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Election 2012: Will History repeat itself? Union National splits vote, PQ wins power.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009

Don'T be so sensitive, jnutz. Most of these guys are pretty decents beings. Techman is a great guy in person, fun to be with. He refused to kiss me at the last GT, but I heard he can kiss a french Québécois girl. That he totally lacks judgement on the language debate and who he chooses to kiss, does not alter my appreciation of him as a good human being. That Doc totally lacks judgement by participating in a troll driven forum does not change the "fact" that he spends tens of evenings every year dressed in a chemise à carreaux swinging the spoons in a cabane à sucre. Even Sol Tee goes to the festival de la poutine, eating this disgusting spécialité of ours. Merlot? Well, come on. I would not argue with a guy having the Stanley cup in his backyard.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Now back to the topic. Looks like the PQ will win a minority government here in Quebec. Not sure how the big cities feel about it but my out-laws in the small towns are happy but do not want to see a PQ majority. Some are trying to pick a party to vote for other than PQ ( even though they want the PQ to win ) so it will not be a majority. Quebec is a province that is distinct and that should never change, everyone knows Quebec is a French province. Some politicians worry too much about the language but visiting the small towns that should not be an issue because no one speaks English. Montreal should not be rattled because of the English being spoken, it needs the English to continue thriving as a top business contender. Lets hope it stays that way.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
but damn the most well known city of a french territory is starting to become not so french anymore... SHIT.


If that's true it's time to get rid of the stupid language laws as they obviously aren't working. :)

The simple truth is that in a country like Canada you simply cannot legislate language/culture. 51% will never be able to dictate to the other 49%. If you really want to build walls around yourself then don't be surprised when the world leaves you behind. With communication being worldwide I wouldn't be surprised if four languages dominated the world 50 years from now - mandarin, spanish, english and russian. Why legislate yourself into obscurity?

Latest polls show that the PQ may get their majority. Guess that expansion might be shifted to the US.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If that's true it's time to get rid of the stupid language laws as they obviously aren't working. :)

Je suis entierement d'accord avec toi. Le probleme est qu'ils ont ete trop loin avec leurs lois stupides sur le language. Un bon exemple est celui donc les clients d'un etablissement doivent etre addresses en francais en premier, ensuite en anglais. C'est stupide de faire une loi comme celle-la. Ca n'a aucun bon sens qu'un etablissement recoive une contravention simplement a cause qu'un employe aura addresse un client en anglais en premier.

Je peux nommer bien autres exemples...........

Vive Montreal! Vive le Quebec! Vive le Canada! Vive la langue et la culture francaise! Vive la democratie! :thumb:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
This is a gross exaggeration. He was unfortunately greeted in english, but certainly not "served" in english after speaking french. Small business owners are known to be very conservative and to act primarily according to what they believe to be their personal interest. They greet customers in english in tourists places, certainly the ones your friend go to, where few Parisians go. They DON'T do that in other places. I think it is stupid to greet tourists in english, both in Paris and Montréal, the two largest french cities in the world. Do any tourist really feel insulted to be greeted with a "Bonjour" in the old Montréal? It is good for business to be able to serve tourists in english. But it is not a good thing for the image of our culture to greet them in english.

Still waiting for your response, tec. You complained with true deep feelings :rolleyes: that we, poor french Québécois, were discriminated against by our own government because we can't send our kids in funded english schools in Québec. What about the anglo Canadians who can't send their kids to funded french schools in the rest of Canada?

First off all...I didn't say he was greeted in English, I said he was served in English, in general after speaking French himself. He spoke to a friend who lived there, and is French, not Quebecois, and the friend told him to get used to it because in France they don't look at what is spoken in Quebec to be proper French. He also mentioned that they find it much easier to understand what a Quebec visitor wants by speaking in English as they have problems with the Quebec accent and many of the terms we use here. Not to mention that waiters in Paris tend to be rude to everyone in general, I found his story very amusing.

As for French schools outside Quebec in Canada, well I don't think that not learning French will impact those students' future business opportunities in any major way, unless they plan on moving to Quebec, and the main reason is that there is limited places in French schools outside Quebec and those that exist are reserved for those who require them where the population warrants it. If they were open to everyone, there would not be enough room for everyone. They are also better funded than the English system in Quebec. But there are areas in Canada, especially in Ontario, where French immersion schooling is readily available and very popular, in fact there tends to be a waiting list to get in. I have friends in Ontario who are on such a list for their kids.


OMG! Really! Hold the presses!!!

I wrote: "I have a lot against Law 101, which I find seriously biased in it's strong over-compensation toward French." I cited repeatedly the need balance and fairness and the abuses of Law 101 in this thread. If you can associate my post with support of discrimination then there is no hope for you. One-sided people who must put everything in terms of for me or against me are the problem.



What are you talking about? "The abuses" of Law 101 and "it's over compensation towards French"? The entire premise of the law is geared towards French first and every other language second. The entire law is abusive and "over compensation" and such a law is discriminatory by it's very nature.

Oh...and now the PQ are saying that there are not enough people in Montreal with French as a mother tongue and that this must be corrected before they become a minority in the city. So I wonder what they plan to do to correct this 'problem'? Subsidized housing for les Pur Laine? Tax breaks based on language heritage? Free parking spots? How about new immigration rules? You really gotta love it.

We were discussing the language laws on my guitar board a while ago and everyone there was of the opinion that they were totally insane. Most refused to even believe that such a place with those kind of laws existed in North America until I posted links about it. Now this is a huge international board and not one person outside of Canada had any idea about it. I won't detail what some of the American guys said they would do if someone tried that where they lived, it's enough to say that Yanks do love their guns. In general, the consensus was something like "how can it be possible to openly discriminate against a segment of the population in a free society?" Unfortunately I had no answer for them.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
As for French schools outside Quebec in Canada, well I don't think that not learning French will impact those students' future business opportunities in any major way, unless they plan on moving to Quebec, and the main reason is that there is limited places in French schools outside Quebec and those that exist are reserved for those who require them where the population warrants it. If they were open to everyone, there would not be enough room for everyone. They are also better funded than the English system in Quebec. But there are areas in Canada, especially in Ontario, where French immersion schooling is readily available and very popular, in fact there tends to be a waiting list to get in. I have friends in Ontario who are on such a list for their kids.

May I suggest an argument here:

The main thing I have a problem with in regards to Bill 101 is the freedom of choice of language of education and I will never change my view on that. Preventing any taxpaying citizen from having that choice is wrong. There is no argument that will ever convince me otherwise.

French schools have been closing everywhere in Canada in the last decades. Yet, you suggest that they would be crowded if they were to accept everyone. They pay taxe, Tec. If there is such demand from the English communities, why not keep them open and accept them?

It seems you are defending a double standard in regards with freedom of choice: French people should be accepted in english schools in Québec and English people forbidden in French schools outside Québec.

I understand you will never change your view: a bilingual Québec within a unilingual Canada and the consequent asymmetrical freedom of choice with the underlying social criteria of business opportunities.

You should tell your friend to stop drinking too much when he goes to restaurants in Paris.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
When it comes to French schools outside of Quebec, I'd like to see the LAW that is in place forbidding anyone other than French Canadians access to them. Then we can talk about it. As for French schools closing, well if there is no need for them, why keep them open? I'm damn sure they aren't beiing closed because of laws keeping people out of them whereas English schools close in Quebec every year because people who wish to attend them are legally prevented from attending them.

Now once again you twist my words. Where did I say that English people should be forbidden to attend French schools anywhere? I believe in freedom of choice everywhere and if there are French public schools anywhere in Canada, I do not think that anyone should be refused entry unless there is a lack of space.

And no, I will never change my view that all citizens in Canada should have equal access to all publicly funded institutions no matter what language they speak. I do not agree with any kind of discrimination based on anything, whether religion, language, race, sexual preference or the colour of someone's skin. They are all equally wrong in my eyes. A bigot is a bigot. I believe that the laws here in Quebec are indicative of a small minded, fearful group of people who would prefer to keep their population trapped here and limit their ability to move freely in the world to live and earn a living. I in no way believe this represents the average Quebecer who has no inherent fear of other languages or cultures but who is constantly bombarded with the separatists' false claim that their language and culture are in danger. When you hear something repeated enough times, many people begin to believe it.

Actually my friend is in his late 50's and is quite a separatist. To say he was pissed off at how he was received in France would be an understatement. But then again he expects to be served in French when he goes to the US so I guess turnabout is fair play.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Rumples & Merlot THINK they understand the french culture because they sometimes come to Mtl to bang a few escorts who happen to speak french. But do they speak french with the escorts they see? No!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the repeated insults, Mr. Bitter. The difference between us, Doc, is that I don't pretend to understand the French culture in Quebec, despite the fact that I live 100s of kilometers closer to it than you do. I respect it and I honour it, but I know that I'll never understand the minds

There is no way that two Americans will ever be able to fully grasp the french culture, nor will they ever be considered a part of it. They will always be looked upon as outsiders, no matter how hard they try to fit in.
And how would you know? The only thing you do is come her to bang escorts and hang out in downtown hotels.

The only person i agree with totally in this thread is Techman.
So you hate the French culture, yet claim to understand it? I'm thoroughly amused.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
So you hate the French culture, yet claim to understand it? I'm thoroughly amused.

Why is it that anyone who disagrees with the xenophobic laws here in Quebec is automatically accused of hating the French culture? Doc is as French as anyone in this province even though he doesn't come from Quebec. NEither Doc or myself has ever said we hate the French culture or the French language or Quebec. We hate the racist, bigotted views and laws of the most vocal of all Quebecois, the separatists and xenophobes. Since when do only the separatists and xenophobes define French culture? Why is it that only the separatists and language zealots can have a say as to what all Quebecers should be able to speak or live in or work in? When did everyone else in this province become a non-entity?

Oh yeah...when the laws made them non-entities. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I'd like to see the LAW

What do you mean "the law"? It's the constitution! And all provincial laws abide by it. Language of education is French in Québec and English in the other provinces, unless you are part of THE minority group (english in Québec and French elsewhere) where the numbers justify it. There is no law nor constitution article protecting the right to receive education in a language other then yours. And that's how it really works.

If I may correct you on an other topic, contrary to what you said, a British, American or English Canadian coming to Montréal for a temporary work is allowed to send their kids to english school as clearly stated by the OLF.

An opinion is just an opinion, tec. I respect yours. But facts are not opinions, they can be contradicted.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Oh yeah,

No one understands the french culture more than i do.

When have you ever shown any interest in it. Your absence in previous French language threads speaks volumes.

Rumples & Merlot THINK they understand the french culture because they sometimes come to Mtl to bang a few escorts who happen to speak french. But do they speak french with the escorts they see? No!!!!!!!!

This is as ignorant and idiotically presumptuous as it gets. I thank God for the blessing of never meeting you, and so in that case your post is just a mean-spirited lie. My French is very marginally passable, but I have spent dozens of hours making every effort to write in French on this board for several years as everyone knows. I may not be too successful, but I do it and I've made much more effort to show respect to the French speakers here than you ever considered. I confirm my hotel reservations on the phone and make requests about the rooms in French, I deal with the clerks and maids often in French, I order breakfast, lunch, and dinner and drinks and try to converse briefly with the restaurant staff in French. I shop at the SAQs or depanneurs in French, get information from cabbies, bus drivers, and locals in French, and I fawn over the escorts IN FRENCH. :thumb: What does a pompous bitter man know about it.

There is no way that two Americans will ever be able to fully grasp the french culture, nor will they ever be considered a part of it. They will always be looked upon as outsiders, no matter how hard they try to fit in.

This would include EB and your other pals who have never attempted a glimmer of French ever yet insert their opinions nonetheless.

What are you talking about? "The abuses" of Law 101 and "it's over compensation towards French"? The entire premise of the law is geared towards French first and every other language second. The entire law is abusive and "over compensation" and such a law is discriminatory by it's very nature.

Every state in the U.S. has mandatory education in English prescribed by specific regulations. Depending on the state other languages such as French, Spanish, Latin, German, etc are offered as a second language. There is nothing new about this situation despite the presence of large minorities. There is nothing wrong with prescribing the learning of a language that is dominate among the majority of the population. Where Law 101 becomes abusive is in blocking the learning of other languages.

Do you support public schools that support the cultures and languages of all minorities in Canada whether they are Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Hebrew, Norwegian, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Lingala, Berber, Swahili, and so on, or just the English. If it's just the latter then theoretically you are being discriminatory if you don't support public education for all languages. That's a pretty impossible situation if you carry out your anti-discrimination views with the kind of zealous super-equity rights you keep suggesting for your idyllic..."I will never change my view that all citizens in Canada should have equal access to all publicly funded institutions no matter what language they speak" paradise. It creates quite a nation of Babel. Do you think the English and French will be agreeable to funding that???

My slant on the language laws was for fairly defined and regulated bilingual balance that recognizes the cultural majority as well as the significant minority. However, rationally and practically I wouldn't support the public funding of every language dozens of minorities represent. No nation or state in it's right mind would do that.

Oh...and now the PQ are saying that there are not enough people in Montreal with French as a mother tongue ...Subsidized housing for les Pur Laine? Tax breaks based on language heritage? Free parking spots? How about new immigration rules? You really gotta love it.

You keep harping on your fears and xenophobic demons. What about a practical workable defined solution, other than tearing up 101, that would resolve the issues for both sides. ANYTHING THERE?



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Thanks for the repeated insults, Mr. Bitter. The difference between us, Doc, is that I don't pretend to understand the French culture in Quebec, despite the fact that I live 100s of kilometers closer to it than you do. I respect it and I honour it, but I know that I'll never understand the minds

And how would you know? The only thing you do is come her to bang escorts and hang out in downtown hotels.

So you hate the French culture, yet claim to understand it? I'm thoroughly amused.

Huh?? WTF are you talking about??? Don't you realize that you don't need to live in Quebec to fully understand and experience the french culture? Other francophones throughout Canada feel as 'french' as Quebecers do. You should take off your blinders and start visiting the rest of Canada one of these days. Go to Penticton, BC. St-Boniface, MB. In Ontario, go to Welland, Sudbury to Prescott-Russell, etc. Visit the pronvince New Brunswick, etc. The french culture is alive and well all across Canada! You may even make a case for south eastern Florida (Hollywood, Dania, Hallandale, etc).

French-canadians live throughout the country of Canada, not strictly in the province of Quebec. And they go to french schools, catholic mass, french universities (Laurentian, Ottawa, etc) and colleges (Boreal, Northern, etc), celebrate La Saint-Jean Baptiste, watch SRC, TVA, TQS, RDI, RDS, LCN, etc. Just like in Quebec. They also need to speak both official languages in order to get good jobs. The french culture doesn't start and end in Quebec. Au contraire, mon cher......

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
This would include EB and your other pals who have never attempted a glimmer of French ever yet insert their opinions nonetheless.

At least i do have pals, not people who constantly talk behind my back and making fun of me while pretending to be my pals on the boards.

By the way, i do pat you on the back for making an effort to promote & use the french language whenever you're visiting this great city where my forefathers once lived. It's unfortunate that not more of our regular american visitors follow your lead. I mean it. I also applaud the fact that you appear to be interested in the ongoing political debate going on within this great, but different, province.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
At least i do have pals, not people who constantly talk behind my back and making fun of me while pretending to be my pals on the boards.
No?? Really??? Think again. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I will give you this. I've never heard one of your imaginary escorts make fun of you.

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Hello guys,

Get back on topic or find another sandbox to play in. Your little war should stay off the board. Do it by PM, i don't care. But you don't need to act like 2 ladies getting into a purse fight whenever you are both posting in a same thread.

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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
When it comes to French schools outside of Quebec, I'd like to see the LAW that is in place forbidding anyone other than French Canadians access to them.

I did some checking and a person that attends a French school in Alberta or BC must have 1 parent or guardian that was schooled in French and still speak the language.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Mod 10, i agree with your post. However, i have no beef with Rumples, other than the fact he appears to be totally oblivious that the french culture is alive and well throughout Canada. Many french-canadians born and raised in other provinces not named Quebec would be greatly offended if told that they are not as french and cultured as the ones living in la belle province.

The post Mr. Rumples quoted wasn't even meant towards him. I have no clue why he decided to quote it and reply to me, since he wasn't even the person the quote was intended for. I really don't think Mr. Rumples has gone 'Clint Eastwood' on us. He simply might have misread whom my post was initially intended for.

If i've crossed the line, i do apologize. However, i find it astonishing that two americans (god bless them!) who know next to zero about french culture would involve themselves in a thread about french language and culture and try to lecture people on it. Mr. Rumples even alluded to the fact that since he lived within 100 kilometers from the province of Quebec, then he must know more about french language and culture than someone living further away.

I must point out that this is similar to what Sarah Palin (god i love her!) once said when she claimed she was an expert on Russian affairs......that she could 'see Russia from her house'.

And finally, as i've already mentionned, i tip my hat off to Mr. Merlot (love that french name!) for making an effort to speak the local language whenever he's in our fine city, and makes an effort to know more about it. On the other hand, i find it shameful that many of our other cousins visiting from the south have never tried to learn the french language after over a decade of regularly visiting Montreal. But this is simply my opinion. If i'd be visiting latin america or Italy on a regular basis, you can bet your life that i'd do my utmost best to be fluent in those countries' respective languages over time.

Again, this is just my opinion, and i promise to do my utmost best not to get this very serious topic sidetracked once again. My goal is simply to state my opinion and inform.

Vive le Quebec, vive le Canada, vive la langue et la culture francaise! :thumb:

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Rumple; Where? Is it a deleted post or one he edited?

Anyway, it wasn't the point of my intervention. It isn't the first time i am warning you guys this week, the elastic band has been stretched as far as it can go. I am in a bad mood and fed up to play the babysitter. so use the ignore list function if you can't ignore the other by your own. And if you don't know yet, let me help you out;

User CP--> Edit Ignore List--> Add; the member's handle who is IMHO; a total retarded to Your List--> DONE!:D Amazing, isn't it?:thumb:

Learn how to use the ignore list, because there will be only one solution left after. It's the banned members list and if some here don't give it a break, they will find themselves on it.

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Mod 10, i was referring to post #239 that he posted. He quoted a post i made, which was intended for Mr. Merlot, and replied to me using that quote. No big deal.

I like Rumples. We don't always agree on things, but we certainly agree with one another when it comes to US politics. In those threads, i must admit that he's close to being my hero. :thumb:

I have no beef with Rumples & i must admit that at times, i do not chose my words carefully & my humour might be interpreted differently than intended, and then it unfortunately escalates from there.

As for Merlot, i also often disagree with him, but like Rumples, i totally am on the same wavelenght as him when it comes to the US political scene. And also when it comes to escorts. I'm sure like I, these two gentlemen enjoyed last night's Mitt Romney Informercial as much as i did. Clint Eastwood was great!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I heard today that he (Eastwood) expects to be invited to the Democratic convention next week....supposedly he was confused last night & unsure where he was. Poor soul. He reminded me of my old & crazy uncle now living in a nursing home. Sad to see such a giant of the film industry embarrass himself so badly. It reminded me of Muhammad Ali @the recent London Olympics opening ceremonies, where it appeared that he had no idea where he was. Heck, the entire Romney family appeared embarrassed when they appeared on camera during Eastwood's self-destruction. Sad.

Alright, just checked the recent polls:

The PQ will likely obtain a minority government at the elections in a few days. Personally, i don't think it's a good thing for Quebec & especially Quebecers, but the good side is that it'll only be a minority government, which means there'll likely be more elections in a year or two. More useless money spent!

p.s. Loved the tweet by actor Jason Biggs (American Pie), where he pointed out that Eastwood's embarrassing performance last night in talking to an empty chair pretty much summed up the Republican Party and their relationship with Christianity. Love it!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
He reminded me of my old & crazy uncle now living in a nursing home.
Damn you! Stole my line.
The PQ will likely obtain a minority government at the elections in a few days
I'm not convinced. There are a lot of undecideds and, with the Libs now running third, they may see a bit of an exodus of the "Anybody but Michelle Bachmann Marois. I wouldn't count the CAQ out just yet.
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