Montreal Escorts

Does it bother you if an agency owner sleeps with his SPs?

Does it bother you if agency owners sleep with their SPs?

  • Not at all, I prefer it

    Votes: 10 10.4%
  • A little but I am horny so I don't care

    Votes: 9 9.4%
  • Totally indifferent

    Votes: 50 52.1%
  • Big time, they should keep their paws off their ladies!!!

    Votes: 27 28.1%

  • Total voters


Dec 14, 2004

As I've said in a PM to you, I really enjoy reading your posts.

Anyways, a little civilized arguement once in a while can only be a good thing. It's enriching, it forces you to see different points of views.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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General Gonad said:
I have decided not to engage any members who constantly try to discredit me or take cheap shots at me. It is painfully obvious that these members are into holding grudges.

And labelling very legitimate criticism as "cheap shots" and "grudges" isn't an attempt to discredit someone? I think it is flat being thin skinned and hypocritical.

The fact is, I have criticized probably 10% of the posts that you have made that warranted criticism. If I read something I think is worthy of being criticized, I criticize it. Why don't you ask every other senior poster on this Board who I at one time or another criticized, who never responded in the thin skinned manner of calling it a grudge or cheap shot.

You should just make your point and move on, the editorial commentary adds nothing.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
The fact is, I have criticized probably 10% of the posts that you have made that warranted criticism.

LOL, now you made my night with that "fact".:D :D :D

EB, I will admit that I enjoy our exchanges but I have to pull back when I read stuff like the above statement. The fact is that for some reason you have issues with me. It's not just you; others too have called me all sorts of vicious names. At least you do not resort to that.

As Celine told me yesterday, "you're the new kid on the block." So I guess I have to prove myself.:rolleyes:



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have no issues with you, but I do with some of your posts.

You were not here years ago to witness some of the exchanges that I had with Stripper Lover. You have not received even a fraction of the criticism I gave to Stripper Lover in some of the HDH v. LDL debates. What you have received in comparison is nothing. Ask anyone who has been around here for a while.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Poll versus Thread

Interesting experience.The following data reflects the situation at 8:30 eastern time today.The exact wording of each option may be viewed at the top of each page of this thread - left click "View Poll Results"

Merb Terb Perb
Option 1 5 6 7
Option 2 6 6 5
Option 3 43 25 24
Option 4 20 32 17

Posts 150 24 28

GG Posts 11/30 5/24 5/28

Basically on Merb GG intervened twice as often within the first thirty posts and was alot more opinionated.Once he got the ball rolling he posted alot less often but forcefully in favour of option 4.

Options 1 and 2 had equal support across the three boards.Terb saw 7 more votes for option 4 over option 3 while Perb saw 7 more votes for option 3 over option 4.On Merb the votes in favour of option 3 were more than double that of option 4.

Again an interesting and important topic was sidetracked by pollster bias.
Once the subjects of a poll recognize pollster bias they tend to vote against the pollsters stated views AND NOT according to their opinions.

This should not have been a poll but simply a thread.The results should not be taken as reflecting the opinions of Merb members but simply as a vote against someone who was trying to use the polling mechanism to promote his own opinions.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
You were not here years ago to witness some of the exchanges that I had with Stripper Lover. You have not received even a fraction of the criticism I gave to Stripper Lover in some of the HDH v. LDL debates. What you have received in comparison is nothing. Ask anyone who has been around here for a while.

I couldn't begin to imagine these two warriors going at it!:D

EB, let's continue to respectfully disagree. I like the fact that you can debate and even when your arguments infuriate me, I still enjoy reading your views.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
eastender said:
This should not have been a poll but simply a thread.The results should not be taken as reflecting the opinions of Merb members but simply as a vote against someone who was trying to use the polling mechanism to promote his own opinions.


Are you a professional polster? It would explain why you're dead wrong in your assessment above. You also accused me many times of tainting this poll.:rolleyes:



Dec 14, 2004
Guess I just learned another thing..

I have not read one post here on MERB that did not have some sort of debate associated with it.

Now I just learned that the member who starts the poll isn't supposed to participate in the debate! :cool:

In my case, the fact that GG was giving his oppinion did not change the way I viewed this debate.. but that's me ;)

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Enough Already!

General Gonad said:
EB, The fact is that for some reason you have issues with me. It's not just you; others too have called me all sorts of vicious names. At least you do not resort to that.

I was going to stay out of this little thread but just couldn't bring myself to do so. It's obvious that you and I have had some issues with eachother recently GG both in public and PM/ email but why does it always come down to you being the poor sympathetic, knight in shininig armor to all things female, the victim to everyone? Remember who cast the first "name calling" via PM, evidently you are not thick skinned enough to take what you so enjoy dishing out.

I also find the following statement directed toward GG extremely hard to believe.

EagerBeaver said:
You were not here years ago to witness some of the exchanges that I had with Stripper Lover. You have not received even a fraction of the criticism I gave to Stripper Lover in some of the HDH v. LDL debates. What you have received in comparison is nothing. Ask anyone who has been around here for a while.

Don't be fooled EB, then again I already know yourself and others here participating in the thread definitely are not.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
My credentials

General Gonad said:

Are you a professional polster? It would explain why you're dead wrong in your assessment above. You also accused me many times of tainting this poll.:rolleyes:


I am a professional mathematician.My fields include evaluation systems (polling being a major segment),statistics,ergonomics,game and chaos theory.Often published with over 900 intellectual properties featurining original work in certain areas.

Have worked for pollsters and have also worked on reviews of various polls verifying their legitimacy,bias,etc.I told you the first time about tainting the poll - the second time I proved it using the generated data.

It is obvious that you are not a professional pollster otherwise you would not have acted as you did.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Who pissed in his Special K?

Special K said:
I was going to stay out of this little thread but just couldn't bring myself to do so.

Hahahahaha! What a riot! Yeah, I bet you just couldn't resist.:rolleyes:

Special K said:
It's obvious that you and I have had some issues with each other recently GG...

No, what is obvious to me is that you have issues with me, not the other way around. I told you in my email, that our exchanges were bullshit and that I will forget but you are a classic example of what I call a self-proclaimed cyber snoop, trying to discredit me on top of being rude in your PMs. BTW, you cast the first insult and then you followed up with lots more. You never once tried to PM me first to discuss matters like an intelligent man would do. And unlike me, you're unable to apologize when you're wrong or when you cross the line ("water under the bridge", my ass!)

Special K said:
Don't be fooled EB, then again I already know yourself and others here participating in the thread definitely are not.

Yes EB, don't be fooled. My name is "Pierre" and Special K has sniffed me out.:confused: EB, ask Celine and Emely about me. Special K since you're so smug, why don't you email Chloe of Montreal and ask her about me. I also suggest you contact Doc Holliday who told me you were the nicest guy (I am waiting to see just when you'll warm up to me) and ask him to ask Samy what she thinks about me.

All I can say is that you have no clue whatsoever about what you're talking about. You just like to stir up crap for no reason. I am going to enjoy watching you trying to discredit me. Give it up, it ain't going to work. Everything I write is 100% true so deal with it and deal with me.

BTW, I will once again go to sleep and forget about this bullshit but something tells me you're going to stick on me like a swarm of mosquitoes on a hot summer day.

Watch out GG, Special K, aka the Hitman, is coming after you!:eek:

>>eastender, I had a feeling you were a mathematician...your logic is impeccable.

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New Member
Jun 6, 2005

General Gonad said:
>>eastender, I had a feeling you were a mathematician...your logic is impeccable.

Just wish to clarify a point.The thread,your points and those raised by others were very interesting and valid.The vehicle of a poll was far from the best option.


New Member
Jul 15, 2003
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Please, Gentelmen!

Guys, come one now. Somehow or rather, it appears that every thread that involves GG, SK and EB revolve in some back and forth.

I am hopeful that this board goes back to being what it was designed--to provide meaningful reviews for each other.

I have met and hung with EB before, and I frankly like the guy.

I have also corresponded with SK on numerous occasions, and have a lot of respect for the guy.

General Gonad appears to be one who speaks his mind and opinions, and I don't have issues with him.

I am just pleading you gentlemen to attempt to not let so many threads degenerate into insult trading amongst yourselves.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Thanks for the input...

At least now I can consult with a professional pollster before I put up my next poll!:D


Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
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There is no other business where a male employer is constantly surrounded by attractive young women who are paid to look sexy, except maybe the manager of a Hooters restaurant.
If you think that, then I guess being surrounded by my 2000 female employees, all in their late teens/early twenties), as I walked around for almost 30 yrs with a constant hardon, was unwarranted, as I guess ladies fashions don't qualify ?

Point is, control & remembering what you are there for in business & it's solely to make money & nothing else.

To Some Others

For the naive who think that the boss has to sample the ladies, if you accept this crap then you bought into a load of horseshit & a con.

Yes there is no real equality in the boss/employee relationship but to exert pressure on an employee to provide you with a service or favor that is uncalled for & not part of the job, is crossing the line that need not be crossed.

Some ladies in this industry, who are the hunters, are doing it in the hopes of securing a better position in terms of booking, favours , etc.

Drivers too can play an integral role in all this nonsense in that they can drive around or make a girl wait at the end of a call, in effect cutting down on the total number of calls she's going to do in a night.

I say nonsense because they who cross that line, are all ignorant, in that they could make more money without the personals being involved at all & keeping everything strictly business.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
donnyb said:
I am just pleading you gentlemen to attempt to not let so many threads degenerate into insult trading amongst yourself.


I apologize for this back and forth crap but I can't believe Special K had to post just to bash me, especially after he wrote me that "it's water under the bridge.":rolleyes:

Believe it or not, I have a feeling that both Special K and EB are decent guys if you meet them in person but Special K lacks some of EB's experience and self-control. I ask all of you, what did he gain by posting this tonight? It's obvious that he enjoys taking jabs at me behind his computer.

So now I will leave it up to him to respond. I am done. Let him have the last word. Come on GG, stop it....there you go again with that sorry ass victim attitude of yours!:rolleyes:


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
StripperLover said:
To Some Others

For the naive who think that the boss has to sample the ladies, if you accept this crap then you bought into a load of horseshit & a con.

Great post SL. Straight to the point, just like it should be.

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Kaempferrand said:
A doctor who specializes in skin diseases will dream that he has fallen asleep in front of the television. Later, he will wake up in front of the television, but not remember his dream.

And that is what this thread is and most of the threads in here within the past year or so.....


Point well taken...too many cockfights lately.:p


The Wizard of Oz

1006 yrs old and retiring
Dec 19, 2005
Just to say ...

StripperLover said:

Do you think that an SP in this industry in her mind has a realistic choice as to whether or not she can refuse to have sex with her boss, paid or otherwise ? There has to be power issues going on in her thought process or just plain, "I need this job so I guess I going to have to do it with him".

It's not as if she can go to the Norme de Travail (Worker's Protection Agency) for sexual harassement.

I remember being very happy to work for a big consultant. After all, I had work a lot to have the reputation I haved in my profession and tougth that the big thing came to me because of it.

After reniewing a couple of times my contract and several projects later, I had a meeting with my v.p. Obviously, he ask me to sign some conclusions that were very different than what my survey was saying...

I told him:''I don't think so!'' Ok, I do understand the game but I do understand also that there is always somebody that is trying to screw you up!! Especially when you are a woman ...

So I refused and he wasn't happy about it. So he told me what was my problem ... I answered ... well I know that what you are asking me to do his to lie and I didn't build my reputation on that. I am what I am, nothing more and certernely nothing less. He answered me: ''Well from now you are representing us and nothing else, so you will sign my conclusions''.

For the people who know me, you know already I didn't and even if my Director implored me to stay I have decided to put a term to my contract.

Weeks later, after 15 thousand dollard of tickets for bad procedures, the v.p. got replace by someone else and ... me I have kept my reputation to the eyes of the government!

I don't know what M. X his doing now, but I now I do have any favors from the people I worked for in the past because I did always helped and protected them.

So SL, you think that the girls have no choices, well everybody have a choice in life (better and worse), it depend only how they want to MANAGE that! Manage ...

If a girl does wanna have sex with her boss she can say so, she can also try to explain why she doesn't want to. If it doesn't work, well as someone else said, there is other agency's like there was other employers that was very interesting regarding my competences.

I'm just sorry to answer to that kind of statement because it is far away from the question!

Just my 2 cents ...

P.S. By the way, now the project is doing very good!
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