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Go Habs Go!


Active Member
Apr 19, 2009
par icitte
You're right, there was 8 centers drafted in the first round

If the draft always went acording to the rankings in Hockey News, all those GMs and there aparachiks could just stay home watch it on tv with popcorn in hand, and wait for the player they are listed to take apear on screen, seeing him for the first time and say oh that's my guy... I didn't think he would have so many zitts.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
I like your optimism. But history shows that few hockey players drafted after the first round end up finding regular employment in the NHL. Yes, there are always exceptions. As a hockey fan there's a part of me that wants the habs to become competitive again. Hockey doesn't seem the same when the habs are among the worse teams in hockey and aren't in the playoffs. Finally Toronto is competitive again & it would be fun to watch hockey if both teams could equally compete with one another.

By the way had i been an advisor to Marc Bergevin i would have strongly encouraged him to draft Filip Zadina with the #3 overall pick. He very likely would have made the team this season and been a top 6 forward. His scoring ability would have made up for Galchenyuk's departure. The unwritten rule is to draft the best player available at the time of your selection and when it came time for the habs to pick it was either Zadina or Tkachuk. Bergevin went with the big center prospect since he's been tired of hearing that the habs haven't had a true #1 center for years. By drafting the Finn he still didn't address the situation since he won't be NHL-ready for another 2-3 years, minimum.

What i would have done after drafting Zadina would have been to make a trade with one of the teams drafting late in the first round in order to draft big center Joseph Veleno who plays for Drummondville. Veleno ended up being drafted in the #30 slot by Detroit, who ended up with a terrific draft thanks to a bit of luck. The fact the habs didn't select either Zadina or Tkachuk turned the entire draft around since most teams didn't expect those two talented players to be passed on by the habs and their #3 overall selection. Or i would have tried my luck by dangling at least two or three of my 2nd round picks to draft Ty Dellandrea, a top center who ended up being drafted by Dallas in the #13 slot. The Isles had picks 11 and 12 so they possibly would have agreed to trade their #12 selection for a package of 2nd-round picks had Bergevin made the offer.

It now seems that talks of Pacioretty heading to San Jose have calmed down since he fired Pat Brisson as his agent and signed with Allan Walsh's group this weekend. There's still a good chance he'll start the season in Montreal.

As for free agent John Tavares he indicated to the Islanders that he'll be meeting with five teams within the next coming. Four of those teams are Toronto, Las Vegas, Tampa and San Jose. Vegas and San Jose have tons of cap space to accomodate Tavares' asking price. Toronto is his hometown team and he's always dreamed of one day playing for the Leafs. As for Tampa there's no state income tax and one of his best friends (Steve Stamkos) plays for them. However i don't know where Tampa would find the money to pay Tavares since they're already giving big $$ to Stamkos, Hedman and Kucherov. While i'd love to see him with the Leafs my guess is that he'll either wind up re-signing with the Islanders or end up in the western conference.

p.s. It's entire possible that the 5th team he'll be meeting are the habs.

yes, Marc could have waived his magic wand and moved back into the 1st round to draft Veleno... He actually tried to move up to draft Beaudin but the asking price was probably too steep. No way Kotkaniemi was making it past Arizona... Kudos to Marc for sticking to his list. He may be wrong in the end, but he certainly didn't take the cover your ass approach...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You guys obviously think you have better crystal balls than the Hockey News. Why would you assume HN is wrong? They go off actual scouting reports. Sometimes teams reach for players and that is what happened here. We don’t know that this guy would have been taken at #5. Maybe he would have been taken #15,#18 or even #22. I go by what the neutral experts say, not fanboys who are engaged in wishful thinking.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2009
par icitte
No crystal balls, just what happened, la réalité, the draft did not follow HN, it was not all defense and wings as predicted, and that is not just Bergevin or whomever's fault as of today no one is right or wrong in this choice, only time will tell, let's move on...and not make a big deal out of this and try to get the last word in as we usualy do here. Moi je fatigue je vais continuer en Français.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Hockey is a small world... Teams have a pretty good idea which teams are interested in which players. These guys are at the rinks all the time. The Habs knew the Coyotes were also interested in Kotkaniemi. Who does that leave to trade down with? Ottawa? Why would they move up 1 spot guessing that the Habs weren't drafting Tkachuk anyways?


Active Member
Apr 19, 2009
par icitte
Oui, complètement d'accord, c'est la réalité, pas Money Ball ou le film Draft Day, où le vieux Kevin Costner se tappe la belle fille sexy.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
You guys obviously think you have better crystal balls than the Hockey News. Why would you assume HN is wrong?

Why do you assume they are right?

They go off actual scouting reports.

NHL teams just pick guys names out of a hat... all those scouts and scouting departments? The GM's dumb nephews who need a job...

Sometimes teams reach for players and that is what happened here.

Perhaps... I'll trust the guys who do this for a living until the pick proves them wrong...

We don’t know that this guy would have been taken at #5. Maybe he would have been taken #15,#18 or even #22. I go by what the neutral experts say, not fanboys who are engaged in wishful thinking.

I go by what people running professional hockey teams think... not what professional contrarians engaged in wishful thinking think...

Hockey news had Veleno at #11... I guess that makes the Islanders, Stars, Flyers, Panthers, Avalanche, Devils, Blue Jackets, Kings, Sharks, Rangers, Ducks, Wild, Blues, Senators, Blackhawks and Leafs dumb for passing on him?

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
Kasey is right.
It is obvious that Phoenix would have drafted Kotkaniemi , being desperate for a center. (just like the Habs)
Let's not feel too bad for Phoenix though, since they picked up their number one center last week:eyebrows:

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
je souhaite tout le meilleur pour Chucky.

peut être la bouteille, son père et sa soeur reste a Montréal? En tout cas, je vais m'ennuyer de ses party dans son condo...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You guys mock Arizona for thinking Galchenyuk is a center, but Stu Cowan is very critical of the trade and does not buy what the Habs put out, to the world, which is that "Chucky" is not a center, thus weakening his trade value and resulting in the Habs having to accept the likes of Domi, a lesser talent, in return:

Don't be too surprised if Galchenyuk has his best year next year in Arizona.


Jun 14, 2015
Stu Cowan does not know shit about hockey...

Galchenyuk is a center... He played all his minor hockey at center... He was drafted as a center... At 6'3" 210 pounds, Habs thought he would be a power center... WRONG! He's a finesse center, in the Malkin mold... I did not say he has Malkin's talent... Wait a minute... Galchenyuk was seen as a future Getzlaf or Dustin Brown... Hey, his roots are russian, european... Let him play like Malkin or Sedin and he'll be fine... Pair him with a power winger and he'll be dangerous.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Galchy tanked his own value all by himself... he was given every opportunity. He was never consistent in his effort. He would exchange texts with his father in between periods for gawds sake... I think we will like the effort Domi brings every night more than Galchy's occasional flashes of talent... I'm sure he will do fine in Arizona. He will get all kinds of power play time, probably finish with 60-70 points and be a -30 overall... good riddance.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2009
par icitte
Je n'ai jamais moqué Arizona pour avoir pris Chucky en échange de Domi, au contraire je pense qu'ils auraient pu donner plus encore comme un choix additionnel de troisième ronde. On se calme avec les ''you guys" svp.
Y peuvent le mettre dans les buts, m'en sacre.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2009
par icitte
Dans le texte d’après-repêchage de Corey Pronman, le Canadien et les Islanders sont les équipes ayant obtenu la meilleure cote, soit A.

Voici donc, à tête réfléchie, un résumé analytique de cette fameuse séance de sélections.

Jesperi Kotkaniemi

Le Canadien aurait pu céder à la pression, au troisième rang, et échanger son choix aux Coyotes de l’Arizona. Mais il ne l’a pas fait. Trevor Timmins s’est présenté sur le podium pour annoncer la sélection d’un joueur de centre naturel qui est voué à un beau futur dans la LNH, même s’il n’est pas le Filip Zadina que tout le monde vante depuis des mois.

Par ailleurs, Zadina a glissé au sixième rang. Le Canadien n’est peut-être pas aussi fou.

Kotkaniemi, qui se compare à Aleksander Barkov, possède l’éthique de travail vantée des Finlandais, un bon coup de patin, un tir digne de la LNH ainsi qu’un sens hockey développé autant dans sa propre zone que dans la zone adverse.

Les partisans l’aimeront, et Kotkaniemi pourrait très bien devenir le centre #1 de l’équipe.

La deuxième ronde

Après avoir repêché un joueur de centre, en premier tour, remplissant un besoin flagrant de l’équipe, Timmins a appelé au micro trois joueurs qui viennent aussi garnir la banque d’espoirs de l’équipe de brillante façon.

C’est en raison d’un surplus d’attaquant à gauche que le CH a pu se permettre de jeter son dévolu sur Jesse Ylonen, de qui on dit de belles choses. En le choisissant, le Canadien fait un autre pas vers un style de jeu basé sur la vitesse.

Puis, on a eu droit à une surprise. Alexander Romanov, classé au 116e rang des espoirs européens de ce repêchage, a été repêché en début de deuxième ronde. Même lui était surpris.

Le temps nous dira si la décision était logique, mais il faut se dire une chose : s’il a été repêché aussi tôt, c’est qu’il y a une raison bien précise. Le jeune russe est comparé à Nate Schmidt, et pourrait, dans quelques années s’aligner à gauche, à la ligne bleue tricolore.

Puis un autre centre, Jacob Olofsson, qui devait sortir en début de deuxième ronde. Le Canadien a compris, avec ce repêchage, qu’il est préférable d’échanger un centre que d’en chercher un. Dans 5 ans, il y aura 8 centres, à Montréal.

Les autres

Le Canadien a parié sur le talent. Cameron Hillis a du talent à revendre, mais est également un dur travaillant. Un autre centre qu’on ajoute à notre liste. N’oublions pas que les joueurs de centre sont les joueurs, avec les défenseurs, possédant la valeur marchande la plus élevée.

Jordan Harris est un bon joueur dont le futur, comme n’importe quel joueur repêché en troisième ronde, est incertain.

Par contre, Allan McShane, malgré la réaction négative que j’ai eue au départ, est un excellent pari à faire. Même s’il a des problèmes de caractère, le centre de 5 pieds 11 possède un talent qui s’apparente à celui de joueurs repêchés en première et deuxième ronde.

Samuel Houde a aussi retenu l’attention, étant le premier joueur québécois à être repêché depuis 2015. Cette sélection permet à l’équipe d’offrir un cadeau à ses partisans tout en obtenant un bon joueur.


Le Canadien a garni sa banque d’espoirs avec plusieurs choix safe, mais aussi plusieurs paris. C’est ce qu’on a pu se permettre, avec autant de choix.

On a tenu compte des positions plus faibles du Canadien et on a réglé plusieurs problèmes. Lorsqu’on regarde le tableau général et les modifications apportées au depth chart de l’équipe, on parle d’un nouveau visage changé drastiquement. C’est ce qu’il fallait.

L’équipe a brillé, franchement. Les experts s’entendent là-dessus. Et dans mon livre à moi, le Canadien vient de connaître un bon repêchage pour une cinquième année de suite. Sixième si ce n’était pas de McCarron et Fucale.

Ça, c’est personnel, mais je crois également que l’échange «avorté» de Max Pacioretty était une excellente nouvelle. Mais ça, ce sera pour plus tard.

Profitez-en, car être un partisan du Canadien a rarement été aussi excitant, depuis quelque temps.


Jun 14, 2015
Jesperi Kotkaniemi

Le Canadien aurait pu céder à la pression, au troisième rang, et échanger son choix aux Coyotes de l’Arizona. Mais il ne l’a pas fait. Trevor Timmins s’est présenté sur le podium pour annoncer la sélection d’un joueur de centre naturel qui est voué à un beau futur dans la LNH, même s’il n’est pas le Filip Zadina que tout le monde vante depuis des mois.


Broken records go round and around and around and...

En 2012, c'était le premier repêchage sous la gouverne totale de Bergevin et voici ce qu'on trouve sur Hockey's Future à propos de... Galchenyuk:
"The American-born player is the big, impact playmaking centerman that the organization has needed so desperately for many years. Bergevin indicated that Galchenyuk was chosen for his excellent offensive skills, vision, hockey sense, character..."

Des étoiles dans les yeux, des fleurs dans les cheveux... Cout'donc, la marijuana est devenue légale plus tôt qu'on le pensait! C'est beau d'être optimiste.... Le "système" du CH va casser le jeune prodige comme il l'a fait tellement souvent dans les dernières décennies...

Pauvre Kotkaniemi... Bienvenue à Lost-Montreal...

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hockey news had Veleno at #11... I guess that makes the Islanders, Stars, Flyers, Panthers, Avalanche, Devils, Blue Jackets, Kings, Sharks, Rangers, Ducks, Wild, Blues, Senators, Blackhawks and Leafs dumb for passing on him?

Most of the teams you listed are very good NHL teams (except Ottawa) who can gamble and pass on a player such as Veleno. They also have the luxury of going for need over skill. But the habs have a desperate need for scoring/skill and Zadina being the top-rated scorer in the draft should have been their choice at #3. Then if they still have a need for that playmaking centre they could have got creative in order to draft one....such as Montreal-born Veleno. But if they were really set on Kotkaniemi then why not make a trade for that selection if he's still available later on?

The Leafs did get the player they were coveting all along by drafting highly-regarded defenceman Rasmus Sandin from Sweden, who had a terrific year playing for the Sault Greyhounds of the OHL. The Hockey News had him rated #17 and GM Kyle Dubas got creative and swapped his pick (and in the process added a high third-round pick) figuring he may still be available by the time they selected in the 27th spot. Were he not available then they were totally satisfied with 4 of the other players on their list which likely still would have been available. The Leafs never would have picked a centre with their first selection since they have no current need there since they're already loaded at the centre position and may also be adding free agent John Tavares a week from now.

But being creative isn't a luxury Marc Bergevin possesses. He's no Sam Pollock, that's certain! :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Galchy tanked his own value all by himself... he was given every opportunity. He was never consistent in his effort. He would exchange texts with his father in between periods for gawds sake... I think we will like the effort Domi brings every night more than Galchy's occasional flashes of talent... I'm sure he will do fine in Arizona. He will get all kinds of power play time, probably finish with 60-70 points and be a -30 overall... good riddance.

It took only 6 seasons for genius Marc Bergevin to learn about a son texting with his father between periods. Wow, good thing he learned of this and traded his ass out of town for committing such a crime! :lol:

Who knows, maybe half the players on the team text with family members between periods. And then when they'll get traded the habs will leak this out as an excuse to trade them?

I also don't doubt Max Domi will put in a lot of effort in his game on a regular basis. But he didn't even score ten goals last season. What was the problem? He didn't put in the effort? Or did he? I actually hope that he did NOT put in the effort since if he did it appears not much will change in Mtl playing for one of the worse teams in hockey....just like in Arizona.

But i'll give Bergevin some slack this time around. He got the most he could for Galchenyuk. Last year he could have got more. But he waited too long to trade him and by this time Galchenyuk's value had never been lower. He gambled Galchenyuk would get his game back last season and lost that gamble. So he paid a price for it and all he got was Max Domi.

But on the other hand the same could be said if you take Arizona's POV. And if you do then it seems like a massive victory from the Arizona GM's side. You trade an underachieving 9-goal scorer (who's father may or not be a meddler) and trade him for a former 30+ goal scorer who was once a #3 overall pick?? It's a no-brainer if you're the Arizona GM. Plus the fact you don't have to give up anything more for him. Great trade for Arizona!!
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