Take a history course Cloud500... you'll understand a lot more on what's going on really !
When english only speaking (and others who speaks only one language) will have to face the freigh train which is Chinese culture you'll be the first one to scream for help in order to potect your culture.
Culture isn't only about a language it's about how you think, how you see things.
Anyone who feel 'forced' to learn another language is the comon racist who can't see the need for people to open themselves to other cultures.
If everyone on earth was like all of those who only speaks english because its 'easier' we wouldn't have any trade going.
English is far more powerful than French is at this moment in time. It was the opposite in Europe 2 centuries ago but since mid 19th English has been the language of choice to trade. Any fool french speaking only or any other immigrants should know this. But that's why we didn't have to protect english.
Protecting languages is protecting cultures and by definition protecting minorities which in turn makes this world something else than the same sh*t A Mari Usque Ad Mare !
We in Quebec have done what we could to protect French despite not English Canada but really Americans who are far more better in business, far more powerful and far more in numbers.
And we have done very good despite all the opposition and the cheap shots.
Thus if electing Bloc has worked to finally make Ottawa admit that Quebec isn't just a fr*akin province then it worked !
If we go for NDP now and dump the Bloc, it's because we feel it is a better way to 'Bloc' conservatives who clearly never gave a sh*t about Canada being bilingual !
As for Quebec having a lot of xenophobe, English only speaking you should take a good look in the mirror. Anyone living in Canada that boast overseas being a bilingual country but ain't ready to make it so 'd'un Ocean a l'autre' is a pure hypocrite.
Cuze if i weren't for Quebec all the other french minorities would have disappeared by now.
There was a deal in 1867 broken time and time again on Quebec's back and Canada should start clearing' it's sh*t before telling other countries how to manage their own instead of hoping that immigration will overcome french by stating that it's now a Multi-lingual country.
Anyway have fun again with this election... oh ! did I hear that the changes in Quebec for NDP could now change everything for Canada ?
Funny isn't it ? looks like it's gonna take Quebec to change this situation of going nowhere in a federal point of view once again in Canada...what a f*cking joke !
I understand better then you think. But consider this? If French Quebecors have to enforce their language and culture to protect it because they will loose that is entirely their problem. Do you think Chinese people will ever stop speaking their native language or if Indian people will? You are implying that if we do not protect it the French will disappear? That is the problem of French Quebecors. Enforcing language is not the way and is clearly xenophobic. The separatists are all about intolerance and assimilation of other cultures. I think you should take a look at the mirror. Lol!
But the real issue is not about protecting the French it is about making it the dominant language and culture. Again as I have said the separatists are about intolerance. They want to assimilate every other culture and make everyone speak French and adopt Quebecor culture. If you know anything about history read up again about the FLQ and their actions. Need I say more?
Oh yea, you guys can try to separate from Canada and break the confederation. It has been tried many times and each time it failed. Accept it that the majority do not support this idea and it never will be. So give up the lost cause because it is just that a LOST CAUSE.
P.S.: I am very happy that the NDP is gaining popularity. But I will never vote conservative and NEVER Bloc Quebecois.