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Go Habs Go!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
One's French is not going to develop at all when one lives with 100% Anglophones and there is no exposure to the lnaguage.
I understand.

If you were in Montreal, I hope you would make the effort to learn it.

My personal case: I worked in a high level lab, we had students from many countries. When they arrived they all spoke English. When they left, many spoke French and others not at all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
like i said earlier Price has never been my favorite player but right now hes worth any top player in the league never seen him so focused he wants to win and now he realizes that time flys by very fast and that you dont get to many opportunaties in ones carrear and that this could be one of his last chances to go far i didnt believe this team could go far but if they continu to play has a team with Price looking like a conn smithe trophy winner who knows how far they can go and lets not forget that one guy who do you think yes Perry i cant believe everything this guy brings to the team when you talk about an example player well there you go yes hes lost speed but he brings everything else to the game hes my shadow mvp so lets go guys let the dream continu lets get rid of the jets and see how far we can go go habs go
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If you were in Montreal, I hope you would make the effort to learn it.
During the times I have been in Montreal (haven't been since 2019) I try to listen to French TV stations on the hotel or AirBnB TV. It doesn't work, because everyone is talking too fast. If they slow down, maybe i would learn, but the words all run together and I cannot make out words or sentences. Unfortunately there is no way to get them to slow down the speech. I feel like saying, "slow the fuck down!!!!!" But of course yelling at the TV is not going to work, any more than hitting it.

Assuming I was actually in Montreal and could drug everyone around me so they spoke slowly, I could probably learn a little, but it has not happened beyond knowing how to read menus and most parking/traffic signs.

Regarding the board automatic translator: it works pretty good for translating most posts. However, with Gaby's French posts in particular, my sense is (and I do not know for sure) that there are senses of humor in some of his posts that are being lost in the translation. I do not really know for sure. Most translators do not get humor. But whether it is true or not, only you Francophone dudes would know.
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Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
Le debat de la langue repart...
Je dois dire que bien qu on puisse dire qu on vit tres bien avec je suis tout de meme concerne par le fait que si pn s y attarde pas trop, le francais au quebec pourrait perdre une partie de son statut et etre de plus en lus fragile...
Certe, la langue est plus difficile a apprivoiser.. J apprécie ainsi d autant plus les efforts des connaissance que j ai qui y mettent l effort


Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
GoHabs Go
Grosse game ce soir , un back a back
J ai trouver bien drole la question des journalistes qui on demander a Ducharme si Price allait etre dans les filets pour les 2 match en 2 soir
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
...tout à fait...s'il y a 2 matchs cruciaux ou PRICE doit encore performer c'est bien ces 2 là.....en plus il est dans sa zone--bulle et marche sur les on CAREY....un doublé ;) .
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Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
Les Jets ont un genou au sol, faut que les Habs en profitent avec les fans à soir! JUST WIN BABY! GO HABS GO!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oh wow....un doublé ce weekend sous le leadership encore de PRICE , du hockey parfait sans bavure et un esprit d'équipe exemplaire....pas besoin de super vedettes offensives car TOUS LES JOUEURS mettent l'épaule à la roue et participent au succès de l'é
que dire de notre 4ème trio qui nous en met plein la vue....c'est juste WOW.......
Espérons que PETRY soit de retour sinon donnons sa chance à ROMANOV qui mérite sa chance et avoir l'opportunité de baigner dans cette atmosphère unique......allez les boys on règle ca ce soir et on débute la semaine en beauté. :) .


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 entraîne même ARMIA dans leur tourbillon... ;) ...j'apprends à apprécier ce joueur de match en toute la filière Finlandaise....lolll
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Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Perry m'impressionne au plus haut point, je trouvais son embauche à 750k un beau pari mais là il fait passer Bergevin pour un génie! Aucune vitesse mais un sens de la game incroyable. Lorsque lui et Staal s'échangent la rondelle autour du filet adverse on sent la nervosité des défenseurs monter!
Perry c un warrior ! Et il l'a été tout le long de sa carrière ! Il la faite plusieurs saisons avec les Ducks en séries, l'a répétée avec Dallas l'an passé qui se sont rendus en finale et il est encore en train de répété avec le CH!
Je vous l'avais dit avant que la saison commence ! ;)


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Perry m'impressionne au plus haut point, je trouvais son embauche à 750k un beau pari mais là il fait passer Bergevin pour un génie! Aucune vitesse mais un sens de la game incroyable. Lorsque lui et Staal s'échangent la rondelle autour du filet adverse on sent la nervosité des défenseurs monter!

2 vieux loups qui rôdent autour du net. Vraiment lents, mais prêts à faire couler le sang. Dans leur cas, l'expression "élever son jeu d'un cran" prend tout son sens!


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
like i said earlier this week perry his my shadow mvp hes an example brings everything to the game except speed lol and i think everyone his folowing in his footsteps work and stay calm his experience is starting to bring dividends the young players feel secure and everyone his doing there job go habs go lets finish this tonight
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