btyger said:I do agree, though, that it's okay for an owner to have sex with his SPs if he pays for it.
B1G said:I think you are so WRONG here Rex. Nobody.... Absolutly Nobody should be forced into a sexual relationship. No matter what thier proffession is ! Even if this lady is getting paid for sex she still has all the rights to refuse a client. And obviously she has the right to refuse to have sex with her boss.
General Gonad said:....... like there are legitimate jobs and then there is SPing, where you have to put up with or expect this type of behavior.
B1G said:GG,
" Hey chef, is that white decorative sauce on the side of the plate edible?"![]()
btyger said:Absolutely right. I listened to that jerk Bill O'Reilly last week. He was going on about how it should be taken into account that the woman in the Duke rape case is a stripper.......
Rex Kramer said:...............................If it is between consenual adults, it is nobody else's business.
chefplus said:.... Eet ees called "L'essence du chef". Eet ees full of, how you say, protein ?!![]()
B1G said:I bet you use that line with alot of SPs...
chefplus said:SL,
.....CONSENSUAL is the key word. I hope that clears it up.
Lusty Pig said:The SP blows 12 guys and swishes their jism from left to right and front to back in her mouth, then you come along the next naive appointment and start french kissing her etc.....and you're concerned if she sleeps with her boss?
What is wrong with you guys?
chefplus said:Believe it or not, I am an "SP virgin"![]()
StripperLover said:chefplus,
I understood your point completely. I think it it's you that doesn't understand how it is, as you seemingly think that an SP can refuse or choose to not consent to have sex with an agency owner or driver & I'm saying that she is not free to do so. I think believing otherwise is naive. This is not an office, this is the sex industry.
StripperLover said:chefplus,
I understood your point completely. I think it it's you that doesn't understand how it is, as you seemingly think that an SP can refuse or choose to not consent to have sex with an agency owner or driver & I'm saying that she is not free to do so. I think believing otherwise is naive. This is not an office, this is the sex industry.