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Madame Marois Has Announced The Date of The Next Elections


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I'm not sure how it works. Is there any example of a country using some other country's money? Maybe if we share a currency it's not that unrealistic to have a seat in the bank. I suppose that by having Quebec still use the C$ it will keep it stronger than if we don't, so we should deserve to have some control over it. It's probably a moot point anyway.


Aug 10, 2008
I haven't read thru this entire thread so I don't know if this has been brought up before but my two reasons for why Quebec would not be allowed to separate with its present borders intact are these : 1) If Canada allowed Quebec to separate as it is now, it would then lose control of the St. Lawrence Seaway which is absolutely essential to the economy of Canada. This would be like Quebec holding a gun to Canada's head and then of course they'd be able to get away with having a seat or 2 on the Bank of Canada board.

The other reason (2) why Quebec can't be allowed to separate as is, is because the Atlantic Provinces would then be separated from the rest of Canada by a huge country and I am pretty sure they would eventually join the U.S. All of this, of course, would be disastrous to Canada.

For this and other reasons I hope that the word PARTITION starts being used more often and I'd like to see "Idiotte" Marois try to explain why partition is impossible for Quebecers.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I really hope that the people of Quebec do not fall for all the BS Pauline claims will happen " If " a separation occurs. Recently claims that Quebec would use the Canadian dollar, never will Canada allow this. If she wants to become independent go on your own or go home. I know Quebec will never separate but reading her crap she claims will happen to ease the fears of the people of Quebec and get votes is total nonsense. When you are out you are out and it will cost plenty to get back in.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Assuming this to its logical conclusion If the Aboriginals decide to vote themselves as an Independent Province then Quebec will be a tiny strip along the St Lawrence and the Aboriginals will own the Land and mineral rights to 90% of Quebec's natural resources. Time for the Aboriginals to vote now.

No chance the natives will go along with this and expect Quebec to continue with paying the treaty money.
I shake my head when 34% of the population want that skank in power. Do they really think things will get better?

Tigers' WOOD!

Jan 26, 2011

Marois made a big mistake in taking in the swelled head of Mr. Paladeau. In just one week of talking about separation they have diminished their popularity. Yeaterday Marois had to shut Paladeau up by pushing him away, you will not hear any more talk of separation. Thanks to Mr. Paladeau. The people of Ontario/Toronto have Rene Levesque to thank for all the head offices and now after the devastation the Parti Quebecois has done to the province, they maybe will thank Marois in the future for all the low priced SPs and massage places in Montreal and around the province. While Marois is at her tea party with her rich friends like Paladeau thinking of a separate Quebec and her Poutine in the sky ideas. The uni lingual 20 year old university student is doing part time duty at the Salon de Maassge to pay for her ipad and tuition only to find out that in the future of this world everyone has a university degree and the bilingual people will be in line ahead of them when they go for jobs.
Jan 29, 2014
OK so this may sound crazy but here is my understanding of it and utopic solution.

Canada was, at the root, meant to be a confederation, but ended up being a federation.

All provinces are made of different nations, aboriginal, native, imigrant or not, not one of Canada's provinces are the same, just like not one of America's states are the same.
Yes, Quebecois are "different" and the language they speak is the main way to spot that difference right away, but a person from Alberta and a person from Newfoundland might find themselves with just as much of a "difference" or calsh with one another than a Quebecois and a "fill in the blank anglo" (which is apparently how most french speaking Canadians see ALL English speaking Canadians even the ones native to Quebec).

So, ok if Quebec wants to actually, seriously, without people laughing at them, bring about the idea of some form of independance, then why not bring about a discussion about how each province could govern themselves in a true confederation form, and the federal government could be abolished.

I'm not saying that's what we SHOULD do.. I'm saying it's an actual rational way of saying, hey, we're ALL DIFFERENT NATIONS, and we can ALL GOVERN OURSELVES.

I am a french canadian, and I am personally ashamed of how quebecers don't seem to realize that telling an entire country "hey were' not like you so we want out" is not the right way to start a dialogue.

Really, we want to stop being doubly taxed right?
ok so how about we stop paying provincial taxes? we only made those up as a form of protest, and then just started paying federal taxes again in times of war, but never stopped paying the provincial ones...
Who benefits from this you think? our government, but not our people... lol

SO come on, Canada is one of the GREATEST countries in the world, and it is the home of some of the greatest most open minded thinkers, and kindest people...
Can't we just either get along and start fresh?

The Snark

Feb 24, 2005
In any case, there are no Aboriginal nations that have signed any treaties in Quebec. Don't believe me? Maybe this map will convince you:

Not quite true. The James Bay Agreement of 1975 was a comprehensive claim, which is essentially a modern-day treaty. It was concluded by the Cree with the governments of Quebec and Canada, and the Naskapi later signed a parallel agreement.


Sep 19, 2005
Not an expert in these treaties, I read a bit about them on Wikipedia. The Aboriginal nations outside ceded their territories to the Federal Government in exchange of some privileges. In Quebec, they never ceded their territories, they just allowed the Government, well the Crown!, to expoit those territories. the territories subject to these treaties fall into one of the following 3 categories (category 3 covers 60% of Quebec):

Category I: Lands reserved exclusively for the use of native Quebecers.
Category II
: Lands owned by the Crown-in-right-of-Quebec, but in which hunting, fishing and trapping rights are reserved for natives and over which forestry, mining and tourism development authority is shared.
Category III: Lands in which some specific hunting and harvesting rights are reserved for natives, but all other rights are shared subject to a joint regulatory scheme


If a referendum is conducted, Frau Marois should follow the steps of Dictator Putin and offer options similar to the Crimea referendum : Should Quebec separate from Canada or should Quebec separate from Canada and adopt the Canadian dollar as its currency, oui ou non?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Should Quebec separate from Canada or should Quebec separate from Canada and adopt the Canadian dollar as its currency, oui ou non?

I do not think that would be for Quebec to decide. Canada would have the say in what would be allowed and I see no good in having Quebec use our dollar. Pauline too worried that the value of the Quebec currency would be compared to the peso? You separate you go on your own, take your portion of the Canada debt, set up you own passports, pay your welfare recipients, pay your EI, pay your old age pension ( after premiums for already paid are settled ), have your own currency.
Added note: Quebec will never separate but it pisses me off that the PQ can say such bull shit as they are claiming just to ease the voters minds about voting PQ.


Sep 24, 2009
I've said it once and I'll say it again, Democracy is a retarded system.

If I was Harper I would simply press sedition and treason charges against the leaders of the P.Q, activate section 33 of the Canadian constitution and legally suspend the right to free speech, press, religion, assembly etc for a period not exceeding five years. With that done I would create an interim provincial Government and in order to prevent terrorism by groups such as the FLQ - station soldiers inside the National Assembly.

Nations are created by force and must be maintained by force.


Sep 24, 2009
I've also said that the only system worse than Democracy is Communism. North Korea is Communist.


Sep 24, 2009
But that had nothing to do with Democracy at all. The Afghani people did not vote those things into reality themselves, it was done through the force of arms and can only be maintained by the force of arms.

But sure, now at least they can vote. Choice #1 Be dirt poor or Choice #2 Be dirt poor.

Freedom baby!
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