Montreal Escorts

Elections: MERB poll results and before/after elections discussions.

what will be your vote?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • NPD

    Votes: 22 38.6%
  • Bloc Québecois (....)

    Votes: 9 15.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Your first statement proves you are in total denial regarding the facts. Quebec receives more money FROM Canada than it contributes. It's called Equalization payments. Look it up and learn something.

Guess what? The English community here pay taxes too. Just as much as the French do and are just as deserving of what they receive in return.

You're right about Quebec being the most bilingual province. What you fail to note is that most of those bilingual citizens do not have French as a mother tongue.

You can leave Canada as soon as you pay Quebec's share of the Federal debt. While you're at it, you can also reimburse Canada for the Federal infrastructure that Quebec will be confiscating such as bridges and highways when it separates.

You claim that you take the desires and opinion of people into account? Bullshit. You lost two referendums based on bullshit questions because you don't have the balls to ask the real one. Twice people have said they are not interested in your ideas but you still refuse to abide by their desires and opinions and want to try it again. That says it all, does it not? Bunch of two faced cowards. The only opinions and desires that mean anything to separatists are their own and no one else's.

Finally, Quebec doesn't have a hockey team, Montreal does. And they are called Les Canadienes, not Les Quebecois. :cool:

Oh yeah...I'm not an Anglo, you fool. I'm French and probably more pur laine than most of your separatist masters. I just don't happen to believe in the superiority of any one language or religion or any other idea that people use so that they can pretend they are better than someone else.

I agree with every single thing Techman posted in this thread. He's absolutely correct.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Thanks,doc! Nice to see that someone is on the same track as I am. One thing that really makes me laugh at how ridiculous it is, is the Quebecois' staunch attempt to preserve their 'culture' by absorbing or assimilating immigrants. I just can't understand how they can really believe this can be done. A culture is based on a shared history, shared language, on shared experiences and mostly, if you come right down to it, on shared religious beliefs. In Quebec this means Catholicism. You cannot ensure the survival of your culture by assimilating other cultures who have their own ingrained beliefs, which they WILL teach to their children no matter what they learn by integrating with a new culture. Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Haitians, Greeks, Chinese, and on and on, can be taught the French language where needed. But they will never adopt the Quebec culture. Their children will be Quebecois by birth, but not by heritage. And they never will be. They will be taught their parents culture and beliefs at home and this will always supersede whatever they are taught at school.

Let's be realistic here. The only thing that assimilation ever achieves is dilution of a cultural base. In time, a new shared culture will arise, probably many versions of it, and it will be nothing like what the Quebecois xenophobes wish it to be. The only way to preserve a culture is to teach it to your children. But to do that, your first need is to have the children to teach it to. Here in Quebec, we do not have those children. Our birth rate is in the toilet and that alone will eventually spell the end of the culture they are trying to protect.

And a word for M. Duceppe, you say that multiculturalism does not work in Quebec. Well you must be sleeping because Montreal is pretty damn multi-cultural and has been for many years. I guess that's what happens when you go through life with tunnel vision. You tend to miss everything that's going on around you.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Tech, could you please explain your position on law 101? Should we get rid of it and let everybody choose the schools they want, english or french, in the name of fundamental rights?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Let's not go to bill 101 and stick to the thread's topic. I feel something I won't like coming...

Well, mod 11, I read a guy doing quite a lot of Québec bashing in this thread, very far from the issues of the present federal election, without your intervention. Sorry to hurt your feelings.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Well, mod 11, I read a guy doing quite a lot of Québec bashing in this thread, very far from the issues of the present federal election, without your intervention. Sorry to hurt your feelings.

If you're referring to Techman, what Quebec-bashing has he done? He's simply pointing out the truth. The reason he's doing so is because he's a proud french-speaking Quebecer who loves his province & culture. I get the feeling that he's also a proud Canadian who also loves his country. A true patriot. It doesn't mean he has to drink the cool aid also!

I admire Techman for stating his mind & expressing clearly how the Quebec political scene really is. I'm proud of him for sticking to his guns & not being misled by the lies & bullshit thrown at Quebecers over the past decades by the separatists and other corrupt politicians with personal agendas.
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Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
If you're referring to Techman, what Quebec-bashing has he done?

The Québec bashing, here, is associating the Québec institutions, political parties and french speaking community with the xenophobic discourse of the most radical independantists. The fact that tech is of French origine is irrelevant. I will not go further because it seems that there is no problem criticizing the Québec language policies in this thread but there is a problem responding to those critics.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
The brain drain from Quebec is already in a terrible state of affairs. The best and brightest graduates are bilingual or multilingual and can move anywhere. Do you actually think they will stay here? People want to live and they want to live well. They don't want to live in a place that dictates that even adults don't have the right to go to school in the language of their choice. Why would they stay here where they will have to struggle when they can move out and live a good life anywhere else they choose?

You're talking about dictating ? dictating to learn french ? is that it ?
Are you in the diaper business or is it because you're still wearing them ?

Travel a bit mon pit... pas just au CES une fois par annee !
You'd see that the BRAIN DRAIN is happening all over North America Dude !

Specially for those who can't speak more than one language !

Canada indivisible ? Why ? because you own it :)

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
One thing that really makes me laugh at how ridiculous it is, is the Quebecois' staunch attempt to preserve their 'culture' by absorbing or assimilating immigrants. I just can't understand how they can really believe this can be done. A culture is based on a shared history, shared language, on shared experiences and mostly, if you come right down to it, on shared religious beliefs. In Quebec this means Catholicism. You cannot ensure the survival of your culture by assimilating other cultures who have their own ingrained beliefs, which they WILL teach to their children no matter what they learn by integrating with a new culture. Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Haitians, Greeks, Chinese, and on and on, can be taught the French language where needed. But they will never adopt the Quebec culture. Their children will be Quebecois by birth, but not by heritage. And they never will be. They will be taught their parents culture and beliefs at home and this will always supersede whatever they are taught at school.

Let's be realistic here. The only thing that assimilation ever achieves is dilution of a cultural base. In time, a new shared culture will arise, probably many versions of it, and it will be nothing like what the Quebecois xenophobes wish it to be. The only way to preserve a culture is to teach it to your children. But to do that, your first need is to have the children to teach it to. Here in Quebec, we do not have those children. Our birth rate is in the toilet and that alone will eventually spell the end of the culture they are trying to protect.

And a word for M. Duceppe, you say that multiculturalism does not work in Quebec. Well you must be sleeping because Montreal is pretty damn multi-cultural and has been for many years. I guess that's what happens when you go through life with tunnel vision. You tend to miss everything that's going on around you.

That's so pretty when you decline to READ your history and the results of it. It sounds so beautiful, so galant yet it's the exact same hypocricy that doesn't have a 2cent of toleration for any other languages and culture from both immigrants and other nations for which ancestors roamed this land thousands of year before any european set foot on !

And BTW, Montreal was multi-cultural way before any other cities in Canada unless that is you're having a tunnel vision of your own !
And you know what Montreal is still the 2nd largest french city after Paris. DUH !!!! even if you don't like it !

And your last phrase is a beauty ! "spell the end of the culture they are trying to protect".
For more than 400 years the First nations as well as french nation that came here have been trying to protect their culture. Everything has been tried (specially in the first centuries) to deny them the right to live and get their children to learn in the language like you said before. Either through massive immigration in the 19th century for exemple of simply through means of extermination. But they succeeded to pretect it.

Not even 10 years ago it took everything for Ottawa to admit this both for First Nations and French.
It took them more than a hundred of f*cking years and a scare at the last ref to admit this and you speak of Quebec wanting to assimilate other cultures ?

Surely you can't accused First Nations trying to do this ? Only don't say any jokes you guys have about how dangerous it is to go on a RESERVE !
RESERVE did I wroted big enough for ya ?

Nah ! óhkom was right ! "Never, ever trust Federalists".

Go ahead and be a proud patriote Doc ! a word some people back in St-Eustache were calling themselves... while the red shirts thought... they were 'terrorists' ! Like I said ! pure ignorance !

Bah anyway ! I'll give a break to Mod 11 here !
Have fun with your FEDERAL election !
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Gugu, yes, I would strike down the provisions of Bill 101 that prevent parents from having freedom of choice where it comes to education. That part of the bill is discriminatory against the French population of Quebec. It does no harm to the English population as they have the choice to send their children to any school they wish. I would keep the provisions regarding French being predominant on commercial signs. When it comes to the provisions regarding working in French, I would strike them down and replace them with provisions that all companies must be able to provide all services they offer in French and to allow their personal to work in French. And I would impopse very heavy fines for companies that break the law. But when you have language inspectors going into businesses and fining them because their air-conditioners are not labeled in French, things have gone too far.

I have never and will never bash Quebec or French Canadians. I will bash and always will bash separatists And language zealots who want to do nothing more than destroy Canada, MY COUNTRY! In all the discussions held here, I have yet to see one person that's been able to explain to me what will be better in an independant Quebec for the average citizen. All I hear is how hard the first years will be for everyone, everyone but the leaders who have plenty of money stored away and will never have to worry about anything.

And yes, I will continue to bash teh Quebec political parties who support separatism like the BQ who's leader states on National television that multiculturalism DOES NOT WORK in Quebec when we know damn well that it works quite fine in Montreal. Or is Montreal not part of Quebec? Or PQ leaders like Parizeau blaming losing a referendum on "money and the ethnic vote". Yes, I will continue to call them out for their racist views. They do not represent my view of Quebec where EVERYONE is equal, no matter their religion, colour or the language they speak.

And BTW, Montreal was multi-cultural way before any other cities in Canada unless that is you're having a tunnel vision of your own !

So why doesn't Duceppe know that? He says multiculturalism doesn't work in Quebec. Great leader if he has no idea what's happening in his own province.

JH Fan said:
For more than 400 years the First nations as well as french nation that came here have been trying to protect their culture. Everything has been tried (specially in the first centuries) to deny them the right to live and get their children to learn in the language like you said before. Either through massive immigration in the 19th century for exemple of simply through means of extermination. But they succeeded to pretect it.

Fucking amazing that they have been able to do that for over 400 years but the French culture is so fragile that it needs to be protected by laws and by eradicating other languages. So I guess you must agree with me that any culture that is strong, it will find a way to survive despite any attempts to destroy it if it is strong enough and taught by parents to their children. A culture that is strong will survive if the people who belong to it are proud of it and pass it on to their children. So guess what, JH. No matter how hard you try, other cultures will always survive here in Quebec. And they tend to have more children than we do. What does that tell you?

And these issues are valid to discuss in the context of a Federal election when one of the parties in that election promotes the separation of Quebec and denounces multiculturalism. That party and it's beliefs should be exposed for the racist toothless tiger that it is. They can do NOTHING for Quebec. They can never hold power, they can never create policy, they can only interfere and hinder and they can barely do that. A vote for them is as useful as a vote for the Pot Party.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Gugu, yes, I would strike down the provisions of Bill 101 that prevent parents from having freedom of choice where it comes to education. That part of the bill is discriminatory against the French population of Quebec. It does no harm to the English population as they have the choice to send their children to any school they wish.

You forgot the main “raison d’être” of Law L01, and also Bill 22 proposed years before by the Liberal Party: forcing immigrants to send their children to French schools. I guess that if you agree with that part also, you’ll have to admit that the only unacceptable breech the to right of choosing schooling language is the one that French origine Québécois, the vast majority of provincial voters, decided to impose on themselves by voting for the Parti Québécois or, as a matter of fact, for the Liberal Party who also accepts this restriction.

I would keep the provisions regarding French being predominant on commercial signs.

We have seen tensions in the past with commerce owners of the English community in regards of commercial signs. Today, a vast majority of them accept it both as a sound business practice and a just a basic normal thing to do.

When it comes to the provisions regarding working in French, I would strike them down and replace them with provisions that all companies must be able to provide all services they offer in French and to allow their personal to work in French. And I would impopse very heavy fines for companies that break the law. But when you have language inspectors going into businesses and fining them because their air-conditioners are not labeled in French, things have gone too far.

I am not very familiar with the “langue du travail” issues. What I read from newspapers are things like you point out, mostly anecdotic. I see no terrible aspects of the work language legislation.


Law 101 was seen as a terrible attack by the independentists on the English community. Today, we have arrived at an equilibrium state in which everybody can live. It is certainly a positive contribution of the nationalist movement.

I have never and will never bash Quebec or French Canadians. I will bash and always will bash separatists And language zealots who want to do nothing more than destroy Canada, MY COUNTRY!

I respect your emotions and your deep feelings for your country. But no independentist party wants to destroy Canada. That would be stupid. Both the Bloc and the PQ show tremendous respect for the rest of Canada. The Bloc MPs have done at least as good a job in the House of Commons as any other MPs from Québec in the past. They play within the rules and defend progressist ideas on many issues that have nothing to do with discussing the position of Québec within the confederation. I recognize myself in the positions of the Bloc. That is what I expect from a MP. They deserve respect for that. I don’t recognize myself in the positions of the conservative MPs from Québec. As a matter of fact, I feel they are told what to say by people from the West.

And yes, I will continue to bash teh Quebec political parties who support separatism like the BQ who's leader states on National television that multiculturalism DOES NOT WORK in Quebec when we know damn well that it works quite fine in Montreal.

Charles Taylor, not recognized as a zealous separatist, also recognizes that multiculturalism does not work in Québec. Promotion of multiculturalism by the federal government in the last 40 years may have had some success in Canada but it has been a total failure in Québec, just like it is more and more recognized as a failure at the national level in countries like UK and Germany.

Multiculturalism is the promotion of cultural (basically ethnic) diversity in a society. It’s a way to define a society through its cultural diversity. Promotion of multiculturalism has helped English Canadians outside Québec to forge an identity that was part missing fifty tears ago. The problem with multiculturalism is twofold: as a mean of defining a society, it resorts more to political principals then its history and its culture. As a mean to solve the Québec issue, it was an outside view imposed over a society than did not have any problem defining its identity. Bouchard and Taylor strongly oppose multiculturalism as helpful for the Québec society. They oppose as much strongly the idea of assimilation. They defend the concept of interculturalism, “A policy or model that advocates harmonious relations between cultures based on intensive exchanges centred on an integration process that does not seek to eliminate differences while fostering the development of a common identity. »

Interculturalism is not a simple view of the mind. It is something that the Québec governments have promoted with a great deal of success in the last 30 years , with the help of Law 101

That’s what Duceppe was talking about.

You cannot ensure the survival of your culture by assimilating other cultures who have their own ingrained beliefs, which they WILL teach to their children no matter what they learn by integrating with a new culture. Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Haitians, Greeks, Chinese, and on and on, can be taught the French language where needed. But they will never adopt the Quebec culture. Their children will be Quebecois by birth, but not by heritage. And they never will be. They will be taught their parents culture and beliefs at home and this will always supersede whatever they are taught at school.

I hope we never succeed in assimilating other cultures. That is not what is expected. I think most Québécois wish to succeed in integrating them. Their children are not only Québécois by birth, they are Québécois by living here. They play soccer and hockey on the fields and arenas of the districts of Montréal, they go to the schools of the CSM. They know French as good as the French kids. Having a specific cultural heritage is just great for them. They are not Québécois? You’re kidding.

Oh ! By the way, Tech, I’m federalist, of the very very “mou” trend.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
And these issues are valid to discuss in the context of a Federal election when one of the parties in that election promotes the separation of Quebec and denounces multiculturalism. That party and it's beliefs should be exposed for the racist toothless tiger that it is. They can do NOTHING for Quebec. They can never hold power, they can never create policy, they can only interfere and hinder and they can barely do that. A vote for them is as useful as a vote for the Pot Party.

I totally agree with Techman on this.

As for Gilles Duceppe, he's only there because of his last name. I'm not even certain there'd still be a 'Bloc Quebecois' if it wasn't for the 'Duceppe' name.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Travel a bit mon pit... pas just au CES une fois par annee !
You'd see that the BRAIN DRAIN is happening all over North America Dude !

Specially for those who can't speak more than one language !

I strongly disagree with this. I think you should go over the statistics. A lot of graduates move to Ontario or the US mainly because they paid a lot more then in Quebec and also because Quebec is very highly taxed. You know I lived in Toronto for over eight years and I meet a lot of Quebecors living there. But in the late 70's Quebec experienced a mass exodus of people moving to other provinces and a lot of businesses moved their head offices to Toronto. I do not blame them. Who wants to be forced to speak French? I know I do not.

Canada indivisible ? Why ? because you own it :)

Sure why not. If that is the case I am sure Montreal can separate from Quebec and join Canada. But it will never happen. The majority no longer support this it has been tried many times. The majority want to be part of Canada.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
That's so pretty when you decline to READ your history and the results of it. It sounds so beautiful, so galant yet it's the exact same hypocricy that doesn't have a 2cent of toleration for any other languages and culture from both immigrants and other nations for which ancestors roamed this land thousands of year before any european set foot on !

You are right about that but no one is being forced to speak First Nations language or being assimilated into their culture neither do they have the need to do so.

And BTW, Montreal was multi-cultural way before any other cities in Canada unless that is you're having a tunnel vision of your own !
And you know what Montreal is still the 2nd largest french city after Paris. DUH !!!! even if you don't like it !

Sure Montreal is multi-cultural. But Quebec has a lot of xenophobic people (separatists) and there is a lot of intolerance to other cultures and languages especially English.

And your last phrase is a beauty ! "spell the end of the culture they are trying to protect".
For more than 400 years the First nations as well as french nation that came here have been trying to protect their culture. Everything has been tried (specially in the first centuries) to deny them the right to live and get their children to learn in the language like you said before. Either through massive immigration in the 19th century for exemple of simply through means of extermination. But they succeeded to pretect it.

Why does Quebec have to impose their language and their culture to protect it? Does First Nations people do that? Do you think the immigrants who come to this country stop speaking their language and forget their culture. I doubt it. Feud is with the English. They feel threatened by it since it is so much more powerful that they have this need to impose French on everyone. And if you think they protected it? Think again. No matter what these people will always speak their own language of choice and have their own culture. Even though many businesses have to operate in French and hear many employees speaking in English. It is the same case in my company we all converse in English. You cannot force anyone. It never works.


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
I read these last few posts and didn't get what the point was. It sounds like you might be against First Nations wanting to protect their language and culture? Or are you people against French speaking people wanting to protect their language and culture? Not sure. Is this even a political issue with the federal election raging right now? As a native english speaking person why would I care if someone wants to speak French or Iroquois? Its all good. What's making news is that the NDP is surging to levels never seen before. As I recall the NDP has left of centre liberal views towards both First Nations and Quebec. Although the Liberals seem to be vehemently anti-Conservative in truth they behave pretty much like the conservatives in terms of actual policies. I don't care about this election really, I'll probably vote NDP if I care to go, right now I'm going out to get some nasty lap dances from Carla. Bye.


New Member
Dec 23, 2010
Techman said:
Your first statement proves you are in total denial regarding the facts. Quebec receives more money FROM Canada than it contributes. It's called Equalization payments. Look it up and learn something.

Oh boy, you do bring me back 25 years in the past…or so.
I do recall the same bullshit comments during the last referendum.
Is that when you learned a new word “Equalization payments” (yes, that is two words…I noticed) and didn’t bother looking at what it means ?
For one thing, those so called payments are money given to Québec to pay for services that Ottawa does not provide here, but provide in other provinces.
It is not a form of alimony, as you seem to think so, neither is it through Ottawa’s generosity.
Furthermore, it is true that Québec receives a little more than it give (about 2.1 billon – dixit Statistic Canada).
Although, a good part of this money is spent to purchase equipment (such as medical equipment, …) and service from other provinces.
To that regard, we can wonder who really does benefit from this money (dixit Statistic Canada again).
And for a second thing, just the administration of all these money exchange (going back and forth between Québec and Ottawa…tax collection, etc) cost about 3 billon.
Hence, getting rid of Canada and managing our own money would save us about a billion.
That’s not too bad and it could be used to pay part of our share of the debt.
I’ll vote for that 

Techman said:
Guess what? The English community here pay taxes too. Just as much as the French do and are just as deserving of what they receive in return.

What’s your point ?
Of course the English community has to pay taxes…as everyone else, no matter what minority or majority they are part of.
And, even if you don’t think so, they do get a fair share of paid taxes in services…far greater than Francophone community in other provinces (which also pay taxes).

Techman said:
You're right about Québec being the most bilingual province. What you fail to note is that most of those bilingual citizens do not have French as a mother tongue.

I really don’t know where you get your info.
If you would get your head out of your ass and did some research, here is what you would find :
81.2 % of Québec population is Francophone (mother’s tongue), of which about 37 % are bilingual.
8.3 % of Québec population is Anglophone (mother’s tongue), of which about 67 % are bilingual.
10.0 % of Québec population is Allophone (mother’s tongue), of which about 51 % are bilingual.
(from Statistics Canada)
So you do the math :
There are about 5.4 times more Francophone that are bilingual than they are Anglophone that are bilingual.
And there are 2.8 times more Francophone that are bilingual than they are (Anglophone and Allophones combined) that are bilingual.

Techman said:
You can leave Canada as soon as you pay Quebec's share of the Federal debt. While you're at it, you can also reimburse Canada for the Federal infrastructure that Quebec will be confiscating such as bridges and highways when it separates.

If you’re talking about the Champlain bridge…well, they can have it !
Has soon as it comes down, we will wrap it in a nice little package and you can bring it to them when you’ll leave.
Has for the debt, of course we would pay our fair share, we are not savages has you seem to think.
And with all the money we will save, it will be a breeze.
Especially all the money that we will be able to generate from being in control of our development.
For example, all the investments that we will be able to put into R&D (which is the most wealth generating activity).
Investments which are limited to Ontario, for the present, while Québec has the most innovative and dynamic entrepreneurs.
(The only reason why Alberta has a booming economy is because gas prices are high)

Techman said:
Oh yeah...I'm not an Anglo, you fool. I'm French and probably more pur laine than most of your separatist masters.

Well good for you…but still, that does mean that you understand the subtleties of the French language.

All in all, get your facts straight and spend a little more time doing some research than mouthing off about what you clearly don’t know or understand.
Actually, Techman, you should change your pseudo to Mythman or to Mythoman (whichever suits you better).


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
81.2 % of Québec population is Francophone (mother’s tongue), of which about 37 % are bilingual.
8.3 % of Québec population is Anglophone (mother’s tongue), of which about 67 % are bilingual.
10.0 % of Québec population is Allophone (mother’s tongue), of which about 51 % are bilingual.
(from Statistics Canada)
So you do the math :
There are about 5.4 times more Francophone that are bilingual than they are Anglophone that are bilingual.
And there are 2.8 times more Francophone that are bilingual than they are (Anglophone and Allophones combined) that are bilingual.

It appears that your implication is that Francophones make more of an effort. However, using the figures you quoted, even if every single Anglophone or Allophone in Quebec was fluently bilingual, there would still be more bilingual Francophones in Quebec (than bilingual non-Francophones).

Your argument could serve well as an example in the next edition of "How to Lie with Statistics". Similar reasoning could be used to say that India is more of a Christian country than Canada as 3% of its 1.2 billion people are Christian and that 3% exceeds the number of Christians or, in fact, people period of Canada.
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Why does Quebec have to impose their language and their culture to protect it? Does First Nations people do that? Do you think the immigrants who come to this country stop speaking their language and forget their culture. I doubt it. Feud is with the English. They feel threatened by it since it is so much more powerful that they have this need to impose French on everyone. And if you think they protected it? Think again. No matter what these people will always speak their own language of choice and have their own culture. Even though many businesses have to operate in French and hear many employees speaking in English. It is the same case in my company we all converse in English. You cannot force anyone. It never works.

Take a history course Cloud500... you'll understand a lot more on what's going on really !
When english only speaking (and others who speaks only one language) will have to face the freigh train which is Chinese culture you'll be the first one to scream for help in order to potect your culture.

Culture isn't only about a language it's about how you think, how you see things.
Anyone who feel 'forced' to learn another language is the comon racist who can't see the need for people to open themselves to other cultures.

If everyone on earth was like all of those who only speaks english because its 'easier' we wouldn't have any trade going.

English is far more powerful than French is at this moment in time. It was the opposite in Europe 2 centuries ago but since mid 19th English has been the language of choice to trade. Any fool french speaking only or any other immigrants should know this. But that's why we didn't have to protect english.

Protecting languages is protecting cultures and by definition protecting minorities which in turn makes this world something else than the same sh*t A Mari Usque Ad Mare !

We in Quebec have done what we could to protect French despite not English Canada but really Americans who are far more better in business, far more powerful and far more in numbers.

And we have done very good despite all the opposition and the cheap shots.
Thus if electing Bloc has worked to finally make Ottawa admit that Quebec isn't just a fr*akin province then it worked !

If we go for NDP now and dump the Bloc, it's because we feel it is a better way to 'Bloc' conservatives who clearly never gave a sh*t about Canada being bilingual !

As for Quebec having a lot of xenophobe, English only speaking you should take a good look in the mirror. Anyone living in Canada that boast overseas being a bilingual country but ain't ready to make it so 'd'un Ocean a l'autre' is a pure hypocrite.

Cuze if i weren't for Quebec all the other french minorities would have disappeared by now.

There was a deal in 1867 broken time and time again on Quebec's back and Canada should start clearing' it's sh*t before telling other countries how to manage their own instead of hoping that immigration will overcome french by stating that it's now a Multi-lingual country.

Anyway have fun again with this election... oh ! did I hear that the changes in Quebec for NDP could now change everything for Canada ?
Funny isn't it ? looks like it's gonna take Quebec to change this situation of going nowhere in a federal point of view once again in Canada... :):):):) what a f*cking joke !
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts