Montreal Escorts

Go Habs Go!


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I still can't get used to looking at the standings with this OTL point. So many points are awarded and very few teams have a negative W-L ratio. Montreal's 94 points used to be a big fuckin' deal.

I guess I'm just old school.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113's unfair...if they were in Western Conference they would be in right now.....third in Pacific Division point in front of Vegas.....:Cry:.......and Eastern Division was very competitive this year.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Dure dure dé prend maintenant 2 défaites de Columbus et une victoire des Habs our une visite à l'Oratoire....lolllll


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
OMG.....quelle déception et fin de saison dramatique....les Habs éliminés au 81ème match de l'année par une victoire de Columbus en s/o......incroyable thriller.....mais triste fin de saison même si personne ne les voyait se battre jusqu'au bout comme ils l'ont fait......malheureusement le printemps n'aura pas la même luminosité cette année à Montréal........bien dommage.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Canada's unfair...if they were in Western Conference they would be in right now.....third in Pacific Division point in front of Vegas.....:Cry:.......and Eastern Division was very competitive this year.

Womp-womp! :Cry::Cry::Cry:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I still can't get used to looking at the standings with this OTL point. So many points are awarded and very few teams have a negative W-L ratio. Montreal's 94 points used to be a big fuckin' deal.

I guess I'm just old school.

I do agree with you that in past years a team getting 94 points was a big deal & today's way of scoring points changed everything. The only solution would be NOT to award a point to the team losing in overtime. But would that be fair?

Surprising that what it took for people to complain about this is once again the habs being knocked out of the playoffs. Had they made the playoffs no one would care.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
OMG.....quelle déception et fin de saison dramatique....les Habs éliminés au 81ème match de l'année par une victoire de Columbus en s/o......incroyable thriller.....mais triste fin de saison même si personne ne les voyait se battre jusqu'au bout comme ils l'ont fait......malheureusement le printemps n'aura pas la même luminosité cette année à Montréal........bien dommage.

As i said from day 1 of the season the habs would NOT make the playoffs. But i admitted they surprised a lot of people and came closer than many suspected they would. But i did point out throughout the season that although they played better than many people expected the habs still would come up short and it was very likely they'd miss out by a couple of points or so, thus making it impossible for them to have a crack at the top picks in the upcoming entry draft since they'd finish too high in the standings.

As Eagerbeaver and myself pointed out all season long the habs should have made every effort possible to finish as close to the bottom as possible. By barely missing the playoffs they likely finished in the worse spot in the standings and no playoffs. But i suppose this what happens when you hold on to one of the world's top goaltenders. And as long as Carey Price is between the pipes the habs will not be able to have a playoffs contending team. Their two best players (Price & Weber) are aging and have already peaked. Yet they still have huge contracts which will make it very difficult for them to be traded to another team, plus the fact Carey Price has a no movement clause in his contract.

It won't be much different next season, folks!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Sucks the Habs are out, I was hoping for a few more Canadian teams to be in it.
Go Flames....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
As Eagerbeaver and myself pointed out all season long the habs should have made every effort possible to finish as close to the bottom as possible.

It won't be much different next season, folks!

It was so predictable that this was a team that was good enough to just miss the playoffs. The Habs are in a perpetual “just miss” or “barely make with no real chance” mode. It’s a calculated strategy designed to keep attendance up and money coming in to pay the bad contracts. What amazes me is how successful the Montreal Canadiens organization has been at bamboozling the fans into a faux belief that the team can somehow compete for a Stanley Cup. Even a reasonably intelligent fan like Gaby has proven this bamboozlenent with the postings in this thread.

For other professional sports teams with very high expectations, such bamboozlemenf would never happen. If the Yankees finished 82-80 and missed the playoffs the GM and Manager would both be fired, probably within days of the elimination. It should happen to at least the GM here, but he did an amazing job convincing fan base and media that the team is better than it actually is and that the prospects for the future are better than they actually are.

I had urged a Cashman 2016 strategy- tear it down and rebuild but don’t sell the fans that this is what you are doing. Sell the fans that the team is reloading. He pulled it off.

Another strategy is what the Knicks have done this year, in order to take Zion Williamson with the #1 pick in the NBA draft. Complete tear down, trading of the high priced star of the team (Porzingis) and several other high paid underachievers like Tim Hardaway. The Knicks plunged to the bottom of the NBA standings like a lead anchor, were totally uncompetitive (double digit losses were the norm), but because of cleared out cap space ($75 million) they can sign 2 max free agents (think Kevin Durant and one of Kyrie Irving or Kemba Walker) AND draft Williamson. For this reason the tear down was sold to NYC fans of the Knicks who are considerably more demanding than the Habs fans. They are waiting for the offseason on the edge of their chairs with baited breath.

Do the Habs have Jack Hughes and max free agent signings to come to their rescue? Why not? These are questions for you to consider. It could have been made to happen. Instead the Habs have a team good enough next year to miss playoffs by 2-10 points.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oh wow..a star is born RYAN POEHLING...3 GOALS plus the winning one in s/o.....:yo:,,il fait déjà partie de l'histoire à son 1er match.......victoire de 6-5 comme un match pré saison dénué de robustesse et encore là c'est POEHLING qui a distribué les plus solides mises en échec....

Frustrant qu'avec 96 pts ils ne fassent pas les séries...un record.....mais au moins une saison excitante--divertissante et une dernière game inoubliable--historique......merci les boys.


Oct 25, 2018
Nobody expected the season the habs gave us. The future is bright and finally we will have depth at the center line position. We have a lot of cap space to work with and buy out Alzner's contract. If we can find a number 2 defenseman with speed to pair with weber this team might surprise us once more next year.

Belle saison du CH car personne ne s'attendait à une telle performance. Cette équipe là a travaillé toute l'année et j'ai bien aimé ce que j'ai vu. Il va y avoir de la belle jeunesse dans ce club là et d'ici 2 ans on va vraiment avoir une bonne idée de ce que nos jeunes vont pouvoir nous donner. On a beaucoup de choix au repêchage cette année et les repêchages de 2017 et 2018 semblent pouvoir donner un nouvel élan. De plus, on a une bonne marge de manoeuvre au niveau du cap salarial pour racheter le contrat de alzner ou par miracle le refiler à un autre club. La priorité numéro un est d'obtenir un défenseur gaucher rapide pour jouer avec Weber car il a vraiment perdu de la vitesse, il se fait prendre de vitesse plus souvent qu'à son tour depuis son retour de sa blessure. On va espérer que les vacances vont l'aider à récupérer.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
C'est quand même triste de ne pas avoir fait les séries dans 3 des 4 dernières années.....le Printemps n'est pas aussi le fun ---on manque l'ambiance fébrile des séries.... oui nous avons des jeunes qui sont prometteurs mais malheureusement il n'y aucune garanitie de succès marche est Price sera t-il aussi fumant la saison prochaine? qui sera son second?.......pendant ce temps celui qui nous a éliminé---PANARIN---sera joueur autonome......just saying.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I'm sad that the Habs have been eliminated from this season's (2018/2019) playoffs but they played very well when I saw them at the Bell Center this season. The Habs fans are great! Go Habs. I'm sure they'll play even better next season. Thanks guys.


New Member
Aug 17, 2012
Rappelons-nous qu'en début de saison, personne ne voyait les Canadiens se battre pour une place dans la série. Pour une équipe en reconstruction, on peut être contents.


New Member
Feb 12, 2017
I don t understand why every one or almost every one seem to be contente with the habs season. For sure there better than last year but the fact is last year wasn t hard to improve on. Bergevin
since he took over 6 or 7 years ago did nothing to make the canadian a play off team. I know it s not easy but he never was close to built a contender. Im not saying teams like toronto, boston, nashville
capital ,pens and a few other are going to win the cup , but at least they managed the team to make them possible for a shot to the cup. Everybody or almost are giving bergevin a tap on the shoulder
for getting domi weber and company but in fact it was like changin a dollar piece for 4 quarter. Like i once said it s easy to blame the player but in reality it was it was Bergevin and his soldiers that
fucked up with the players they had. Next year it will be just another ordinary team not because of the player but more of how they manage the players. They had a 30 goal score, they had a player ( suban )
who could be a pest for the other team, had a player who would preach by example fot the younger player, even at 39 he was a better teacher then weber, They let go also plekanic who would have been a
good role model. If bergevin was as good as people seem to think he was he would have kept these player and find a way to get a weber style player a domi style player without trading or letting go these player.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
best team in history to miss the playoffs.

We cannot be disappointed but we sure need to be hopeful that they will be a real competive team fir the next few years.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
BERGEVIN....Press conference....For now the only decision he took...NIEMI was he will have to find another back up for Price to play at least 15-20 next year...not an easy task. And if he wants to bring Habs to another level he will have also to find a good lefty-défenseur pour Weber et aussi un gros scoreur,....not an easy task either.

Domi le meilleur pointeur a terminé 47ème et Danault 77ème.....faut trouver mieux. Bergevin a reconnu qu'il devra améliorer son power play qui a terminé 30ème dans la ligue.....d'ou encore IMHO l'obligation de trouver un bon scoreur.

Il a indiqué aussi que Laval aurait une meilleure équipe ---n'ont pas fait les séries ces 7 dernières années--avec tous les jeunes talents qui vont se joindre à l'équipe et qui devraient prendre une année ou deux pour se développer.....alors à suivre.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Habs to draft in 15th spot

The lottery for the upcoming entry draft was held this evening. The NJ Devils will get the first pick, followed by the Rangers and the Blackhawks. Chicago went from 12th to 3rd, which many would consider this a win. Colorado had the best odds of winning the first pick but slipped to 4th place. The LA Kings had the 2nd best odds but slipped to 5th place.


1. New Jersey Devils

2. New York Rangers

3. Chicago Blackhawks

4. Colorado Avalanche (from the Ottawa Senators)

5. Los Angeles Kings

6. Detroit Red Wings

7. Buffalo Sabres

8. Edmonton Oilers

9. Anaheim Ducks

10. Vancouver Canucks

11. Philadelphia Flyers

12. Minnesota Wild

13. Florida Panthers

14. Arizona Coyotes

15. Montreal Canadiens

Picks 16-31 will be determined after the results of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
I think it needs to be said that as long as there are suckers willing to pay for season tickets or merchandise, nothing will change, there needs to be a sense of urgency in the Habs organization AND in the NHL.

Remember Habs are among the 5 most profitable teams in the NHL. Moreover, 6% of the ticket sales and merchandising , goes towards league profit sharing. That gets squeezed enough then the NHL, will have to adjust its drafting policies or its cap policies.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Let's also remember that Marc Bergevin is still the general manager of this team and that Trevor Timmins is still with the organization.

For me it was a huge mistake to draft Jesperi Kotkaniemi with the third overall pick. I would have picked Brady Tkachuk. Kotkaniemi likely would have been available a dozen picks later and the habs could have easily made a trade in order to pick him then.

A bigger mistake was not being more patient with him and let him develop slowly. Rushing him into the league is a huge mistake, especially with one of the poorest teams in the NHL and it'll like this for the next couple of years or so. By rushing him into the league at 18 also means they'll lose control of him much earlier than it should be and they'll either be forced to trade him or re-sign him for bigger dollars than he'll be worth. Think Max Pacioretty, Alex Galchenyuk, PK Subban or Carey Price.

See you back here in a few years and i'll say: "I TOLD YOU SO."
Toronto Escorts