Classy Angel
Montreal Escorts

Elections: MERB poll results and before/after elections discussions.

what will be your vote?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • NPD

    Votes: 22 38.6%
  • Bloc Québecois (....)

    Votes: 9 15.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Nov 12, 2007

Official Monster Raving Loony Party is the only choice for today's man on the go.

All other parties are gay, and not in the totally legitimate lifestyle choice kind of way or in the happy carefree kind of way. Including the Rhino party

Drama and English lessons to be dedicated to watching the Simpsons
It is proposed to raise the cost of an university education to the point where nobody can afford to go, thus ending the scourge of drunk students.
If you want your kids to be less fat...feed em less (do we need to make a policy of this?....its common sense)
Anyone allowing their Hyena to poop on the pavement should shovel it away immediately, As this is no laughing matter
Make it illegal for super heroes to use their powers for evil.
Refusing to sign up to the euro, but inviting the rest of Europe to join the £ pound
Traffic cops "too stupid" for normal police work to be retrained as vicars
The introduction of a 99p coin to "save on change"
Banning semi-colons; no-one knows how to use them
Banning vaccinations, to be replaced by nurses with shot guns to hide around playgro
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Looking at the various choices, what does PQ stand for?

It usually stands for ignorance towards Quebec :)

Like the belief that anyone pushing for sovereignty necessarily wants cessation or to divide Canada. As if Federalism is the only way to care about Canada and its people, etc.

As if to be pro Canada, for First nations and Quebec is always t bow to Ottawa and let them make us more and more as North Americans

It usually comes from the same belief that a centralized governement can solve every problems yet turning a blind eye to centralized corruption.

Canada was meant to be a confederation, not a country with a centralized gov. that always grow bigger at the expense of the provinces. That's why the constitution wasn't ratified by Quebec and that's why Canada is still NOT a country like federalists wish it'd be.

Basically it's called unfinished business both for Quebec and First Nations.
Too bad federalists can't grasp the real notion of what is A NATION.

WC... have fun with these polls, the real election that will count isn't a federal one.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Poll choices edited to remove confusion. PQ replaced by "Bloc Québecois". PQ stands for "Parti Québecois" and is a PROVINCIAL party with no representation at the federal level. This coming election is a FEDERAL election so, putting PQ as a poll choice was irrelevant.

There are a large number of foreigners reading MERB and confusing them isn't doing any good.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It usually stands for ignorance towards Quebec :)

Like the belief that anyone pushing for sovereignty necessarily wants cessation or to divide Canada. As if Federalism is the only way to care about Canada and its people, etc.

As if to be pro Canada, for First nations and Quebec is always t bow to Ottawa and let them make us more and more as North Americans

It usually comes from the same belief that a centralized governement can solve every problems yet turning a blind eye to centralized corruption.

Canada was meant to be a confederation, not a country with a centralized gov. that always grow bigger at the expense of the provinces. That's why the constitution wasn't ratified by Quebec and that's why Canada is still NOT a country like federalists wish it'd be.

Basically it's called unfinished business both for Quebec and First Nations.
Too bad federalists can't grasp the real notion of what is A NATION.

WC... have fun with these polls, the real election that will count isn't a federal one.

How about PQ stands for ignorance about anything that isn't pur laine or unilingual French? What the hell do you think SOVEREIGNTY means? You get to run things the way you want but still suck money out of the rest of Canada? No, it means a separate and totally independant country with no political or financial ties to any other country. THAT is what it means, no matter how the SEPARATISTS want to spin it so that the poor uneducated folk out in the regions will continue to support it.

And Quebec bows down to Canada? Really? All I ever see is Canada giving in to more and more demands that Quebec makes as long as it continues to hold the sword of separation over the Canadian throat. The Bloc is the finest example of this. First they said they would only exist for a short period and would never accept any Federal pension. That was how many years ago? And now they will, of course, gladly accept the Canadian pension as soon as they can get their hands on it. Now that's a great bunch of honest people you have there.

Now the PQ brings up that they will put separation on the forefront of their program again. Great! Now we'll chase more business away from this city and Province. If those idiots were in charge of a company, it would have gone bankrupt decades ago. They've never been able to run a province properly and you want them to run a country?

If there is ever another referendum, I'll be voting for separation. Once they have their own country, all the language laws go out the window because French will be the majority in the country and it will be against International law to impose laws that discriminate against a minority. Quebec separation would spell the beginning of the end for the French language in North America. As a minority in Canada, they have the right to protect the language and culture and that is the only hope for it's survival. Unless as was mentioned after the last referendum they lost, they suspend basic human rights as they thought would probably be required to maintain peace.

You keep trying and wishing and hoping. If you get what you wish for, you may very well regret in the end.


Jul 24, 2007
Thank you MOD mistake. PQ-BQ same fight...different level. I'm not sure BQ means a lot more to the foreigners reading MERB, LOL!

Poll choices edited to remove confusion. PQ replaced by "Bloc Québecois". PQ stands for "Parti Québecois" and is a PROVINCIAL party with no representation at the federal level. This coming election is a FEDERAL election so, putting PQ as a poll choice was irrelevant.

There are a large number of foreigners reading MERB and confusing them isn't doing any good.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
How about PQ stands for ignorance about anything that isn't pur laine or unilingual French? What the hell do you think SOVEREIGNTY means? You get to run things the way you want but still suck money out of the rest of Canada? No, it means a separate and totally independant country with no political or financial ties to any other country. THAT is what it means, no matter how the SEPARATISTS want to spin it so that the poor uneducated folk out in the regions will continue to support it.

And Quebec bows down to Canada? Really? All I ever see is Canada giving in to more and more demands that Quebec makes as long as it continues to hold the sword of separation over the Canadian throat. The Bloc is the finest example of this. First they said they would only exist for a short period and would never accept any Federal pension. That was how many years ago? And now they will, of course, gladly accept the Canadian pension as soon as they can get their hands on it. Now that's a great bunch of honest people you have there.

Now the PQ brings up that they will put separation on the forefront of their program again. Great! Now we'll chase more business away from this city and Province. If those idiots were in charge of a company, it would have gone bankrupt decades ago. They've never been able to run a province properly and you want them to run a country?

If there is ever another referendum, I'll be voting for separation. Once they have their own country, all the language laws go out the window because French will be the majority in the country and it will be against International law to impose laws that discriminate against a minority. Quebec separation would spell the beginning of the end for the French language in North America. As a minority in Canada, they have the right to protect the language and culture and that is the only hope for it's survival. Unless as was mentioned after the last referendum they lost, they suspend basic human rights as they thought would probably be required to maintain peace.

You keep trying and wishing and hoping. If you get what you wish for, you may very well regret in the end.

Pushing for sovereignty means pushing the federalist :) to deal nation to nation both with Quebec and First Nations.

As to running a province properly, we ain't better or worse than all the others who aren't having oil as an excuse to poor management. As for running a country properly don't make me laugh ! Canada's still going in deficit despite having the Tarsands, despite all the ressources that we have all over the place. As for Canada's pension, there's enough federalist on the BS system in Quebec.

As for the rest you clearly are showing the kind of ignorance towards, international laws and the so call right to protect the language and culture. As a federalist I would be a lot more concern if I were you into loosing all aspect of the Canadian culture in the years to come since there isn't much left. Quebec's culture is exported way much more in the world and it's not with any help or privilege from Ottawa.

We do it, because we exist, because we are proud of it and because we have something to show other than 'American culture'.

It's not about 'to keep and trying' ! its all about putting pressure on federalism !

As an heir of both First and Quebec nation I can honestly tell you to put federalism where I think !

Have fun :)

Fr. McKenzie

Feb 9, 2011
Iggy seems to be the guy waving his hand franticly when someone asked who wants to be class president. Not any reason to vote for any of the.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Pushing for sovereignty means pushing the federalist :) to deal nation to nation both with Quebec and First Nations.

Yeah, sure. In other words, use the thread of separation to blackmail the federal gov't to give more powers to Quebec. By the way, the First Nations are no friends of separatists and wish to remain part of Canada, not part of an independant Quebec and the Quebecois can call themselves a People or a Nation in that context but not in the political sense of the term. They want to be like an 18 year old who moves out from home but always has his family to bail him out when he spends all his money on beer drugs and girls and can't pay his rent. But if Quebec splits from Canada, that's it. No more money from the federal teet. The separatist leaders know that if Quebec splits from Canada, there will be hard times ahead here for decades to come. They don't give a shit because they have plenty of money to survive on but the average man in the street will be having trouble to put food on the table. Parizeau's "Lobsters in the pot". Unable to leave because they only speak French, trapped here with no options or choices. A captive unilingual work force.

The brain drain from Quebec is already in a terrible state of affairs. The best and brightest graduates are bilingual or multilingual and can move anywhere. Do you actually think they will stay here? People want to live and they want to live well. They don't want to live in a place that dictates that even adults don't have the right to go to school in the language of their choice. Why would they stay here where they will have to struggle when they can move out and live a good life anywhere else they choose?

Go ahead and waste your vote by giving it to the Bloc. I'm sure they will thank you by sharing their pension with the entire population of Quebec instead of keeping it for themselves. If you believe that, you deserve what you get. It's time to take a stand against this bullshit and declare Canada indivisible and kick the Bloc to the curb where they belong. You want a country, go for it and take it by force instead of by trick referendum questions. I wish you luck.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
How about PQ stands for ignorance about anything that isn't pur laine or unilingual French? What the hell do you think SOVEREIGNTY means? You get to run things the way you want but still suck money out of the rest of Canada? No, it means a separate and totally independant country with no political or financial ties to any other country. THAT is what it means, no matter how the SEPARATISTS want to spin it so that the poor uneducated folk out in the regions will continue to support it.

And Quebec bows down to Canada? Really? All I ever see is Canada giving in to more and more demands that Quebec makes as long as it continues to hold the sword of separation over the Canadian throat. The Bloc is the finest example of this. First they said they would only exist for a short period and would never accept any Federal pension. That was how many years ago? And now they will, of course, gladly accept the Canadian pension as soon as they can get their hands on it. Now that's a great bunch of honest people you have there.

Now the PQ brings up that they will put separation on the forefront of their program again. Great! Now we'll chase more business away from this city and Province. If those idiots were in charge of a company, it would have gone bankrupt decades ago. They've never been able to run a province properly and you want them to run a country?

If there is ever another referendum, I'll be voting for separation. Once they have their own country, all the language laws go out the window because French will be the majority in the country and it will be against International law to impose laws that discriminate against a minority. Quebec separation would spell the beginning of the end for the French language in North America. As a minority in Canada, they have the right to protect the language and culture and that is the only hope for it's survival. Unless as was mentioned after the last referendum they lost, they suspend basic human rights as they thought would probably be required to maintain peace.

You keep trying and wishing and hoping. If you get what you wish for, you may very well regret in the end.

It's the first time i've quoted an entire 'long' post, but the reason i did is that i agree with every single word Techman wrote. He tells it like it actually is....100%!!!!! Techman, even though we've had our disagreements at times, you've always continued to impress me & always had my attention whenever you posted something, whether i agreed with it or not. This may be your best post ever! Well done!! I couldn't have said it any better! You have a career in politics if you want one & you'd have my vote! :D

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Yeah, sure. In other words, use the thread of separation to blackmail the federal gov't to give more powers to Quebec. By the way, the First Nations are no friends of separatists and wish to remain part of Canada, not part of an independant Quebec and the Quebecois can call themselves a People or a Nation in that context but not in the political sense of the term. They want to be like an 18 year old who moves out from home but always has his family to bail him out when he spends all his money on beer drugs and girls and can't pay his rent. But if Quebec splits from Canada, that's it. No more money from the federal teet. The separatist leaders know that if Quebec splits from Canada, there will be hard times ahead here for decades to come. They don't give a shit because they have plenty of money to survive on but the average man in the street will be having trouble to put food on the table. Parizeau's "Lobsters in the pot". Unable to leave because they only speak French, trapped here with no options or choices. A captive unilingual work force.

The brain drain from Quebec is already in a terrible state of affairs. The best and brightest graduates are bilingual or multilingual and can move anywhere. Do you actually think they will stay here? People want to live and they want to live well. They don't want to live in a place that dictates that even adults don't have the right to go to school in the language of their choice. Why would they stay here where they will have to struggle when they can move out and live a good life anywhere else they choose?

Go ahead and waste your vote by giving it to the Bloc. I'm sure they will thank you by sharing their pension with the entire population of Quebec instead of keeping it for themselves. If you believe that, you deserve what you get. It's time to take a stand against this bullshit and declare Canada indivisible and kick the Bloc to the curb where they belong. You want a country, go for it and take it by force instead of by trick referendum questions. I wish you luck.

My God!! You're really on a roll tonight!! I totally agree with 100% of what you wrote. This stuff is absolutely brilliant!! Need i say more?

Okay, i will. What the province of Quebec is someone who shares the ideas of Techman & many fellow Quebecers like him. A politician who doesn't have his head stuck in his ass & who isn't owned by the special interest groups. Is there such a politician in Quebec? For the sake of Quebec & it's population, i hope there is. I really do.
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New Member
Dec 23, 2010
Techman said:
But if Quebec splits from Canada, that's it. No more money from the federal teet. The separatist leaders know that if Quebec splits from Canada, there will be hard times ahead here for decades to come. They don't give a shit because they have plenty of money to survive on but the average man in the street will be having trouble to put food on the table.

How gullible and pretentious you are.
Do you have any idea of how much money in income tax and tax and other transfers Quebec sends to Ottawa ?
All the jobs that we are losing to English provinces that are favored, just because we are Québec ?
All the money we spend on services provided to the English speaking community (who later on shit on us like you do) ?
And all the profits that Canadian industries get from Québec consumers ?

Techman said:
People want to live and they want to live well. They don't want to live in a place that dictates that even adults don't have the right to go to school in the language of their choice.
Damn you, we are the most bilingual province of Canada, by far.
Just be glad that there are English schools in Québec.

Techman said:
The best and brightest graduates are bilingual or multilingual and can move anywhere. Do you actually think they will stay here?
The problem is that they are not going to English Canada, for most of them.
Also, Québec has the most bilingual population of Canada, except maybe NewBrunswick, and we are proud of it.
It is a wealth for our culture, something that most unilingual English Quebecers and Canadian have never understood.

I can assure you that we would get along quite fine without Canada.
When we do our things alone, without the help or inference of Canada, we do great things…thank you very much.
Just think of James Bay hydro-electric installations, for one.
Actually, I am not that sure that Canada could survive without Québec…too bad!

Techman said:
Yeah, sure. In other words, use the thread of separation to blackmail the federal gov't to give more powers to Quebec.
We want more power ?
What Canadian province or any other society does not want more power and more liberty to steer their future ?
And that is one of the main reasons why we need to get rid of Canada.
You would want us to be submissive…but tough luck and you can shove it where the sun don’t shine.

And, Boy, would the air be more breathable without all this bullshit and prejudice!
It is, in fact, one of the other main reasons why we need to get rid of Canada…this condescending attitude.
This attitude which believes that Québec is the property of Canada.
You make me think of those controlling guys which treat their wife and kids as their property that they can dispose as they wish.

Techman said:
You want a country, go for it and take it by force instead of by trick referendum questions. I wish you luck.
By all means, I would agree to that.
Especially since a good part of Canada’s army are Quebecers.
But, we have a different way of doing things in our French culture.
We do try to stay civilize and take into account the opinion and desires of the people.
Which is obviously not the case in your Redneck universe.
If it was not the case, we would already be a country.
And, if you don't understand the question, learn the keen subtleties of the French is a beautiful language that is worth knowing.

Furthermore, we have a better Hockey team :)
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Your first statement proves you are in total denial regarding the facts. Quebec receives more money FROM Canada than it contributes. It's called Equalization payments. Look it up and learn something.

Guess what? The English community here pay taxes too. Just as much as the French do and are just as deserving of what they receive in return.

You're right about Quebec being the most bilingual province. What you fail to note is that most of those bilingual citizens do not have French as a mother tongue.

You can leave Canada as soon as you pay Quebec's share of the Federal debt. While you're at it, you can also reimburse Canada for the Federal infrastructure that Quebec will be confiscating such as bridges and highways when it separates.

You claim that you take the desires and opinion of people into account? Bullshit. You lost two referendums based on bullshit questions because you don't have the balls to ask the real one. Twice people have said they are not interested in your ideas but you still refuse to abide by their desires and opinions and want to try it again. That says it all, does it not? Bunch of two faced cowards. The only opinions and desires that mean anything to separatists are their own and no one else's.

Finally, Quebec doesn't have a hockey team, Montreal does. And they are called Les Canadienes, not Les Quebecois. :cool:

Oh yeah...I'm not an Anglo, you fool. I'm French and probably more pur laine than most of your separatist masters. I just don't happen to believe in the superiority of any one language or religion or any other idea that people use so that they can pretend they are better than someone else.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Right and wrong

Certainly if Quebec leaves Canada they would have to shoulder their share of the federal debt.

As far as the infrastructures: since a proportion of Canada's population would be effectively seceding from the country, we probably would have to calculate what is the Quebec-Canada population ration and do the same for the infrastructures, and then apportion that...

Anyway, I am just saying this in theory. Quebec is not leaving Canada anytime soon. An you my friend, are not helping: you always pour oil on the fire of that issue, and this infrastructure thing is proof positive.

Back to the 21st century: It is heartwarming to see that the NPD is currently leading the BQ in the polls :). Jack Layton will be at the Olympia Saturday @ 1PM, go Jack!

I also recently met a student in a café, and she was canvassing the Web, Facebook in particular, to create a mass ABC (Anything but Conservatives) movement. I saw a buzz of interest around her in the place, and no one seemed very interested in the BQ. All they wanted was to get rid of the Cons. I'd call that progressive :D.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
C'mon, Sap! If you're gonna have a fire, might as well make it a good one! Look, I'm just fed up with these idiots who make their arguments based on incorrect facts like the one that Quebec gives more money to the feds than they get back. This is always one of the first things out of their mouths and it's inaccurate and an outright lie. At least if you're going to have a discussion start from a solid base and get your facts straight. I wonder what colour the sky is in the world these people live in?

I agree with you that it's good news that the NDP has moved ahead of the BQ. Maybe it's a sign that people are starting to smarten up and realize that the BQ can do nothing for Quebec at all. But I'm not a fan of Layton and his policy of appeasement toward Quebec. Quebec is no better than any other province in Canada and deserves no special treatment at all. I'm still expecting a Conservative minority government once again but if the BQ end up losing seats and votes, it will have been a successful election to me.
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