Well, I left the 6 decade road marker behind me a while back, and am still recovering from a heart attack in mid-2015 and radiation treatment for cancer November - December 2016.
That being said, I am having the best sex of my life! I won't b.s. and say that I can stay hard for hours like when I was in my 20's, but what turns me on now are ladies over 40 that are in good physical shape and have been providers for a while. I always try to have some sort of conversation with them before first meeting them, usually email followed by a short phone call. I let them know up front that I am not a young man, and I do not expect non-stop sex for the entire appointment. (I prefer 2 - 3 hour appointments.)
I go the distance to have a conversation with the lady and answer any questions she may have about me. I also tell her (it's the truth) that I want her to have the best experience of her life, and for her to be greedy and selfish as far as her own pleasure. So I tell her to just think of me as her pleasure toy for our time together, and voila! Incredible sex!
I find that providers in their 40's have a worldliness about them - they have experienced more of life and appreciate those experiences more. As for myself, I enjoy the intimacy more. It's not unusual for me to be told, "I've never done hat with a client before." Well, it's called trust, openness, and candor. As much as we try to categorize providers, guess what they are people too, with needs, desires, drives and passions.
Be open and honest with the ladies, and don't rule out the "cougar" providers - they have the experience and skills to rock your world!
Good luck and don't sweat the details!