Hi Roland...
Ok, months ago when i was lurking on Merb, having followed link after link, from a Mirror escort ad's website, to Robin's spreadsheet,then finally merb itself. I stayed nameless for a few months, until xxxtase came out with its own webchat version, and i decided to see what it was about...
To log on, Martin put a feature where we needed to have a handle, so I thought for a while of one that would fit me. I seem to remember the first time I went there I came up with a name that was unsatisfying (I now forget what it was), but the next time I thought bout my likes and dislikes, hobbies and favorite sports...
Since I take martial arts, I quickly scrolled through some terms specific to my discipline, and the one I now use, Shijak , was one of the least strange-sounding, so I picked it. I guess I liked it enough, as I finally registered to merb a couple of weeks later, but it took many more weeks before I started posting...
I mostly did stealth posting for many months, hiding in the Cleopatra's thread and avoiding the dreaded shill target, slowly appearing in other sections...
Oh, and by the way, the translation for Shijak is basically "to begin" , or in martial arts: "begin combat"...