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Dumont is going to split the vote!


Jul 21, 2005
Ben Dover said:
Didn't the Quebecois have their own country before? I believe it was called "France" and it's still there, just as xenophobic as ever, waiting for all of the failed separatists to come back. Since then new lands were claimed, wars were won and lost and today we have a new map.

Live with it. Make something of it. Do something useful.


PS: Many people like me will do anything and everything in our power to prevent Quebec from separating. If one day we fail, well then see you later. I'll take my money and jobs with me when I leave. I'd only return to make cash (no tax) donations to fine Quebecoise SPs. They shouldn't suffer just because their parents are narrow-minded fools.
So my sister is Quebecoise because she is a pequiste. And should go to France I am also French and liberal Should i move to ST Boniface Manitoba


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It looks like the PQ is headed for third place according to the latest polls. Guess we don't have to worry about another referendum for awhile.

By the way...I'm still waiting for someone to explain what would be better in a separate Quebec. Show me what I have to gain, and what we would lose, something concrete with a bit of intelligence to back it up. Anyone?????


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
Where does it end???

I have a few friends that are French-Canadian and most of them oppose the separation of Quebec from Canada. My questions is when does it end. If Quebec is allowed to seperate from Canada to establish her own sovereign nation, then is it O.K for the native canadian indians to then ask for their lands back in order to establish their own sovereign nation then? If Quebec is seperated then what monetary compensation does it owes to Canada for making the Province what it is today ?
This land, the continent of America, was taken by Europeans through force. Many tribes are wiped out because the Europeans wanted to expand their empires. I guess what I'm trying to say is what is done is done. The French loss the war and gave up her colony in Canada and sold what ever vested interest she had in America to funds the Napolean wars. Now 200 years later you can't turn back the clock and say you want the land back. Canada is very special and that she has 2 different cultures, with that in mind I agree that there should be laws and legislation to make all Canadians equal. Splitting up Canada may only apiece a few people. ( last I remembered less than 50% of Quebecoire ( spellings ?) wanted the split. ) If there is a split then is it lawful and moral for the native indians to ask for their land back? And if so will the seperatist are willing to give it back?


Jul 21, 2005
Even if i am a liberal i like to keep my option open remember la commission belanger campeau read their report it might answer your question


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
I'd be very happy if Quebec would merge with Cuba because I have one Corona to go before having to replenish my humidor: $$$$$$$ - Ay Caramba!

p.s. My fashion stylists just informed me that Cuban Revolution green is the new black, another reason to separate.
Last edited:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
pookiebear, if you read Maxima's earlier post, it will never end until the separatists get their way and win a referendum. And one day, if they keep trying enough times, they may win. They may win because enough people who vote no will have become tired of having this always over their heads and they will have left Quebec. Combine that with the assimilation and brainwashing of immigrants to support their cause and one day it may come to pass. Unless the PQ get totally thrashed in the next election and the one after that and the same thing happens to the BQ in the next couple of federal elections. If not, this province, and the city of Montreal, is doomed to remain second rate while Toronto and Vancouver continue to grow into first rate international cities.


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.
This shit is funny.

On a lighter note. You think if I keep bugging the shit from the girl eventually she'll give it up? :D


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Equanimity said:
Arguing Quebec politics is like arguing religion except that I think seperatists are much more singleminded.

I'm not a separatist and I certainly don't get that from this thread or from people in general. There's as much, if not more fearmongering apocalyptic nonsense from the anti-separatists than rosy, all will be well scenarios from separatists. But that's politics for you...

Could Quebec survive as an independant nation? Of course it could. Would there be some growing pains? Of course there would be. And here, I credit Pauline Marois for beeing the only separatist to be honest enough to admit that there would be at least 5 years of economic instability after separation. But to argue that all businesses would leave and that new businesses would avoid Quebec like the plague because it's run by leftists is just pure nonsense.

Personally, I'd only vote for the separation of Quebec if that also included geographical separation and we would move the province somewhere in the vicinity of the Fiji Islands. :p


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
JustBob said:
Could Quebec survive as an independant nation? [...] at least 5 years of economic instability after separation. But to argue that all businesses would leave and that new businesses would avoid Quebec like the plague because it's run by leftists is just pure nonsense.

Some of us would like to do a little better than just survive.

No one says that "all businesses will leave". But it's a fact that many big businesses did leave after both referendums. And it's a fact that Quebec would lose billions of dollars in transfer payments per year from the feds if it left. Billions divided by a population of 7 million is quite a big chunk gone from the local economy. Not to mention the new expenses Quebec would need to fully pay for by itself (border guards, embassies, army, patent office, pharma testing, etc.). All these are currently paid for by the feds, so therefore are disproportionately paid for by Ontario and Alberta.

Economic instability for 5 years? Yeah right. Think more like 2 generations.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Personally, I'd only vote for the separation of Quebec if that also included geographical separation and we would move the province somewhere in the vicinity of the Fiji Islands. :p

Throw in a couple of fine Fijian babes and you've got my vote! :D


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
It's a real video from real candidate. It was slowed down, making them sound drunk. Nothing funny said, but I didn't bother listening to the whole thing because the guy at the start annoys me, whatever he's slowed-down or real time. :D


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
I wish I understood French because this looks like a very funny spoof.:p What are they saying?

They're both provincial candidates and as ususal what they say is a buch of bs....
But at least they sound funny with no intentions this time!:D


New Member
Oct 17, 2005
Hey ! This thread is so funny in fast forward !

I just came back from one of the most beautiful beach I ever seen with lots of beautiful girls and let me say that I really am sorry for those of you who stayed here arguing about politics.

This Canada-Quebec really sucks.
Who cares ? I really feel sorry for anyone trying to defend a country, land or piece of whatever that doesn't have a nice beautiful smile.

To me the only thing worth defending is the people and specially the Quebecoises.

So keep it up !

Now let's see who's on tonight !


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
metoo4 said:
What's insulting is the reference you make by saying that's all Boisclair will have to go back if not elected. That's looking down on peoples from your presumed superior position. It have nothing to do with a reference to "slanted eyes" that can't be proved as intended to be discriminatory, contrairy to your statement.

He did say he won't apologize, he did say he did coke before and he is gay. Doesn't give you the right to say he'll be doomed if not elected.

Well it took Boisclair 6 weeks to resign leadership after the PQ's third place finish. Have to give him credit - that's 4 or 5 weeks longer than most people expected. Oh and his eyes were not slanted when he made his announcement, they were just wet from tears.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
Visit site
Glad to see the guy go.

Just waiting to see if they will install Malrois to speed up the demise of the party.


Were here for a good time, not a long time! So, Just have a good time.
Loosen up thoes sphinter muscles, Mr. Metoo4!


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
JP, I would't dare loosening my sphincter muscles! That would cause me to sh@$ all over you! We have to stay polite here! After all, we're not politicians! :D

I just don't see the fun in degrading peoples, pretending they don't have a life or making remarks on gender or personal preferences.

Pauline Marois would't be that bad. She's intelligent and respected.

Curzi would make things "different"... Why not! After all, Arnold is Governor of California so, why not an actor as a possible PM?

Duceppe, not really. He doesn't have the... the... the presence?
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