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Everything about the Republican Party.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
There's also: Trump, Pence, Jordan, Cruz, Graham, Santos, De Santis, Johnson, Gaetz, Gohmert, Paul, McCarthy, Kennedy and many many others who prove that it's quite easy for Republicans to be evil even if they're nowhere NEAR pretty and in fact even if they're downright ugly.


Aug 17, 2003


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
We should all politely thank the Republican Party and various other rightwing looneytunes for the huge amount of laughs they provide through their stupidity, incompetence and most of all their infighting.

We've seen : Trump versus DeSantis, Cruz, Haley, Pence, Christie, Romney, etc.

MTG versus Boebert, Gaetz, Romney, etc.

Boebert versus MTG, McCarthy, etc.

Gaetz versus McCarthy.

Graham versus Trump followed by Graham kissing up to Trump followed by rinse and repeat.

Romney (the only decent one in the whole gang) versus Trump, Santos, MTG, etc.

And we've even seen non-politician rightwing wackos and liars get involved, obvious example being the proven, soulless liars at Fox "News".

The latest - and one of the funniest - is brainwashed Trump-loving cultist My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell suing spineless Kevin McCarthy for releasing video from the treasonous attempted coup of January 6, 2021 to noted liar Tucker Carlson. Nice to see all these assholes scurrying arouind and fighting among themselves like the despicable little rats that they resemble. Popcorn time for a real-life comedy show that doesn't even need a laugh track.

It would all be even more funny if these misfits weren't destroying their nation at the same time. Meanwhile I'm hoping Lindell wins his suit against McCarthy. Lindell might not be clever but at least he's not as pure evil as most of the elected Republicans.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
This is great: DeSantis had a book signing and a bunch of Trump cultists showed up so Team DeSantis called the cops on them. More Republican infighting as the rats all start to eat each other.


Aug 17, 2003

The Mac

Active Member
Apr 13, 2008
Republicans are just controlled opposition both parties are runned by the same masters and nobody is working for the people. If you actually believe one party is better than the other all I can say is lol lmao even.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Republicans are just controlled opposition both parties are runned by the same masters and nobody is working for the people. If you actually believe one party is better than the other all I can say is lol lmao even.
Only one of the two major political movements the US is advocating for democracy. Democrats are a legitimate, albeit progressive left-leaning, political party. Republicans are a MAGA cult of right-wing extremists, white supremacists, christian nationalists, and autocracy.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Now also in Texas...because f*ck women, right? A cow would get better medical treatment in Texas:

This is the sort of stuff that's been going on since Roe was overturned. Medical professionals are having to put their patients in harm's way and let their health deteriorate so there is no question about the medical necessity for an abortion.

There was a court case in Oklahoma recently where the issue before the court was to codify an abortion exception that a pregnancy can be terminated if the pregnancy reasonably jeopardizes the mother's life. The exception passed, but by the slimmest of margins: 5-4.

The four judges who dissented were essentially arguing that, "No, the life being hosted (fetus) ALWAYS takes precedence over the mother's life. If the mother is harmed or dies in order to carry the pregnancy to term, so be it." In other words, the potential life, somehow, has more rights than the alive woman carrying the potential life. Naturally, their dissents had a bunch of excuses that aren't as explicit, but it's impossible to distill the implications of their dissent to anything besides what I wrote in quotation marks.

I want to be shocked, but I've lost the ability at this point. Why? The GOP has shown time and time again that a strong contingent of the party can no longer be reasoned with or expected to have a minimum of human compassion. This was the same party where many of its legislatures across several states advanced abortion laws (before Roe v Wade was overturned) that made no exceptions for rape and incest. To that point, just right after Roe was overturned, a 10 year old got pregnant from sexual assault in Ohio and traveled to Indiana to terminate the pregnancy. A lawyer who represents some pro-life organization said the 10 year old should have had the baby. If that doesn't fucked up to you (for a second, let's put aside if a 10 year old can physically have a baby), you might be a Republican.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Republican politicians are more concerned about banning books and drag shows and not concerned in the least about banning weapons of war that are slaughtering innocent children in our schools. Ridiculous.
GOP: we're banning drag shows in order to protect children. (Actual DeSantis quote from earlier this month when Florida banned minors from attending drag shows: "We have laws against child endangerment." Actual quote from earlier this month from spokesman for lead sponsor of anti-drag bill in Tennessee: "The Governor signed the bill today and appreciates the work of [bill sponsor] to protect children.")

Reasonable human being: can we do something about guns in society considering kids are endangered and not protected in schools on account of y'know...being shot to death in them?

Fox News: the school had a side door. If they only locked the side door!

Actual Reality: assailant shot through school door. Every school in every country also has doors. So it stands to reason there has to be another reason why school shootings and public shootings in general happen more here than any country not at war. It's the ease of acquiring guns.

GOP: if you're talking guns, then you're talking politics. It's too soon for politics.

Rinse and repeat for next unconscionable tragedy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Lincoln`s bones would rattle in his grave if he`d know what happened to his Republican party. Even Regan would disown his party.

If he was running today, Lincoln would have been a Democrat. From about 1930s-1960s, both parties gradually switched ideologies:

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