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Montreal is now a safe city amazing


Sep 10, 2024

So the 27y old got attack by a bunch of losers a 19y old in the gang dies and he is the one responsible.

What gets to me is that I work around this part of town and one night I went to a dep there were 2 guys in a car park close to mine so i could not open my door, they were both skinny and looking for a fight, I snap and slam a punch on the conductor windshield they left.

That got me thinking about the safety in Montreal at night and this was way in 2019. I am not going to give the police a hard time they cannot be everywhere, but the fact that 5 losers like that try to rob a 27y old at a gas station is something else.

The 19y old died of is injuries well he was an adult and he tried to rob a guy and paid for it, he got what was coming for him, same as the 2 morons in the BMW who were shooting at people and died during the police chase.

I honesty hope that Valerie Plant who is a clear incompetent gets removed from function and replace by someone with balls to clean up Montreal. When ever I work I stay inside the building and I don't go out anymore, used to drop by Tim Horton on Sherbrooke but now its full of beggars, and the McDonalds is even worse.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This is happening in all the major Canadian cities. This is a Federal issue. Toronto and Vancouver is far worse all thanks to Trudope. That is what happens when you cause more poverty with bad government policy like mass immigration, over spending, and relaxing rules for the people coming to Canada. Trudeau is importing the third world here and because he relaxed so many rules for them entering Canada we do not know how many bad ones are entering. Then going easier on crime with the catch and release system and removing some minimum mandatory sentencing. That is a recipe for more crime. Shoplifting at grocery stores is very high these days. What else to expect when prices keep going up but salaries remain stagnant? I remember 20 years ago, I could walk out at 4am and felt completely safe. I took the night buses often after going to the stripclubs because I did not have a car, was very safe. There were no weirdos out at night. Now today I would never do that. I see so many weirdos and malicious people out there.


Sep 10, 2024
This is happening in all the major Canadian cities. This is a Federal issue. Toronto and Vancouver is far worse all thanks to Trudope. That is what happens when you cause more poverty with bad government policy like mass immigration, over spending, and relaxing rules for the people coming to Canada. Trudeau is importing the third world here and because he relaxed so many rules for them entering Canada we do not know how many bad ones are entering. Then going easier on crime with the catch and release system and removing some minimum mandatory sentencing. That is a recipe for more crime. Shoplifting at grocery stores is very high these days. What else to expect when prices keep going up but salaries remain stagnant? I remember 20 years ago, I could walk out at 4am and felt completely safe. I took the night buses often after going to the stripclubs because I did not have a car, was very safe. There were no weirdos out at night. Now today I would never do that. I see so many weirdos and malicious people out there.
That is the main issue because read the names of those criminal and you can clearly see they are not Canadian. I mean i do have friends from all nationality but each time. When you can't even go gas your car in safety there is a problem.

I think that idiot Trudeau as been told to slow down on immigration. There is going to be civil war. I don't know at what time this happen for me when I bump into those 2 at the dep it was around 2am.

But the 27y old defended himself apparently killed one of them and is the one in trouble. The good thing at least they get a criminal record at my job before hiring someone they check for all of this, they had hire a few people and after they finish the investigation they got fired.

So far in Montreal its pretty much the same places Montreal North, St Michel Street, Hochelaga Maisonneuve. I remember a co worker who lived around that area he told me that it was never safe to go out at night.

Now i can only imagine of those 2 morons at the dep tried something they were really skinny and i would have defended myself I am not that big but i was bigger than those 2 fks.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
That is the main issue because read the names of those criminal and you can clearly see they are not Canadian. I mean i do have friends from all nationality but each time. When you can't even go gas your car in safety there is a problem.

I think that idiot Trudeau as been told to slow down on immigration. There is going to be civil war.

^^^^^ Trudeau was warned years ago by Federal servants and economists and even banks about his excessive immigration policy that would create a housing crisis. He is a madman and he knows what he is doing. See how he addresses the housing crisis by allowing 30 year mortgages and upped the insured limit to $1.5 million. So in other words, you can own a house but will be more in debt. His has no intention to lower house prices, that is not what he wants to do. His goal is to increase the prices. If he wanted to lower prices he would shut down mass immigration and work with other levels of governments to fast track construction of new houses and apartments. Things will only get worse, with his new measures the prices will go even higher. More people will end up being poor and more will be in debt. At the end it will result in more crime.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
But the 27y old defended himself apparently killed one of them and is the one in trouble. The good thing at least they get a criminal record at my job before hiring someone they check for all of this, they had hire a few people and after they finish the investigation they got fired.

So far in Montreal its pretty much the same places Montreal North, St Michel Street, Hochelaga Maisonneuve. I remember a co worker who lived around that area he told me that it was never safe to go out at night.
Not surprised, these are poor neighborhoods. Because it is poor there are people many crammed in small apartments. More density increases the potential for conflict and poverty increases the chances of crimes.


Sep 10, 2024

^^^^^ Trudeau was warned years ago by Federal servants and economists and even banks about his excessive immigration policy that would create a housing crisis. He is a madman and he knows what he is doing. See how he addresses the housing crisis by allowing 30 year mortgages and upped the insured limit to $1.5 million. So in other words, you can own a house but will be more in debt. His has no intention to lower house prices, that is not what he wants to do. His goal is to increase the prices. If he wanted to lower prices he would shut down mass immigration and work with other levels of governments to fast track construction of new houses and apartments. Things will only get worse, with his new measures the prices will go even higher. More people will end up being poor and more will be in debt. At the end it will result in more crime.
I work with a few immigrant at my job they are hard working they came to Canada for a better life and they are actually grateful to be here. So i am not saying they are all bad.

Trudeau was crying that he had enough of politics and he was tired he is losing the next election, lets hope he is replace by a better government.

Build bigger prison and let them in there all those criminals. I used to live in Longueil when i was with my ex but now i moved to Laval its not that bad. But when i come to work its Jean Talon and l'assomption its 99% immigrant and were all the shooting happen a few years back.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I work with a few immigrant at my job they are hard working they came to Canada for a better life and they are actually grateful to be here. So i am not saying they are all bad.

Trudeau was crying that he had enough of politics and he was tired he is losing the next election, lets hope he is replace by a better government.

Build bigger prison and let them in there all those criminals. I used to live in Longueil when i was with my ex but now i moved to Laval its not that bad. But when i come to work its Jean Talon and l'assomption its 99% immigrant and were all the shooting happen a few years back.
It is not the fault of the immigrants, I put all fault on Trudope. The elected officials are supposed to support the people that elect them, instead they serve their own interests for greed and the interests of the rich who are lobbying them. Trudope with his mass immigration policy has made everything very unaffordable. This works to the benefit of the government, corporations, grocery stores, and landlords and real estate companies. They are racking in millions while the ordinary joe is getting poorer. The thing is even if you bring a million immigrants from the third world, another million will be born in those third world countries. They have too many kids hence the cycle of poverty never ends. Trudope also wants cheap labor because that is what corporations want. The TFW was labelled by the UN as a form of modern day slavery. Now you see how bad government policy is making the cities more unsafe with more crime. Trudope and the rich do not care. They are not affected, they got tons of money and travel in this expensive cars with chauffeurs of take private jets. They got the resources.


Sep 10, 2024
It is not the fault of the immigrants, I put all fault on Trudope. The elected officials are supposed to support the people that elect them, instead they serve their own interests for greed and the interests of the rich who are lobbying them. Trudope with his mass immigration policy has made everything very unaffordable. This works to the benefit of the government, corporations, grocery stores, and landlords and real estate companies. They are racking in millions while the ordinary joe is getting poorer. The thing is even if you bring a million immigrants from the third world, another million will be born in those third world countries. They have too many kids hence the cycle of poverty never ends. Trudope also wants cheap labor because that is what corporations want. The TFW was labelled by the UN as a form of modern day slavery. Now you see how bad government policy is making the cities more unsafe with more crime. Trudope and the rich do not care. They are not affected, they got tons of money and travel in this expensive cars with chauffeurs of take private jets. They got the resources.
I wonder if he is replace if its not going to be worse.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I wonder if he is replace if its not going to be worse.
Let us put it this way, Trudope is the worst Canada has ever had since confederation. He is the most corrupt lying vile sleazeball ever and to add he is narcisstic. He is corrupt to the max. You cannot do worse then him thus anyone else that replaces him will be an improvement.
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Sep 10, 2024
Let us put it this way, Trudope is the worst Canada has ever had since confederation. He is the most corrupt lying vile sleazeball ever and to add he is narcisstic. He is corrupt to the max. You cannot do worse then him thus anyone else that replaces him will be an improvement.
I am reading an article in the Montreal paper right now the reporter says that he is a traitor and put Canada in deep dudu with is massive immigration, but they say he will not be re elected past Christmas time. Still weird that they allowed that idiot to screw the people for so long. Trudeau and Plante are more geared at pleasing those LGBTQ morons and pronging that stupidity then solving issues for the real people
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I was told that Canada needs lots of immigration, both legal and illegal, because it is a country with lots of natural resources but insufficient population of human labor to mine, cultivate, harvest and work up the resources. Is this not true?


Sep 10, 2024
I was told that Canada needs lots of immigration, both legal and illegal, because it is a country with lots of natural resources but insufficient population of human labor to mine, cultivate, harvest and work up the resources. Is this not true?
remember when we were young, we never refused to do dishes, i work for a year at a restaurant doing that, we needed money work etc, well today i get Walmart delivery for my groceries and also cat food (a lot cheaper) i can tell you this I been doing for 2 years and almost each week never did i see a French Canadian or Quebecer deliver for me, they are all immigrants, very polite and nice I might had, because the younger generation don't want to do this jobs, I stop ordering but when ever I do pizza etc its always an immigrant that delivers my food.

Why because from what I see they are hard working people, I know many people at my job are from different nationality most of them are also really nice. Most of the time at my job when we hire young people they don't stay there social livres are more important then work. They show up to work with there smart phone and works comes in last. Its quit sad because the starting salary at our job is good, and most of them live at there parents house and pay nothing so all the money they make is in there pockets.

Around were I work they already started building apartments and condos but the cost is still pretty high from what I seen it starts at 1500$ per month for rent.

I was lucky to find an 3 1/2 apartment that fits my needs in Laval going for 850$ I saw some 4 1/2 that at 1300$, now you still have groceries, internet cable etc currently I cannot save any money and live from pay to pay, I wish at one point I could buy something being mid 40 I wonder if I will ever be able to retire. I have no debt at least but still.

Most Quebecers do not have kids anymore but immigrants have to many, most of them at my job have 3 kids and up so yeah. Not sure how they are going to fix this shit we are in right now plus all the violence and more that Plante mairesse said that they will have 400 extra cops in Montreal. I have nothing against Cops they do there best and understand they can't be everywhere.


Active Member
Jul 22, 2024
...because the younger generation don't want to do this jobs,
Maybe, maybe not. Many companies have been taking advantage of the Temporary Foreign Worker program. The original intent of the TFW program was to fill jobs when the company couldn't locally find anyone qualified. Around 2016 the program was expanded. Since then there have been a lot of companies that will post a job listing, reject all applicants and use the TFW program to fill the job instead. Obviously Tim Horton's can find people locally, but why would they do that when they can save money by taking advantage of govt programs?

From some random google search -
"According to data in the report, the number of temporary foreign workers approved to work in the Canadian food and retail sectors jumped 211 per cent between 2019 and 2023. Within this uptick, Tim Hortons hired roughly 714 temporary foreign workers last year — a major increase compared to the 58 in 2019"


Sep 10, 2024
Maybe, maybe not. Many companies have been taking advantage of the Temporary Foreign Worker program. The original intent of the TFW program was to fill jobs when the company couldn't locally find anyone qualified. Around 2016 the program was expanded. Since then there have been a lot of companies that will post a job listing, reject all applicants and use the TFW program to fill the job instead. Obviously Tim Horton's can find people locally, but why would they do that when they can save money by taking advantage of govt programs?

From some random google search -
"According to data in the report, the number of temporary foreign workers approved to work in the Canadian food and retail sectors jumped 211 per cent between 2019 and 2023. Within this uptick, Tim Hortons hired roughly 714 temporary foreign workers last year — a major increase compared to the 58 in 2019"
Yes but we work for a governmental agency like i said they hire people 6 months probation during this time they do an investigation on the hired person, if the person as a criminal record they are gone it does not happen often but in the 15 years i have been working for this company a few time.

You also need proof that you have been in Canada for 10 years to be hired. I do understand that McDonald's and Tim Horton might be different.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I was told that Canada needs lots of immigration, both legal and illegal, because it is a country with lots of natural resources but insufficient population of human labor to mine, cultivate, harvest and work up the resources. Is this not true?
Those are lies being spread by the government to justify mass immigration. Trudope is leading the Century Initiative to increase the population to 100 million by 2100. Why? To make money. Corporations, banks, real estate are donating large sums of money to the Century Initiative to make the big bucks as they make the average joe poorer. Government also benefits a lot as they collect more tax revenue.

The unemployment rate is soaring, it is above 6%. In Toronto, Canada's largest city there are big line ups for low skilled jobs. The population grew much faster then jobs did.

Another claim you made is false, Canada is not the US. Canada is very cold up north and there is little agriculture. The newcomers are piling up in the same big cities and they keep on getting more populated while the rest of Canada remains sparse. The ppl that come are not spreading out. Not many ppl want to live in places that are very cold 9 months out of 12 and is dark for the most part. The lack of agriculture for obvious reasons means all food has to be transported from far away making it costly. Those living in the Yukon for example many receive government subsidies as the cost to live there is very high due to the reasons I stated.


Sep 10, 2024
Those are lies being spread by the government to justify mass immigration. Trudope is leading the Century Initiative to increase the population to 100 million by 2100. Why? To make money. Corporations, banks, real estate are donating large sums of money to the Century Initiative to make the big bucks as they make the average joe poorer. Government also benefits a lot as they collect more tax revenue.

The unemployment rate is soaring, it is above 6%. In Toronto, Canada's largest city there are big line ups for low skilled jobs. The population grew much faster then jobs did.

Another claim you made is false, Canada is not the US. Canada is very cold up north and there is little agriculture. The newcomers are piling up in the same big cities and they keep on getting more populated while the rest of Canada remains sparse. The ppl that come are not spreading out. Not many ppl want to live in places that are very cold 9 months out of 12 and is dark for the most part. The lack of agriculture for obvious reasons means all food has to be transported from far away making it costly. Those living in the Yukon for example many receive government subsidies as the cost to live there is very high due to the reasons I stated.
its true last time i went to the Old port of Montreal is what hard to see any real Quebecer all we saw were immigrants. It does get scary at one point. Were I work they struggled to hire people and for the past year they been doing layoffs. So companies are laying off people.

Trudeau wants 100 million people in Canada is that idiot sick wonder why no attempt on him ever happen like Trump got targeted twice (wonder if its real or a publicity stunt).

I do remember Trudeau being throw rocks or mud during one of is meetings that was funny but i guess he did not get the memo


Sep 10, 2024
Couples year back when Trump sent Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian major general, was killed by an American drone strike and followed The same day a Ukrainian passenger jet was shot down by the Iranian military over Tehran after presumably being mistaken for an enemy cruise missile. All 176 people on board were killed, including 82 Iranians and others with dual citizenship

Trudeau kept going on and on about those were Quebecers. They were not they were from Iran and had dual citizenship. There was not on Quebecer on that flight.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
its true last time i went to the Old port of Montreal is what hard to see any real Quebecer all we saw were immigrants. It does get scary at one point. Were I work they struggled to hire people and for the past year they been doing layoffs. So companies are laying off people. Trudeau wants 100 million people in Canada is that idiot sick.
Almost all of the rapid population increase is being driven by immigration. Currently Canada has the most rapidly increasing population in the world. Also after Portugal, Canada has the worst housing crisis. Btw Trudope is bring in way more then the Century Initiative calls for, even they said it is too much. At this rate they predict we will reach 100 million in 30 years way ahead schedule. Trudope is a madman wacko.
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Sep 10, 2024
Almost all of the rapid population increase is being driven by immigration. Currently Canada has the most rapidly increasing population in the world. Also after Portugal, Canada has the worst housing crisis. Btw Trudope is bring in way more then the Century Initiative calls for, even they said it is too much. At this rate they predict we will reach 100 million in 30 years way ahead schedule. Trudope is a madman wacko.
I never paid attention to politics but after reading a few things about this idiot i realize he is worse than cancer, people are really stupid to have elected him
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I never paid attention to politics but after reading a few things about this idiot i realize he is worse than cancer, people are really stupid to have elected him
The thing is POS would have been long gone if it were not for sleazeballs like Singh and now Blanchet propping Trudope up for their own political gain. Such Alliances should not even be allowed because it encourages more corruption. I really wonder how many who voted for the Bloc really want Trudope to remain in power. Yet elected officials do whatever they want till the next election. I believe every motion in Parliament must be voted by the people, it should not be decided in parliament by MPs. Plante is another far-left wacko, building bike paths and turning streets into one lane one direction streets. Even though the people protest and are against this, they even sign a petition, Plante does as she wants to fulfill her ridiculous far-left ideology. The Canadian system should be changed to like what they have in the US, that a prime minister can only run two terms. This gives protections against corrupt people hold on to power with underhanded means or forming alliances.
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