So, racist if you do… and racist if you don’t! Sounds like woke logic
Awww, you're using a buzzword instead of thinking about a different point of view. Aren't you original!
It's not really that complicated if you understand the difference between attraction and fetishization. and are capable of self-reflection as to why you might be fetishizing if this is the case.
If by woke you mean being open to understanding there are other perspectives and experiences than mine and I will never fully understand because I exist in a white body, then I guess so. If it means I can listen and learn about the experiences of people who exist in non-white bodies, then sure. If it also means that I'm capable of realizing that there are many layers to everything and that the present is a product of the past, then that's accurate. If it also means I can do this with an open mind, get over myself, and not take everything as a personal attack, then yes.
Bonus: If it means I change how I view things after listening, then absolutely. If it means my default is empathy and not a need to reject and control, then I guess I'm 100% trying my best to be "woke". I personally just call it trying to be a good human but if you prefer woke, you can call it woke.
Btw we live in a racist system, so all of us, including myself, have some level of racism, whether internalized or not. The idea of being a good human is to try to understand that and change it.
I'll keep an open mind about you in spite of your use of the word 'woke' and failure to even try to give some thought to my comments before responding the way you did. Maybe you'll surprise me.