Montreal Escorts

Dumont is going to split the vote!


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Techman said:
Why didn't he just refer to them as Asian? Did he have to refer to them by a physical characteristic? What if there were a lot of African Americans there? Would he have said that there were a lot of students with curly black hair? The Asian community has said they consider it to be an insult. That's enough for me. It's not up to those who do the insulting to decide whether it's an insult or not. The PQ always try to say they represent all Quebecers but they always go out of their way to point out everyone's differences. If they had their way, everyone in Quebec would be white, catholic and french.

Nope,This is totally erroneous.

Makka Kotto is black and african/Quebecois(Bloc)
Maria Mourani is Lebanese/Quebecoise(Bloc)
Vivian Barbot is Haitian/Quebecoise(Bloc)
Luck Mervil is Hatian/Quebecois(artist)
Bernard Cleary is first nation/quebecois(Bloc)
Normand Lester is Jewish/Quebecois(journalist)
Franco Nuovo is Italian/quebecois(columnist)
Serge Fiori is Italian/quebecois (singer songwritter)
Dave Edmunston is anglo/quebecois(former politician)
Christopher Hall is Anglo/Quebecois(humorist)
Danny Laferriere is Hatian/Quebecois(writer)
Batlam(Locolocasse) is arabic/quebecois (musician)
Amir Khadir is Iranian/Quebecois(quebec solidaire)
Abraham Wisefield is Jewish/Quebecois(qs)
Bill Clenett is anglo/quebceois (qs)
Jill Hanley is anglo/quebecois (qs)
Arthur Sandborn is anglo/quebecois (qs)
Wissam Saliba is arabian/quebecois (qs)
Ramon Villaruel is spaniard/quebecois (qs)
Ruba Ghazal is arsbian/quebecoise (qs)
Antonio Artuso is Italian/quebecois (qs)
Elahe Machouf is arabian/quebecois (qs)
Sujata Dey is Indian/quebecoise (qs)
David Fennario is Italian/quebecoi (qs)
Bill Ninacs is anglo/quebecois (qs)
Francis Gagnon-Bergmnann is german/quebcois (qs)
Jennifer Jean Brice-Vales is Hatian/quebecoise (qs)

and there is many more ardent sovereignist activists that are not white,french and catholic...

Now all these are Parti Quebecois candidates:

Kamal El is arabic/Quebecois
Sophia Capori is Italian/Quebecoise
Robin Philpot is anglo/Quebecois
Guido Renzi is Italian/quebecois
John Saywell is anglo/Quebcois
Alexis Wawanoloath is First nation/Quebcois
Zhao Xin is Asian/Quebecoise
Pierre Curzi is Italian/quebecois
Robert Miller is Irish/quebecois
Doris Chapados is Greek/quebecois
François Rebello is Portugese/quebecois
Farouk Karim is arabian/quebecois (pq executive)
Maité DeEcheandia is Portuguese/quebecoise(pq executive)
Kerliande Mibel is african/quebecois (pq executive)

So please stop making this unnfounded and childish assumption that souverainist=racist and is the monopoly of white/french/catholic.I'm white,french but not catholic btw.
ALL the peoples I've listed are souverainists militants,ALL have at one time chanted the ''Quebec aux Quebecois'' slogan and ALL ARE 100% QUEBECOIS.

And there are many others....


PS:Mario Dumont clearly said that he would not support Boisclair if there is a third referrendum.
Btw,is it a crime or a disease to be sovereignist???
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New Member
Nov 7, 2005
Anybody with a brain should vote ADQ like the other person said Quebec is the most taxed jurisdiction in north america way to many social benefits for lazy bums on welfare Dumont should remedy that, Plus if he becomes premier I see a healthy relationship with Harper who he voted for in the last election. Boisclair is worst leader the PQ ever had even worse than Parizeau, Charest is just a liar and did not deliver anything on his promises.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
All Boisclair had to do was say that he was sorry if anyone took offense to his words as no offense was meant. If he had done that, it would have all blown over and no harm would have been done. Instead he came out and defiantly said that he would offer no apology. Very poor decision for a politician who is trying to win votes.

Cosmo, no matter how many examples you post, it has been my experience that the vast majority of separatists are very xenophobic and racist. I have co-workers and many clients who are separatists and the way they speak about visible minorities makes me feel that I'm back in the 1960's. Right down to the way they call Montreal Nord, Montreal Noir. But I'm sure that it's really a term of endearment.:cool:

Btw,is it a crime or a disease to be sovereignist???

Actually, in many countries it is a crime to try to incite the breakup of the country. Or to swear allegiance to a country and then break that oath openly and proudly the way the Bloc does. I think it's called treason or something.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Techman said:
All Boisclair had to do was say that he was sorry if anyone took offense to his words as no offense was meant. If he had done that, it would have all blown over and no harm would have been done. Instead he came out and defiantly said that he would offer no apology. Very poor decision for a politician who is trying to win votes.

Cosmo, no matter how many examples you post, it has been my experience that the vast majority of separatists are very xenophobic and racist. I have co-workers and many clients who are separatists and the way they speak about visible minorities makes me feel that I'm back in the 1960's. Right down to the way they call Montreal Nord, Montreal Noir. But I'm sure that it's really a term of endearment.:cool:

Actually, in many countries it is a crime to try to incite the breakup of the country. Or to swear allegiance to a country and then break that oath openly and proudly the way the Bloc does. I think it's called treason or something.


I don,t know where you work but most of the sovereignists I know are rather flowery leftist who are rather inclusive and have no quibs with colour of skin.
The examples I showed is a living proof that you can be of any origins and religions and still be sovereignist and not feel rejected by the white,french catholic majority.If these peoples had feel any hostility towards them they'd never embrace the cause!:confused:
And talking about xenophoby,and racism,to imply that sovereignists have a monopoly on it is total lack of respect of other's political opinions.
As for breaking up a country,there have been many who did it in the past few decades and none were illegal or criminal as far as I know.:cool:

Btw,I will not vote for PQ this time.

salut mon chum.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
As for breaking up a country,there have been many who did it in the past few decades and none were illegal or criminal as far as I know.

Can you give any examples of where this happened by political means and not the result of the break up of the communist block or war? A peaceful break up due to a referendum vote?
And talking about xenophoby,and racism,to imply that sovereignists have a monopoly on it is total lack of respect of other's political opinions.

I never said they have a monopoly on racism, I just find that they have an over abundance of it. And yes, while I do respect the fight that french Canadians fought to become respected and equal to all other Canadians, I do have a total lack of respect for separatists' political opinions and their desire to ensure that the french language is not equal but superiour to all others in the province of Quebec. I find that to be an inferiority complex and it's time they got over it. The sooner they do, the better we all will be. We have wasted generations on this problem and after separation it would take generations just to return to the level we are currently at. What a waste.


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
Cosmo said:
As for breaking up a country

Un "Oui" mènerait a la dissolution non seulement du pays mais de la province aussi. Il est ridicule de penser que les frontières du Québec resteraient les mêmes quand le vote est distribué de façon si inégale.

Les indiens prendraient le Nord, en restant peut-être au sein du Canada. L'ouest et le sud de la province, et probablement Montréal resteraient avec le Canada.

Quant aux réserves au sud (Kanawake), qui sait se qui se pasera? Bonne chance à la SQ si elle pense pouvoir faire imposer l'ordre la bas!


Dec 11, 2004
you've got it all wrong!

metoo4 said:
Isn't it enough or what!!

Do Asian peoples have slanted eyes? YES!!! There's nothing racist about this, IT'S THE TRUTH!! Is it wrong to have slanted eyes? NO!! Does it change anything to the subject? NO!! Maybe some see this as an insult but, in Quebec, it isn't. Plain and simple. French peoples in Quebec do not implies that slanted eyes are a sign of some weakness or inferiority.
Do Caucasian have white skin? YES! Now, if he had say "there's a lot of brown-haired peoples here" or "there's a lot of peoples with blue eyes in the room", nobody would get offensed, right? What Dumont said is no different.

The point is that it's inherently insulting to define and describe a group of people by a phycical characteristic - even if you mean no harm by it. Blacks used to be referred to as "darkies" with the same excuses - they do have dark skin, we don't mean any insult, what's the problem? Try using that term in your favourite downtown bar in 2007! This is not Alabama circa 1956!

"Do we take it as an offence to be told we have white skin? NO!"

Beware of culturial imperialism. Whites in Quebec are the overwhelming majority. They have power and influence. They run the society. That givies a great deal of confidence. Minorities trying to integrate into a society feel much more vulnerable, and are uncomfortable when the majority labels them in flippant ways. A group of white Francophones living in a Chinese or Japanese town might not be so happy if they were constantly referred to as "whities with straight eyes" by the local inhabitants.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Choosing between Larry, Curly and Moe

Am I the only one who feels like I am voting for these three guys:

Tete-frisee, Ducon and the stoned "tapette". Charest pisses me off because he takes the ethnic and anglo vote for granted. His ministers are incompetent fools that who can't manage their way out of paper bags, let alone serious files like health care and education.

Ducon is a fluff. He really has to stop demagoguing and start getting some solid proposals in his program. Boisclair is equally unimpressive and stands no chance of getting elected in the regions where they see him as a gay coke head. He has never worked a day in his life and it shows.

This province is going down the tubes. If you don't believe me, keep an eye on the housing market here...lots more "for sale" signs will be put up.:rolleyes:



New Member
Nov 19, 2004
About Boisclair's "slanty eyed" comment, people should read Pierre Foglia's article on this topic in this morning's La Presse. As usual, he's right on the money.

To summarize, for english canadians "a knife is a knife" and they can't fathom that for quebecers it could be "un couteau". Blissfully ignorant about the French language and culture, it's all the same to them... Had the english media, too obsessed with the evil separatists and ever ready to pounce on them and make any insignificant story a coast to coast outrage, taken the time to research the meaning of "yeux bridés", they would have figured out (well at least a few of them) that, contrary to "slanted eyes" in english, the term in french has no pejorative/offensive meaning whatsoever. As it stands, it's as if someone had said "noir" to refer to Africans and the english media would have translated that to "niggers"... The irony here is that the separatist option is dying in Quebec, and that Quebecers are tired of hearing about it and ready to move on to something else. But english Canada is too stupid to realize that, and constantly has this uncontrollable need to fuel a dying fire. English Canada is the separatist's best friend.
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
sinbad said:
A group of white Francophones living in a Chinese or Japanese town might not be so happy if they were constantly referred to as "whities with straight eyes" by the local inhabitants.

I could'nt care less! I am white and have straight eyes, so what!

sinbad said:
Minorities trying to integrate into a society feel much more vulnerable, and are uncomfortable when the majority labels them in flippant ways.
That's not what's happening. Minorities are trying to force the majority to integrate to THEM. That's not ok!!

General Gonad said:
...Tete-frisee, Ducon and the stoned "tapette"...
General, instead of saying stupidities like this, why don't you ban yourself? Attacking somebody's appearance or personality is a proof of weakness and lack of ideas. I hate Charest and would never use the word "curly" or "tête frisée" in the way you do to define him. And the "stoned tapette" type of rant is WAY out of line. These type of attack are stupid and to the level of a pre-teen or child.
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Dec 11, 2004
sorry, that doesn't work

JustBob said:
About Boisclair's "slanty eyed" comment, people should read Pierre Foglia's article on this topic in this morning's La Presse. As usual, he's right on the money.

To summarize, for english canadians "a knife is a knife" and they can't fathom that for quebecers it could be "un couteau". Blissfully ignorant about the French language and culture, it's all the same to them... Had the english media, too obsessed with the evil separatists and ever ready to pounce on them and make any insignificant story a coast to coast outrage, taken the time to research the meaning of "yeux bridés", they would have figured out (well at least a few of them) that, contrary to "slanted eyes" in english, the term in french has no pejorative/offensive meaning whatsoever. As it stands, it's as if someone had said "noir" to refer to Africans and the english media would have translated that to "niggers"... The irony here is that the separatist option is dying in Quebec, and that Quebecers are tired of hearing about it and ready to move on to something else. But english Canada is too stupid to realize that, and constantly has this uncontrollable need to fuel a dying fire. English Canada is the separatist's best friend.

I'm fed up with hearing that the English don't understand the subtlety of the French term "les yeux brides". Frankly, it's BS! The term is equivalent to "slant eyes" and has exactly the same connotation. The "orientals" are seen as "different from us" because of their strange eyes. Them and us - Vous autres, nous autres - it's all the same mind set. American negroes (actually, not a pejorative term) decided to be called "black" which is translated as "noir" in French. Niggers, darkies, coons, are not synonyms! They are insults - pure and simple. To translate "noir" as "nigger" would be wrong - period.

For French Quebecois to claim this is a cultural difference issue is embarrassing. They just make themselves look like a bunch of rednecks. Oh! did I mention Herouxville?


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
metoo4 said:
General, instead of saying stupidities like this, why don't you ban yourself? Attacking somebody's appearance or personality is a proof of weakness and lack of ideas. I hate Charest and would never use the word "curly" or "tête frisée" in the way you do to define him. And the "stoned tapette" type of rant is WAY out of line. These type of attack are stupid and to the level of a pre-teen or child.


You sound like an insecure French separatist. Moreover, I've been reading your posts and there is more than a hint of racism in your comments.

Quebec is going down the tubes in terms of fiscal responsibility and we have to choose among three very weak leaders. I was dead serious when I called them Larry, Curly and Moe. None of them offer anything in terms of a solid fiscal plan, a solid health care plan and a solid education plan. This province is a joke and the more I travel, the more I see how relatively poor we are living in la belle province.

Unlike JustBob, I do not feel that the comment Boisclair made on "slanted eyes" was benign. Instead, I think it was a calculated move to reach out to the ethnocentric elements in the PQ. He hasn't bothered apologizing because in his mind, minorities are a nuisance.

Well, I can't wait to the third revolution in Quebec and Canada when minorities take over from the Anglos and French. It's already happening and in a decade, the cultural mosaic of our main cities will be radically transformed. I think this will be a great revolution but there will always be some racists who will complain about the minorities.

Of course, the way things are going in Quebec, I fear that most minorities will leave this province, fearing the lack of opportunities for their children. Again, when you have to choose between Larry, Curly and Moe, you can't possibly aspire for a great future in this province.



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
What if your daughter/son dated a politician?


Welcome back.When I saw your handle in this thread I expected a poll - "What if your daughter / son dated a politician?".


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
For saome here separatists = racists.
So there are separatists in other provinces namely Alberta and B.C.
Does that make them racists.
As for real narrow minded bigots,please come dowmn in y neck of the wood(west Island) and witness all those rednecks living here and unable to say two words in french.
Now that is what I would call racists.


Meme Charest a avouer avoir commis un impair lors de son discour dans l'ouest Island au sujet de la partition du Québec,pour finalement avouer que le Quebec est indivisible.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Cosmo said:
Meme Charest a avouer avoir commis un impair lors de son discour dans l'ouest Island au sujet de la partition du Québec,pour finalement avouer que le Quebec est indivisible.


You are correct to point out that not all separatists are racists. But the PQ has done a lousy job reaching out to the minorities. The Liberals take them for granted and the ADQ is desperate to get votes any way they can.

Is Quebec really indivisible? I think not. Montreal can easily secede from the rest of the province if the majority vote to stay within Canada.


P.S. eastender, if my daughter ever became a politician, I'd really be upset...they're genuine whores, there to ensure corporate interests all while pledging to safeguard social programs.:rolleyes:
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
So there are separatists in other provinces namely Alberta and B.C.
Does that make them racists.

There are no separatist political parties anywhere in Canada but Quebec. Those who do speak of separating, and no one takles them seriously at all, do so in direct response to the continuing threat from Quebec.

As for real narrow minded bigots,please come dowmn in y neck of the wood(west Island) and witness all those rednecks living here and unable to say two words in french.
Now that is what I would call racists.

As opposed to all those who live in the east end of the island, not to mention public servants, bus drivers, metro ticket takers, police officers as well as those living in the south shore and elsewhere in the province who can't put two words in english together? For one thing...I don't give a damn what language someone can or cannot speak as long as they are polite and try to get along. By speaking only one language the only ones they are hurting and limiting are themselves. For another, since when did a language constitute a race? Are you trying to say that Quebecois are not only a nation but a race unto themselves?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Techman said:
For another, since when did a language constitute a race? Are you trying to say that Quebecois are not only a nation but a race unto themselves?

Excellent point, I never understood this crap of "on est un peuple". Why? Because you speak French in North America?:confused:



Virgin User
May 17, 2006
Cosmo said:
Meme Charest a avouer avoir commis un impair lors de son discour dans l'ouest Island au sujet de la partition du Québec,pour finalement avouer que le Quebec est indivisible.

Hahahaha! La divisibilité du Québec n'a rien a voir avec Charest. C'est une réalité démographique et politique qui s'imposera si un "oui" gagne à ~50+1% réparti de la même façon que le deuxième référendum.

Du côté de Hull, le "oui" était moins de 30%. Et presque toutes les bonnes job sont avec le gouvernement fédéral. Que penses-tu qui va se passer là-bas si le "oui" gagne?

Et du côté des réserves indiennes (armées jusqu'au cou!), que penses-tu qui va se passer? ( : "[The Cree] argue that no annexation of them or their territory to an independent Quebec should take place without their consent, and that if Quebec has the right to leave Canada then the Cree people have the right to choose to keep their territory in Canada. ")

Le Quebec ne sortira jamais intact d'un "oui", ça c'est garanti. (Sauf si une majorité claire, répartie pseudo-uniformément, répond "oui" à une question claire.)
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Techman said:
As opposed to all those who live in the east end of the island, not to mention public servants, bus drivers, metro ticket takers, police officers as well as those living in the south shore and elsewhere in the province who can't put two words in english together?

I don't know anything about the local politics being discussed in this thread, but your quote above reminded me of something that happened a few years ago. I was walking down Rene Levesque near rue de la Montagne/Mountain St. and a commercial truck driver pulled up next to me, as I was walking, got out of his truck and approached me in an excited and agitated state. I could tell by the way the guy had been driving that he was lost. He was probably a dude from the country not familiar with downtown Montreal, and it also seemed like he was late or in a hurry to get to his destination. He spoke to me rapidly and excitedly in French, and I said to him, "can you please speak in English and I'll try to help you." He must have realized from my accent that I was American, because all he said in response was "it's good, it's good" (I imagine the only two English words he knew). He ran back to his truck and drove away, apparently just as lost and even more late than when he had stopped. I felt bad for him.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
metoo4 said:
Isn't it enough or what!!

Do Asian peoples have slanted eyes? YES!!! There's nothing racist about this, IT'S THE TRUTH!! Is it wrong to have slanted eyes? NO!! Does it change anything to the subject? NO!! Maybe some see this as an insult but, in Quebec, it isn't. Plain and simple. French peoples in Quebec do not implies that slanted eyes are a sign of some weakness or inferiority.

Do Caucasian have white skin? YES! Do we take it as an offence to be told we have white skin? NO!

Now, if he had say "there's a lot of brown-haired peoples here" or "there's a lot of peoples with blue eyes in the room", nobody would get offensed, right? What Dumont said is no different.

Personally, I think that Boisclair should have just said that if some people were offended by what he had said, he apologizes for his remarks and he did not mean anything offensive by it. If he did this, the entire issue would have gone away. The fact that he steadfastly refuses to apologize indicates issues. He might not have a problem with what he said but then again he is not Asian. Why doesn't he ask his 2 Asian friends (1 from the BQ and 1 from the PQ) what they think about his comments?

When the Queen of England and her husband went to China, her husband made a comment about "slitty eyes" and it was identified in the media as being not acceptable.

It is not the English media attacking the PQ as some of the French media seem to be making it out to be.
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Toronto Escorts