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NHL off season thread (trades, signings, etc…)

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
yea, real good mr gainey, overpaying for players is not good in a league with a cap , especially when the cap will be going down in coming years....

you better hope your new boys have career years and the ones who didnt last season do as well.... bawk bawk bawk said the wagoneer :D........ you delusional closet leafs fan

Good job by Bob getting all the guys signed. :)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
It makes no sense for anyone except a masochist to be a Leafs fan. But give credit to the closeted Leaf fans - at least they are so ashamed of their hideous affliction that they keep their shameful and repulsive secret to themselves.

Habs fans are also barking up the wrong tree but at least the Habs aren't as remarkably and consistently bad as the Leafs.

If ever a franchise deserved to be expelled from the NHL it's Toronto. What a freaking embarrassment it has been for 42 years...and the counting sure ain't over. Those sad sack Laffs continue to suck.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
your rants are so old that your growing fungus, you dipstick.......the fact of the matter is , the Leafs are going in one direction while the SCABS are heading the other, and it's fun to see the crybabies come out............ btw einstein, the leafs are not heading backwards for the first time in years , thanks to JFJ btw, HIS REMOVAL that is a cpl years ago, it takes time to recover from his GAINEY LIKE mistakes :)........ but gainey is doing his best to try to be JFJ and its so funny to watch:D:D:D............ (ok this is where you say you dont care and take the cowards way out as usual) go for it tough guy :D

It makes no sense for anyone except a masochist to be a Leafs fan. But give credit to the closeted Leaf fans - at least they are so ashamed of their hideous affliction that they keep their shameful and repulsive secret to themselves.

Habs fans are also barking up the wrong tree but at least the Habs aren't as remarkably and consistently bad as the Leafs.

If ever a franchise deserved to be expelled from the NHL it's Toronto. What a freaking embarrassment it has been for 42 years...and the counting sure ain't over. Those sad sack Laffs continue to suck.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ahhahahaha there is the 'typical" cowards way out........ how ya doing goleafsgo? bawk bawk? :)........ cmon, get off the wagon for ONCE in your life and be a man...... take the bet , if your so sure your scabs are so much better, what you got to lose..... ? OR, are ya really a chicken?
Does this board have an "ignore" feature so I don't have to subject myself to this retard's insipid drivel?
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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Does this board have an "ignore" feature so I don't have to subject myself to this retard's insipid drivel?

Look at it this way gohabsgo : if ignorant69 is a typical Laffs fan it might explain why Laffs management has gotten away with putting shit on the ice for 42 years - their doughhead fans are too stupid to realize they're being conned. You don't really have to ignore him - you can, depending on your mood, either laugh at him or pity him.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
you mean like we all do to you with each and every silly ranting post you make? and to all "SCAB" fans in general? :D

(btw before you have another temper tantrum) i no the lame excuses, your not a fan of either, blah blah blah.,,,,,,,,so who is "your" team anyways? i am sure it is a team who has won a cup in the last 10 years, right? , of course it has to be :p.......

either laugh at him or pity him.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
is that how you talk about JC, your buddy and partner in crime here? geesh???

after the stupid stuff you have posted over the years, not to mention your bandwagon credibility, or lack of i should say, you would of had the button pushed many a time ago my lil "Scabs Wagoneer" :rolleyes:........ (bawk bawk bawk)

Does this board have an "ignore" feature so I don't have to subject myself to this retard's insipid drivel?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
you mean like the habs do in Quebec? lets hope some real hockey is played one day again in that province, back in Quebec City...... OH, thats right, there already is, with the Remparts...... :D

Let's hope so. The Maple Leafs should not have a monopoly on futility in Ontario.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Luongo is great...but the Canucks are absolutely nuts to give him a 12 year contract.

He's 30 years old they should have signed him to a max of 8 year deal and even thats alot

not 12! Thats nuts!

They pulled a rick dipietro
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