; careful not to be a time waster.
5) As we come to an agreement on the evening's activities, I send her a small dissertation about me. No more than page or so; mostly bullets. She has likely never met me and we are going to spend an extended amount of time in a public and private setting. I want to make sure she does not spend the first half wondering about my eccentricities or how I usually conduct myself.
6) A little communication can go a long way.
7) Be clean, on time, don't surprise her with any major changes, play safe and be a gentleman...or as close to one as you are capable. ;-p
- Just got an itch to scratch and my nethers are mostly in charge.
- This assumes I don't have a "goto gal" in mind.
1) Suddenly the menu matters! Review message boards and look for ladies that offer what I am looking for.
2) I don't care if she finds me interesting. I don't care if I find her interesting. I don't care about the write up, I don't care about ethnicity. I don't care about appearances that terribly much other that she looks like she has her shit together and has what I am looking for. Performance is king. I never forget she is a human being but in these short encounters, she is compensated for my pleasures for 90 minutes and that is about the end of it. This is a fee for service transaction and I've never meet an escort that has not treated it that way. Some are better at hiding it than others...
3) Look for reviews from credible reviewers. Lots of fraud in this line of work.
4) Reach out and see if she is friendly. If not, move on. If she is, I do a little back and forth, careful not to be a time waster, and let her know exactly what I am looking for in a courteous way. Admittedly this can sometime be difficult sometimes. I tend to tread gently at first and let her give me the ok to be more explicit.
5) A little communication can go a long way.
6) Be clean, on time, don't surprise her with any new requests, play safe and be a gentleman...or not if that is what the two of you agreed too. ;-p
Note: Cost is, of course, a factor. In this business, price is no indicator of value just like hiring a porn star is no guarantee that you will fuck like a porn star. (who wants to cum on command anyway). I'm more likely to go above market rates for the ENCOUNTER, I am making an evening of it and I think this scenarios is harder for the lady (Hell, I don't even want to spend 4 to 8 hours with me
). I pay local market rate for the TRANSACTIONAL encounter.
Oh, and I never hire eye candy for the sake of eye candy; my most memorable experiences are with less traditional beauties.