metoo4 said:Attacking somebody's appearance or personality is a proof of weakness and lack of ideas.
Just like describing a Asians as slanty eyes...
Correction, it isn't a proof of weakness and lack of ideas. It is a sign of ignorance.
metoo4 said:Attacking somebody's appearance or personality is a proof of weakness and lack of ideas.
Techman said:There are no separatist political parties anywhere in Canada but Quebec. Those who do speak of separating, and no one takles them seriously at all, do so in direct response to the continuing threat from Quebec.
As opposed to all those who live in the east end of the island, not to mention public servants, bus drivers, metro ticket takers, police officers as well as those living in the south shore and elsewhere in the province who can't put two words in english together? For one thing...I don't give a damn what language someone can or cannot speak as long as they are polite and try to get along. By speaking only one language the only ones they are hurting and limiting are themselves. For another, since when did a language constitute a race? Are you trying to say that Quebecois are not only a nation but a race unto themselves?
The % of bilinguism is far more higher in Quebec than anywhere else in the country.
anon_vlad said:C'est vrai, mais au Québec, le pourcentage des anglophones qui sont bilingues est plus éléves que le pourcentage des francophones bilingues.
Cosmo said:There are no separatits parties in Alberta and BC but there is a movement,just like in Quebec before 1968.Give it time,it may come one day.
Vive L'alberta libre!!!![]()
sinbad said:I'm fed up with hearing that the English don't understand the subtlety of the French term "les yeux brides". Frankly, it's BS! The term is equivalent to "slant eyes" and has exactly the same connotation.
They are insults - pure and simple. To translate "noir" as "nigger" would be wrong - period.
For French Quebecois to claim this is a cultural difference issue is embarrassing. They just make themselves look like a bunch of rednecks. Oh! did I mention Herouxville?
No, the embarassment lies entirely with the English Canadians who only manage to prove, yet again, that they don't have a clue about French Canadian language and culture and are too blinded by their obsession to bash the evil sepatratists to realize it. Again, they are the ones, thru sheer stupidity, who keep fueling the fire of a dying cause.
Maxima said:What would you say if Boisclair had said: "Allons chercher des votes chez les yeux bride's" or "Mes amis les yeux bride's, votez pour moi!"?
Maxima said:What would you say if Boisclair had said: "Allons chercher des votes chez les yeux bride's" or "Mes amis les yeux bride's, votez pour moi!"?
Outre la chasse aux sorcières des agents de la rectitude politique, il y a quelque chose de détestable dans cette habitude qu’ont certains médias anglo-canadiens de penser que les leaders souverainistes ont nécessairement un fond de racisme.
Ce qui est encore plus détestable, c’est de constater que quand une Jane Wong vient passer deux jours à Montréal et conclut dans The Globe and mail que la loi 101 est responsable de la tuerie du collège Dawson, les mêmes médias anglophones ne relèvent pas, ou si peu, le racisme d’une telle conclusion...
One anti-racism advertisement under the Parti Quebecois government a few years back reminded Quebecers, "Les yeux brides, le coeur Quebecois." In other words, "Slanting eyes, Quebecer heart."
I guess that Mary Chiu - BQ candidate for Lasalle and Zhao Xin Wu - PQ candidate for Mount-Royal are considered to be English Canadians since they were also not too happy with Boisclair's choice of words.JustBob said:The only people shouting "outrage!" are English Canadians...
Maxima said:jimace, You miss JustBob point which is: French Quebecois are not offended by calling East Asians, les "yeux bride's" (because "yeux brid'es" is not an offensive terms in French language") therefore nobody else, including the East Asians, should be offended. Those East Asians who felt offended had no right to be so. Those East Asians should be taught a lesson on when to feel offended.
Pour le directeur du CRARR, Fo Niemi, l'expression «yeux bridés» est chargée de mépris et teintée de racisme. Dans un communiqué, il exige, au nom de la communauté asiatique, des excuses formelles de la part de M. Boisclair.
Du reste, l'outrage affiché par M. Niemi a bien peu à voir avec la défense de la dignité des personnes originaires d'Asie, estime M. Boisclair, qui soupçonne plutôt une manoeuvre politique.
De fait, ce n'est pas d'hier que les relations sont tendues entre M. Niemi et le Parti québécois. Il y a plus de dix ans, en 1997, le gouvernement dirigé par Lucien Bouchard avait sabré dans la subvention allouée au CRARR.
À cette époque, André Boisclair était le coupable tout désigné, à titre de ministre responsable de l'Immigration et des relations avec les citoyens.
Maxima said:Sorry I do not have the money to conduct a poll. But I can tell you this all of my East Asians friends, 100%, felt somewhat offended.
Can you come back to me with a poll that a non negligible percentage of Asians are not offended? Just kidding, because the demand was stupid.
I am actually defending Boisclair as you can see in my previous note, but I find that it is offensive to dismiss "par un revers de la main" those who felt offended as not being genuine.
For a long time Americans from the South could not understand why an African American would feel offended by the word negro after all they did have "negro complexion".
The #1 would not happen because it's not even gramatically correct!Maxima said:What would you say if Boisclair had said: "Allons chercher des votes chez les yeux bride's" or "Mes amis les yeux bride's, votez pour moi!"?
#2 would be "Mes amis aux yeux bridés, votez pour moi." Again no traces of racism. Even better, it's a sign of appreciation to some specific peoples, as you specifically include this group in your friends.