Montreal Escorts

Not enough racial variety in strip clubs?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Remember this is Montreal. Montreal stripclubs are not known to have much in the way of racial variety of women.

infanticide said:
I live in NYC and there are probably thousand of Russian strippers here, so its always sort of weird to me when I hardly see any at strip clubs (like in Montreal). And yes, I did buy her the chips.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
CLOUD 500 said:
Remember this is Montreal. Montreal stripclubs are not known to have much in the way of racial variety of women.

Ummm, Russian girls would hardly qualify as racial variety. :rolleyes: The reason there are few Russian dancers here is that the Russian community in Montreal is not very large, especially when compared to cities like Toronto or NY.

And Cloud...if you opened up a club featuring only black dancers, you would have a club with very few clients. The reason most clubs hire primarily white dancers is because that's what draws in the clients the club needs to survive. It has nothing to do with racism, it's purely a business decision. Your constant complaining about it is really getting tired. Let it go already...



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Aug 26, 2003
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thebitchelor said:
Exactly...every boss i talked with about it told me they take only 2-3 black girls per night because if they would be too much...first they wouldnt do money (too many competition)
ive had also some blacks dancers tell me that if there are more than 2 other black girls they wont stay and work there because of the competition. they pefer to be the only black one, so that also does not help for variety


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Annoying Techman

Maybe you should check my post again. I said racial variety as in girls of all colors. I would rather be in a club with black girls, latinas, eastern european girls, etc.. But most of the clubs around Montreal have mostly French Canadians. I never said a club should only feature black dancers but there has to be more variety.

Techman said:
Ummm, Russian girls would hardly qualify as racial variety. :rolleyes: The reason there are few Russian dancers here is that the Russian community in Montreal is not very large, especially when compared to cities like Toronto or NY.

How do you know this? Are you running a stripclub business? Have you actually taken a poll and gathered statistics in various stripclubs? Who made you the stripclub master? I have been to stripclubs with more black girls and are making no less money then the clubs with mostly white girls. There are lots of clients who come into a club looking for exotics. I thought I would bring this up we had lots of disagreements about the non-contact stripclubs and I always said there was no market for them but you always there was. I should look for those posts and quote them but I do not have the patience. Now look two of the non-contact stripclubs went contact. Stop posting comments as if you know everything because you do not. I am also tired of your constant annoying responses to my posts. If you do not like them stop responding. You have been a constant annoyance since I joined this board. You have some interesting contributions but it seems you always have to be the one with the last say and you come across as everyone should agree with your opinion. I was not complaining there I simply made a comment. I will say it again if you do not like it simply ignore it. I frankly do not care what you think anymore or anything else you have to say. Remember it is a democracy and everyone is entitled to their opinion whether you like it or not. You need to first GET OVER IT! Just ignore all my posts from now on.

Techman said:
And Cloud...if you opened up a club featuring only black dancers, you would have a club with very few clients. The reason most clubs hire primarily white dancers is because that's what draws in the clients the club needs to survive. It has nothing to do with racism, it's purely a business decision. Your constant complaining about it is really getting tired. Let it go already...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
How they know that? Since they never have more then three. Have you been to the stripclubs in Toronto or Niagara Falls?? It is very different there.

thebitchelor said:
Exactly...every boss i talked with about it told me they take only 2-3 black girls per night because if they would be too much...first they wouldnt do money (too many competition)


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
OK Cloud...first of all I am friends with managers at three of the best known strip clubs in town and I know the owners of two clubs personally. So yeah, I do know a bit about how clubs are run and what their criteria is when hiring dancers. One of the other reasons for the lack of ethnic dancers in Montreal is that, other than black ladies, there are very few of them that present themselves looking for work. To have the kind of variety you wish, you have to have that variety in the general community. Unfortunately here in Montreal, and Quebec in general, that variety does not exist in sufficient numbers. And you are right that things are different in Niagara Falls or Toronto or Windsor. They have a different population base to choose from. But this is Montreal, not Ontario. Different population base + different client base = different dancers to reflect that client base. It isn't that difficult to understand is it?

The move to contact dances that both Super and Chez did, was done out of desperation as the entire strip club business in Montreal is on the decline. Moving to contact also cost both of those clubs their top dancers who had no interest in doing contact dances at any price in any club. They have also had a large shift in the type of clientele as most of their regular clients have left also. The smoking ban also had a lot to do with the decline in attendance.

Lastly...if you want me to stop responding to your posts all you have to do is stop bitching about the same old thing every couple of months. We all know by now that no club in town has enough black ladies for your taste. No top Montreal club ever will. It's been that way for the 35 years that I've been going to strip clubs. It ain't gonna change any time soon so why not accept it and find another bone to pick.:rolleyes: In the meantime there's always Bazaaz. :cool:



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I will take your word on you being friends with the managers of the clubs. But it is a review board and will continue to voice my opinion. Like I said if you do not like it ignore it. But I do not on attacking everything you say that I do not agree with. So stop attacking me and stop responding to my posts! It is as simple as that. I will continue to repeat what I say. It is obvious that you and I will never agree and is not likely gonna change. Like the previous thread on "SP rights to refuse a client" this contest bickering on your part is not gonna go anywhere. So I suggest that you stop responding to my posts as I will stop responding to yours. Get over it man! It is funny you mention it I know this like comparing apples to oranges but nevertheless applies to the same principal. There is a Escort agency that caters to only black SPs and if there was no market for it as much as you claim it would have closed a longtime ago. Oh yea. I forgot one thing. If these managers really know what they were doing they would not keep on loosing more business everyday. Let us see and these were your comments also. I think I will find the thread and posted later tonight. You always said the stripclubs do nothing to get more clients in(like special events), they nickel and dime whatever clients that bother to show up, they raise the prices, etc.. Let me ask you know and answer only if they actually told you this. Have these managers ever had more then three exotic women in a club? Have they ever tried. Or is this decision based on an assumption? Anyhow this is not the thread to argue about this. So finally like I said simply ignore my posts as I will yours.

Techman said:
OK Cloud...first of all I am friends with managers at three of the best known strip clubs in town and I know the owners of two clubs personally. So yeah, I do know a bit about how clubs are run and what their criteria is when hiring dancers. One of the other reasons for the lack of ethnic dancers in Montreal is that, other than black ladies, there are very few of them that present themselves looking for work. To have the kind of variety you wish, you have to have that variety in the general community. Unfortunately here in Montreal, and Quebec in general, that variety does not exist in sufficient numbers. And you are right that things are different in Niagara Falls or Toronto or Windsor. They have a different population base to choose from. But this is Montreal, not Ontario. Different population base + different client base = different dancers to reflect that client base. It isn't that difficult to understand is it?

The move to contact dances that both Super and Chez did, was done out of desperation as the entire strip club business in Montreal is on the decline. Moving to contact also cost both of those clubs their top dancers who had no interest in doing contact dances at any price in any club. They have also had a large shift in the type of clientele as most of their regular clients have left also. The smoking ban also had a lot to do with the decline in attendance.

Lastly...if you want me to stop responding to your posts all you have to do is stop bitching about the same old thing every couple of months. We all know by now that no club in town has enough black ladies for your taste. No top Montreal club ever will. It's been that way for the 35 years that I've been going to strip clubs. It ain't gonna change any time soon so why not accept it and find another bone to pick.:rolleyes: In the meantime there's always Bazaaz. :cool:



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I know. But let us thank our friend Techman for hijacking this thread who feels the need to attack everyone of my posts he does not agree with :cool: .

thebitchelor said:
if they know that its probably because they already have more than 2-3:rolleyes: .....And i just repeat what i heard, and no i never went to niagara falls because i heard really bad thing about this place..and from some very good friends, but here you are in the cleo's thread!!!!


Jun 25, 2003
Montreal, South Shore
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Going to Chez?

Techman said:
OK Cloud...
The move to contact dances that both Super and Chez did, ...
I find it very funny when anglophones are using Chez as it was a meaningful word. In the present context I guess Techman is talking about SuperSexe and Chez Parée (or Chez Mado or Chez Francis). However, in French, Chez is the equivalent of 's in English; consequently, Chez Parée and Chez Mado simply mean Parée's and Mado's. I think that you can now understand that using Chez alone is as meaningful as saying that you go to 's!!
Techman, please don't take it as an insult or a critic, just a friendly note about our beautiful French language but, I know, sometimes puzzling for anglophones. Your reviews and comments on MERB are always strongly appreciated.


Aug 14, 2004
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go cloud

i prefer to hear complaints than to hear a smart-ass... so continue complaining cloud... here we are free to express our opinions and experiences, not all post have to be 'cool' sided like some guys here pretend to be.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Yea and you are entitled to your opinion as is Techman. But like I said I do not go around attacking him every time he posts something I do not agree with. Techman did not need to respond at all. We both clearly do not agree and that will never change. So to keep the peace it is better to ignore each others posts. You see even though I do not agree with a lot of your posts I do not go and attack you at every post you make. Something to think about.

thebitchelor said:
well, i like Techman:eek: ..and i have to admit I am always agree with him(almost):D:cool:...


Mar 26, 2004
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old_beginner said:
Techman, please don't take it as an insult or a critic, just a friendly note about our beautiful French language but, I know, sometimes puzzling for anglophones.
Get ready for it OB.... he'll take your comments as proof positive that you are a peadophile.

While not always comfortable with Cloud's posts I find he brings a unique and thoughtful perspective to the board that makes one think a bit.

Techman said:
And Cloud...if you opened up a club featuring only black dancers, you would have a club with very few clients. The reason most clubs hire primarily white dancers is because that's what draws in the clients the club needs to survive. It has nothing to do with racism, it's purely a business decision. Your constant complaining about it is really getting tired. Let it go already...
There is something deliciously wrong with this. Any words I change will be highlighted - get the point?

And Kloud...if you opened up a Klu Klux Klan klub in Alabama featuring only black dancers, you would have a klub with very few clients. The reason most klubs hire primarily white dancers is because that's what draws in the klients the klub needs to survive. It has nothing to do with racism, it's purely a business decision. Your konstant komplaining about it is really getting tired. Let it go already...

(PS I am NOT (and I mean it) saying Techman is racist.)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Exactly my point. But our friend Techman has this need to keep on attacking everyone of my posts as he does not agree with them. Maybe he gets a sense of satisfaction. Who really knows and frankly I do not care. Techman, I think you should pick another bone to pick :cool: .

gizmo said:
i prefer to hear complaints than to hear a smart-ass... so continue complaining cloud... here we are free to express our opinions and experiences, not all post have to be 'cool' sided like some guys here pretend to be.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Cloud I agree with what youre saying but the reason why most dancers are

french canadian in clubs is because those are the majority of girls in this

province and also the majority that want to do this kind of work.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I agree with this ;) .

master_bates said:
Cloud I agree with what youre saying but the reason why most dancers are

french canadian in clubs is because those are the majority of girls in this

province and also the majority that want to do this kind of work.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Indeed. But if you look at the posts I never started this war. I made a comment that Techman did not agree with and did not like. So he took it upon himself to attack me like he has been doing since I joined this board. Mtoo is right as to why he never posts on this board because posters with a different opinion then some posters take offence and start attacking. I think I will do the same and stop posting. I do not need to be constantly attacked because I do not share the opinions of some. This is a democracy and this is a review board. It should be free of attacks like this one.

thebitchelor said:
hummm i aint a moderator..but i dont think you are in the good thread to start this kind of "war"


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
You're amazing Cloud. You say you want nothing to do with me or my posts but in 5 out of your last 6 posts since saying this, you bring up my name.

So you want to know why I have a problem with you? Well I'll tell you and everyone else here. Remember back to when you first came on the board? You had a different cause celebre back was about grinding and the lack of it in Montreal clubs. You always kept complaining about how you couldn't get a good grinding dance here compared to what you got in Toronto or Niagara Falls. Eventually we invited you to a GT a number of us had at Cleo's so we could all talk. Well that entire evening you sat there totally absorbed by the stories we... myself, SL, Oliver and others... were sharing with you. You listened, asked questions about the scene in Montreal and we were happy to share. You had no doubts about our knowledge and past involvement in the Mtl scene. That night we all felt that you had begun to understand how things were in our beautiful city of Montreal.

Then when you continued posting on the board, you showed that you cared about nothing we shared with you and didn't learn a thing. You just went back to your same old complaints.

Now for the last while you have a new cause, the lack of black dancers in Montreal clubs. Once again you are comparing Mtl clubs to those in Toronto and Niagara Falls and once again you are questioning my knowledge and connections in the SC business in Montreal. To put it bluntly, you are a big talker and complainer when behind your keyboard but when you met us in person you didn't have the guts to challenge us or our views. You are a client, Cloud. You know nothing about how the business works and you probably never will. You will always be looking in from the outside and complaining instead of just accepting the way things work in the clubs here that you cannot hope to ever change.

This is not Toronto. This is not Niagara Falls. This is not Ontario.

This is Montreal. If you don't like the clubs here, or the way things work in them, tough shit. It isn't going to change because you come on MERB crying about it every chance you get, in just about every post you make. Enjoy the pleasures you get from the ladies that do happen to be to your taste and post about that instead and you don't have to mention that there is never a big enough choice of black dancers in the club with every post. We all get it by now.:cool:

And one last thing...I never said anything about the viability of a black escort agency in Montreal. So don't put words in my mouth. I did say that a strip club with only black dancers would not be successful but I made no mention of escorts which is another totally different side of the sex industry and one that I do not claim to have any knowledge about. But even the agency you are talking about happens to have a photo of Stacy Keibler on their front page. And she happens to be tall, gorgeous, as well as blond haired and white skinned. I highly doubt that she works there and I also doubt that she would be impressed to find her photo there.:rolleyes:

As far as ignoring your continual and repetitive complaints...nah, I don't think so. How about you just stop complaining instead?


And a PS for old_beginner...I'm not an anglophone. My friends and I have always refered to SuperSexe as simply 'Super' or 'SS' and Chez Paree as 'Chez' or 'CP' when talking about downtown clubs. And no offense taken by your post. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
How about you begin by stop being a cry baby! Stop complaining. Like I said and I will say it again. If you do not like it. Stop responding. Obsiously I hit a nerve. We live in a democratic society not a fascist society. Stop trying to convince me to your way of thinking. When you stop I will stop. It is as simple as that. Let me clue your in? Where do you come off being as your are the right one judging by whose standards? Yours? Is your the only right opinion. Do you think everyone likes what you like or agrees with you. I made a comment which you did not like. I never made any reference to Cleo not having enough black dancers. Show me where I said that? I know this is not Toronto but Montreal is a large city with a very diverse population base. You were the one who brought it up. Obsiously this has gotten personal with you. Stop blustering. We all know your opinion as do everyone else but your opinion is not the right one because it is an opinion. You talked about the stripclubs for the past 35 years. Things have changed a lot since then. There is a much larger visible miniority population then 35 years ago. The rules of stripclubs have changed the very nature of the business. So I am still waiting for your response? Since you claim to know managers running the top stripclub business. Have they even tried having more then three girls that are not French Canadian? Is what they tell you is based on an assumption? Did they actually conduct a poll or survey the clients coming into the club? Let us know Mr.Know It All Stripclub Master. Give it up already. You got to be the biggest cry baby of all of us here. I really do not care for your opinions but I am not gonna stop till you stop because you were the one who started these attacks.

Techman said:
As far as ignoring your continual and repetitive complaints...nah, I don't think so. How about you just stop complaining instead?



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
CLOUD 500 said:
How about you begin by stop being a cry baby! Stop complaining. Like I said and I will say it again. If you do not like it. Stop responding. Obsiously I hit a nerve. We live in a democratic society not a fascist society. Stop trying to convince me to your way of thinking. When you stop I will stop. It is as simple as that. Let me clue your in? Where do you come off being as your are the right one judging by whose standards? Yours? Is your the only right opinion. Do you think everyone likes what you like or agrees with you. I made a comment which you did not like. I never made any reference to Cleo not having enough black dancers. Show me where I said that? I know this is not Toronto but Montreal is a large city with a very diverse population base. You were the one who brought it up. Obsiously this has gotten personal with you. Stop blustering. We all know your opinion as do everyone else but your opinion is not the right one because it is an opinion. You talked about the stripclubs for the past 35 years. Things have changed a lot since then. There is a much larger visible miniority population then 35 years ago. The rules of stripclubs have changed the very nature of the business. So I am still waiting for your response? Since you claim to know managers running the top stripclub business. Have they even tried having more then three girls that are not French Canadian? Is what they tell you is based on an assumption? Did they actually conduct a poll or survey the clients coming into the club? Let us know Mr.Know It All Stripclub Master. Give it up already. You got to be the biggest cry baby of all of us here. I really do not care for your opinions but I am not gonna stop till you stop because you were the one who started these attacks.

Cloud, if you want to know why they don't hire more black dancers, why don't you just ask them yourself? Why should I do it for you? wouldn't believe anything I told you anyways. I would think that people who have run clubs such as Cleo's, SuperSexe, Amazon, Chez Paree and Wanda's for over 20 years just might have an idea of who their customers are and what kind of women they like to spend their money on. I for one, don't really give a damn who they hire. If a club doesn't have any girls I like I will simply go elsewhere and I sure as hell won't come here to cry about it. But if you want to ask them for yourself, I will be glad to take you around and introduce you. The beer is on you.:cool:

Most of the girls who dance at Cleo's aren't to my taste but I usually find one or two that are. Have you ever seen me post that Cleo's should hire more girls of X, Y or Z type because I'm not happy? Nope, you haven't and you never will. And I don't really give a damn what you may like or don't like. I'm just tired of reading you complaining about it. I've never once attacked you, I've only posted what I think of your posts. You're the one who always tries to make it personal. Get the chip off of your shoulder before it crushes you.

Now I'm just wondering what your next crusade will be about...first it was grinding, now the race thing, what's next? Not enough little people strippers in Montreal? Not enough handicapped dancers? You know what they say...never two without three. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the answer.

In the meantime, let's get back to our original Cleopatra's programming. Sorry for the interruption, folks. ;)

Cloud...if you want to continue this pointless discussion, start a thread and I'll join you there.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Nah, I am not gonna start a new thread. I want to end this. Because like you said this is pointless. I am gonna ask some of the doorman of the clubs why they do not hire more exotic women this would be a very informative for me. Here you said you would think the clubs know what they were doing. Here is the problem->you are assuming. I doubt the clubs actually took a consensus and I doubt they are gonna. They really do not give a damn and will hire who ever they want. I will complain as much as I like the last time I checked it is a review board(if I liked blondes as you do why would I complain? Think about it as there are so many of them everywhere). If you do not like it or are tired of it put me on your ignore list :cool:. Just to clue you in that is what I have been doing for years-going to the clubs where I will find the women of my choice. You are never gonna see me in clubs like "Les Deesses" or "Club Downtown". But understand this not everyone agrees with you or has your line of thought but you cannot always wage a war against anyone that you disagree with. Do not bother to tell me what you think of my posts as I am not interested anymore. I posted something you did not like and you disagreed with and you attacked and you took this personal. I remember how you took negative comments towards Wandas so personal. It was not personal for me but you made it personal as you keep on attacking my posts. I may have crusades but what does that make you? The crusade buster flying around with a cape :D . Oh yea... The reason I did not argue at the GT was because you were not blustering like you are now. And yes it is very easy to talk tough behind a keyboard. Trust me if you did the same thing at the GT I would have responded accordingly. And stop hijacking this any thread further then you have. If you still feel the need to respond I suggest you create a new thread and respond there.

Techman said:
Cloud, if you want to know why they don't hire more black dancers, why don't you just ask them yourself? Why should I do it for you? wouldn't believe anything I told you anyways. I would think that people who have run clubs such as Cleo's, SuperSexe, Amazon, Chez Paree and Wanda's for over 20 years just might have an idea of who their customers are and what kind of women they like to spend their money on. I for one, don't really give a damn who they hire. If a club doesn't have any girls I like I will simply go elsewhere and I sure as hell won't come here to cry about it. But if you want to ask them for yourself, I will be glad to take you around and introduce you. The beer is on you.:cool:

Most of the girls who dance at Cleo's aren't to my taste but I usually find one or two that are. Have you ever seen me post that Cleo's should hire more girls of X, Y or Z type because I'm not happy? Nope, you haven't and you never will. And I don't really give a damn what you may like or don't like. I'm just tired of reading you complaining about it. I've never once attacked you, I've only posted what I think of your posts. You're the one who always tries to make it personal. Get the chip off of your shoulder before it crushes you.

Now I'm just wondering what your next crusade will be about...first it was grinding, now the race thing, what's next? Not enough little people strippers in Montreal? Not enough handicapped dancers? You know what they say...never two without three. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the answer.

In the meantime, let's get back to our original Cleopatra's programming. Sorry for the interruption, folks. ;)

Cloud...if you want to continue this pointless discussion, start a thread and I'll join you there.

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