Sweet Angle Smile
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Go Habs Go!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
WOW....on va les prendre une à une...MAIS c"est quand même 2-0 HABS après une période.....sont en feu nos ti- gars....lol.....allez on finit la job.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
On vois que la confiance est fragile, même chez les vétérans. On a pas vu beaucoup de caractère ce soir, à part Wilson qui, faut bien l’admettre, à été impressionnant.

Nos 2 défenseurs d’expérience ont chacun commis une bourde qui ont mené à 2 buts des Caps. C’en était fait du match, MTL incapable de déjouer Thompson sur 4 échappées en 3ième… ouch!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Du « déjà vu ». Une défaite contre une équipe confiante et bien structurée .
Sont pas loin mais cette coche est la plus difficile à trouver.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
N’importe quelle equipe de la LNH peut vaincre n’importe lequelle autre equipe meme une des meilleures. J’inclu meme les mauvaises equipes. Ce qui separe les mauvaises et les bonnes c’est que les mauvaises sont souvent trop inconsistantes. Un soir elle parait bien contre n’importe autre equipes et pour les 2-3 prochains matchs elle va paraitre comme la pire equipe du hockey. Et dans le prochain match elle aura l’air comme une des meilleures de la ligue!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
The Caps have a very good team, even without Oveshkin they are in the top teams.
Faudrait pas qu’ils perdent ce soir contre les Ducks parce que la ce serait vraiment déprimant…


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Faut être prêt à tout....lol....2 équipes qui ont la même fiche ...MAIS jouant à la maison disons avantage HABS.......enjoy.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Monday night hockey sur Prime!
Le Best, on a toute la période d’échauffement sans commentaires, juste le son du centre Bell! J’en prendrais plus.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
.....oui....importante quand même du genre tu ne peux pas la perdre vs une équipe aussi prenable...lolll.....et oui LAINE nous comble encore...et que dire de SAM qui prend de plus en plus confiance et semble de plus en plus dans sa COMFORT ZONE....
et pourquoi ne pas terminer ça en beauté JEUDI avec les PENS....très faisable....et ce serait tellement bon pour le moral des troupes...et du coach......en attendant relaxer bien les boys....encore de la grosse besogne devant....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Laine is a main man player- let's not forget there was extreme debate as to whether he or Auston Matthews should be picked overall #1 the year they both came out. Laine ended up being picked #2, but I watched that draft and many of the experts said Laine should be picked first. Laine is now showing signs of rewarding that confidence.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
J’avoue que je ne connaissais pas vraiment Laine à part ses statistiques qui, à ses 2 premières années, étaient très impressionnantes mais, la suite était plutôt nébuleuse.

Je ne m’emballe pas avec son début avec le Canadiens mais, la facilité avec laquelle il enfile l’aiguille est vraiment déconcertante. Il est certainement un des tireurs les plus précis de la LNH. Pour la suite on verra ce que ça donne à long terme.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oui en effet un très bon tireur/ snipper....MAIS peut jouer aussi de façon nonchalante et tomber dans des léthargies douloureuses ..lolll....l'ai pris souvent dans mes pools dans le passé....et me suis dit plus jamais.....à lui de regagner notre confiance...on ne demande
que ça.....lolllll
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Laine is a main man player- let's not forget there was extreme debate as to whether he or Auston Matthews should be picked overall #1 the year they both came out. Laine ended up being picked #2, but I watched that draft and many of the experts said Laine should be picked first. Laine is now showing signs of rewarding that confidence.
There was zero debate at whom would get picked #1 that year. Zero. It was always going to be Matthews whom scouts had been scouting since he was 15 years old. When he was 16 i remembered reading that Matthews was projected to be a generational player. Laine was regarded as a franchise player & often compared to Ovechkin necause of his big shot & the fact he played the wing. Matthews was a centre & you always go with the centre since there is a big shortage of top-end centres around the league. My NHL contact told me a few years ago that the word going around at the time was that the Jets were the ones who started the rumor about Toronto possibly picking Laine instead of Matthews in order to try to plant a seed & try to come up with a way to get Matthews. A trade with Toronto which would have involved a swap of picks was also considered. But a couple of months prior to the draft Leafs coach Mike Babcock even met with Matthews in Europe to get to know him & even told him the Leafs would 100% be drafting him. The Leafs never bothered to meet with Laine.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There was zero debate at whom would get picked #1 that year. Zero.
Not true/Revisionist history. I watched that draft and they to spoke to various ESPN experts who had different opinions on it and argued about it. There was vivid and robust debate. Laine was coming off being voted MVP of the World Championships at that time. Matthews had not accomplished as much internationally. Sports Illustrated's 2016 Draft preview alluded to the debate:

2. Patrik Laine, Tappara Tampere (Finland)

As good as Matthews is, there are scouts who believe Laine could end up being the better player. “He's like a faster version of Brett Hull,” offered one scout. “He gets the puck off his stick almost before you realize he has it.” That innate scoring touch helped Laine earn MVP honors in the Finnish playoffs and at the World Championship, a remarkable achievement for any player, let alone a draft-eligible one. "He wants to be a difference-maker every time he's on the ice," another scout said. "He's got that drive that allows him to make the most of his tools." The expectation is that he'll showcase that drive next season in the NHL.
As both players embark on the second part of their careers, some people still believe that Laine, if he could stay healthy, will have a better second half of his career than Matthews will. If so Laine would be making good on the prediction of the scouts SI spoke to back in 2016.
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