Pauline Marois would't be that bad. She's intelligent and respected.
She's one of the old guard of the PQ and she's well past her 'best before' date. The party needs new blood and a new direction. They should just shut up about separation, put it waaayyy back on the party platform. Put a platform together to govern the province properly, get expenses and taxes down, stop bending over for the unions and show that they can do a good job. Then in 20 or 30 years, when I'm well past
my 'best before date' and most of the 'old guard' of the party are dead, bring sovereignty up again to see if anyone is still interested.
The way they're going now, the party will be lucky to survive the next election. Especially if they bring in someone like Marois or another has been. But then again, come to think about it...I hope they do exactly that.